Why Good Supplements Are So Important!

By Neenah Payne

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.

Note: Natural Blaze does not receive commissions from sales related to any products or services mentioned in this article; they are strictly presented only as personal recommendations from this article’s author.

The article 7 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Eat More Turmeric And Lower Inflammation points out:

Turmeric is a wonderful spice and a favorite in Indian cuisine. Yet, it’s not part of most culinary cultures. Thus, many of us don’t eat very much of it, regardless of how many studies prove that turmeric is good for your health. Scientific research has shown repeatedly the beneficial properties of turmeric. Importantly, the spice helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is believed to be the root cause of many illnesses. Additionally, inflammation and pain go hand in hand. That’s why modern doctors are now prescribing turmeric as a treatment for inflammation to help with ailments such as arthritis. If you aren’t eating turmeric as part of your daily diet, you are definitely missing out on some great nutrition. Here are some tips and ideas on how to eat more turmeric and reap its many health benefits.

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However, the Organixx article The Numerous Health Benefits of Turmeric explains that:

The curcumin content of turmeric is only around 3% by weight – which is why most studies looking at turmeric’s health benefits use extracts that have been standardized to include large amounts of curcumin, usually at doses of 1 gram per day or even more.  It would be very difficult to consume such a high dose of curcumin every day solely from the turmeric present in curry dishes. To ensure that you take full advantage of the many diverse health benefits of turmeric, you may wish to consume a proven, reliable extract containing significant amounts of curcumin that is easily available to your body.

In July 2015, I discovered the Organixx Turmeric supplement by accident. A month later, it helped save my knees and kept me out of a wheelchair, as explained below! When I watched the Autoimmune Secrets docuseries in July, many of the presenters pointed out the importance of Turmeric. Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, says he often runs out of the Turmeric he sells because it is so difficult to get good organic sources. Mike warns against buying Turmeric if you don’t know the source because some of it contains arsenic – especially Turmeric from China.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum

Of the 50 presenters in the docuseries, Dr. Daniel Nuzum was the one I most wanted to consult because he explains complex health topics in a simple way that makes them easy to understand and remember. However, since Dr. Nuzum is not in New York, I bought his 2017 book Detox for Life: How to Minimize Toxins and Maximize Your Body’s Ability to Heal.

Dr. Nuzum is an NMD, a naturopathic physician, mechanotherapist, naprapath, medical massage practitioner, tui na practitioner and Native American healing practitioner. When Dr. Nuzum received his natural medicine license at age 20, he was the youngest Licensed Naturopath in U.S. history. He has been formulating supplements for more than 17 years, and is one of the leading researchers of fulvic and humic acid. His website is at: https://www.drnuzum.com.

Dr. Nuzum’s site says:

He holds seven PhDs in various medical fields, three doctorates, and is currently completing his MD. He is one of the top formulators of natural health supplements in the world as well as a toxicologist, professor, scientist, researcher and author. He is dedicated to formulating the best line of supplements using only the highest quality ingredients.

Later, I learned that Dr. Nuzum is the chief medical consultant for Organixx and the formulator of many of their supplements! Dr. Nuzum says good supplements are so important now because even organic foods now are less than 20% as nutritious as the same foods in the early 20th century!  Organixx even has an “Ask the Doc” feature that allows people to submit questions to Dr. Nuzum!

Organixx says Dr. Nuzum:

worked tirelessly to create Turmeric 3D, the most powerful, synergistic turmeric supplement on the market anywhere. Our proprietary “triple fermentation” process is unlike any other manufacturing process being used to create supplements….fermented food is unique in that the process itself creates an entirely new set of nutrients and medically-important phytocompounds that did not exist before the fermentation process. That’s why we decided that fermentation was the IDEAL delivery system for getting the most power out of the compounds found in Turmeric 3D.

Organixx Turmeric 3D

I discovered Organixx when I was searching online for information about mushrooms and read the article Five Stunning Health Benefits of Medical Mushrooms which includes an interview by Ocean Robbins of the Food Revolution Network with Ty Bollinger of The Truth About Cancer. The article links to the Organixx 7M+ mushroom supplement which I purchased in August 2018.

