Ashitaba Is a Huge Superfood!

By Neenah Payne

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.

Ashitaba: A Comprehensive Guide says Ashitaba contains Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B9 (Folate), B12 C, E, and K. It is a particularly good source of B12 which is especially important for vegetarians. Ashitaba also contains Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Phosphorus, Potassium, Saponins, Sodium, and Zinc.

Like Wheatgrass, Ashitaba is a rich source of chlorophyll which helps oxygenate the blood. The article lists the many benefits of Ashitaba and recommends Kensho Ashitaba Tea. However, I chose the less expensive Samsara Herbs Ashitaba Extract Powder which one reviewer says is like Kensho Tea. I add a scoop to my smoothies, as shown further below.

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Ashitaba Comprehensive Guide

Ashitaba Benefits [A Comprehensive New Guide] says: “Ashitaba is one of the plants that seem to be generating a great sense of excitement and attention these days. Often referred to as “tomorrow’s leaf,” “treasure plant,” and “longevity herb,” Ashitaba is clearly generating interest among people who are health and wellness enthusiasts. What accounts for this remarkable interest in the wild herbal plant?”

Ashitaba means “earth growth” which refers to its strong regenerative capabilities. Pick some leaves from the plant at break of day and you will find new leaves blossoming in their place by the next day. So, you will never run out of leaves to pick! This green luxuriant plant is often mistaken for celery. It measures between 50 and 120 inches in height. It has a high survival rate. It thrives in modest conditions with a temperature range of 12 to 22 degrees Celsius (54 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit).

Nutrients and Therapeutic/Medicinal Compounds in Ashitaba

Ashitaba is rich in a wide variety of nutrients including the following health boosters: Amino acids, Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Zinc, Iron, Sodium, Copper, Calcium, Saponins, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Sodium, and Manganese.

Ashitaba has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It has been part of the local diet of the indigenous people of China and Japan for thousands of years. The plant is said to provide energy, good health, and amazing vitality. The plant has since been acknowledged as an effective health food, as well as a medicinal herb with a vast range of therapeutic and healing properties.

“Longevity herb” seems to be a fitting name for Ashitaba. It is an appropriate description for a powerful food source that provides a list of health benefits that support the circulatory system, immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and nervous system, boosts general health, and slows down aging.

Ashitaba Benefits

The guide points out that Ashitaba does the following:

  • Cleanses the blood and stimulates healthy blood circulation
  • Boosts the growth of nerve cells in both the central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Supports the body’s immune system
  • Fights infections
  • Prevents the growth of tumors and disease cells
  • Strengthens liver and kidney functions
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Prevents blood disorders
  • Controls levels of cholesterol
  • Promotes intestinal health
  • Prevents muscle pain and joint stiffness
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Keeps vision sharp
  • Relieves symptoms associated with peri-menopause
  • Keeps the skin smooth and young-looking
  • Helps with sleep

Ashitaba’s Therapeutic Properties

Some of Ashitaba’s most noteworthy therapeutic compounds include the following:

1. Chalcones

Ashitaba has a particularly high concentration of Chalcones. Chalcones is an exceptional composite substance that is recognized for its healing properties. In concentrated levels, it helps purify the blood. It reduces bad cholesterol. It regulates blood pressure. It fosters efficient metabolism by helping the digestive system break down fats. It is highly recommended for weight loss. Chalcones reduces anxiety and controls mood swings. Health studies show that the water-soluble chalcones in Ashitaba are more potent than those found in citrus fruits, soy, red wine, or green tea.

2. Antioxidants

Ashitaba is immensely rich in antioxidants. People regard antioxidants as essential for wellness and longevity because antioxidants enable the body to perform optimally. They keep cells healthy and help replace those that are worn-out. They strengthen the immune system. They reduce inflammations that are associated with age-related medical conditions. They help slow down aging. Ashitaba has a higher ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity value than green tea.  It helps fight aging by protecting the cells from the damage that free radicals can cause. It helps fight the onslaught of degenerative diseases.

3. Vitamin B12

Eggs, fish, and meat contain Vitamin B12. Most plants, however, lack this essential vitamin. Individuals who are on a plant-based diet have difficulty looking for a dependable Vitamin B12 source. Ashitaba contains the B vitamins. It is a particularly good source of Vitamin B12.  People who do not eat fish, eggs, or meat, need not run the risk of being Vitamin B12 deficient. Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy cognition and a strong nervous system. It is a critical ingredient for nerve growth. Vitamin B12 helps the body produce blood cells and growth hormones. It builds up immunity against diseases. It increases focus and concentration. It also decreases the risk of harmful anemia and heart disease.

4. Chlorophyll

Ashitaba is a rich source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for the green color of blue-green algae and leafy greens. Chlorophyll mimics the molecular structure of human blood. Thus, it is often referred to as “green blood or “nature’s blood.” Chlorophyll stimulates the immune system. It helps the body produce red blood cells. It removes toxins from the liver and blood. It cleans the intestines and encourages friendly bacteria to grow in the digestive tract. The chlorophyll in Ashitaba helps the body in its efforts at blood purification, organ detoxification, and alkalization.

5. Germanium

Ashitaba has the trace mineral germanium. Geranium helps to purify the blood in several ways. It protects the blood from destructive hydrogen ions. It creates a healthy alkaline PH. It increases oxygen supply to blood cells which, in turn, slows down or prevents the development of tumors. It promotes the growth of new blood cells. Geranium helps the body produce Interferon — a protective substance that strengthens immunity and provides protection against bacterial and viral infections.

6. Coumarins

Ashitaba contains Coumarins. Coumarins are phenolic compounds found in plants. They have potent divergent properties, including anti-tumor, anti-fungi, and anti-disease properties. They prevent spasms and inflammations. They stimulate blood flow and reduce capillary permeability.

Health Problems Ashitaba Helps Prevent

Ashitaba helps prevent the following medical conditions:

  • Allergies
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Carcinoma
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Common cold
  • Constipation
  • Edema
  • Flu
  • Food Poisoning
  • GI tract disorders
  • Gout
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hepatitis
  • Hypertension
  • Imbalance in blood sugar levels
  • Inadequate reproduction of blood cells
  • Infertility
  • Nausea and headache from alcohol intake
  • Nerve damage
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Premature skin aging
  • Small Pox

See the Ashitaba Plant Benefits video below:

The Amazing Health Benefits of Ashitaba— Let Science Speak discusses many more benefits.

Organixx Turmeric Smoothie

My Additions and Modifications

  1. Black Cumin Seeds: Instead of Chia Seeds which have lecithin that can cause inflammation.
  2. Organixx Vanilla Bone Broth: 1 scoop*
  3. Organixx Collagen: 1 scoop
  4. Organixx OrganiGreens: 1 scoop
  5. Samsara Herbs Ashitaba Extract Powder: 1 scoop
  6. Protein Powder: 1 scoop
  7. Cashews: Omit nuts because the phytic acid blocks absorption of minerals/vitamins
  8. Water: Two cups of distilled water

Mix all ingredients in blender. Makes about 32 ounces.

Drink desired amount and refrigerate remainder in a glass jar.

*See Why Good Supplements Are So Important! for information about Organixx supplements.

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