When Organixx sent me an email about their Turmeric 3D, I also purchased that with the intent of taking both supplements starting September 1. However, on August 15, when I suddenly experienced such so much pain in my right knee that I thought I might not be able to walk, I immediately started taking the supplements. Within a couple of hours, the pain was gone and I could walk normally!!

Two days later, ran on the treadmill, used four other machines at my gym, and walked home (45 minutes). A few weeks later, when I forgot to take the Turmeric 3D, I experienced so much pain in the afternoon I thought I might not be able to get back home. That was quickly resolved when I took the Turmeric 3D that evening. Now, I make sure to take it every morning and the 7M+ every evening!

Organixx discusses The Numerous Health Benefits of Turmeric. The Organixx Turmeric Chart compares the Organixx Turmeric to other popular brands. Organixx Turmeric 3D supplement has Fermented Organic Turmeric, Fermented Vitamin D3, Fermented Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom, Fermented Organic Ginger, Ashwagandha Extract, and Fulvic Acid – as discussed in the video below. Turmeric 3Dis the only “Triple Fermented” Turmeric supplement. The fermentation process is an advanced delivery system that makes Turmeric 3D more bio-available because it “pre-digests” the nutrients so they can bypass the stomach acid and be delivered directly to the intestines.

The Organixx Turmeric video includes a testimonial by Dr. Eric Zelinski, author of several books on essential oils, and his wife Sabrina as well as several other customers. In February, Dr. Zelinski and Sabrina hosted a nine-day online master class on essential oils.

Warning: The video DON’T EVER USE TURMERIC IF YOU’RE ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MEDICATIONS says not to use Turmeric if you are on blood thinners (including aspirin), antacids, or diabetes meds.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Great Supplements and Great Information

Jonathan Hunsaker is the founder of Organixx. In 2014, he produced The Truth About Cancer docuseries starring Ty Bollinger – one of the first of the kind, if not THE first. In his welcome video on the site, Jonathan says he founded Organixx in 2016 to provide high-quality supplements as well as information to inspire people to live healthy lives through the Organixx8 Pillars of Health”. Jonathan explains that there are several levels of supplements – and why Organixx supplements are at the highest level.

Why Poor Soil May Be Making You Nutrient Deficient by Dr. Nuzum explains that because of soil depletion, foods today contain dramatically fewer nutrients than in the 1950s. The Supplementation – Living an INSPIRED Life With Doc Nuzum video says that even organic broccoli now has only 17% of the nutrients it had 100 years ago! So, good supplements are increasingly essential now for optimal health.

My  article Why You Need Vitamins D3-K2 Urgently! explains that we need those supplements now because most cows and chickens are no longer grass-fed as they were in the 1950s.

Jonathan says that providing good information is as important to him as providing good supplements.  The Organixx INSPIRED Health Library has videos about the OrganixxEight Pillars of Health” which focus on Inflammation, Nutrition, Supplements, Physical Exercise, the Immune System, Rest, Emotions, and Detoxification. Jonathan says that Organixx provides this information to empower people by helping them understand how to live fully healthy lives – rather than just taking supplements.

Another example of the information Organixx provides is its free 35-page report on fermented foods.

Weekly Podcasts

Organixx also features the “Empowering Your Organically” weekly podcast on Tuesdays online and on iTunes. Jonathan and Organixx CEO TeriAnn Trevenen interview guests and sometimes each other. Episode 13: Understanding the Healing Power of Cannabis and Episode 14: How-To Use Cannabis and CBD’s to Heal Your Body were very moving interviews with John Malanca, creator of The Sacred Plant docuseries about medical hemp (aka “cannabis”).

Golden Carrot Turmeric Smoothie Recipe

The Organixx recipe videos encourage good nutrition in addition to the use of good supplements. The Organixx site allows you to scroll through 82+ video recipes for dinner, lunch, snacks, and smoothies created by Jonathan’s sister Katrina. When I make the Golden Carrot Turmeric Smoothie, I add the Organixx Bone Broth, Collagen, and Organigreens.

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