Tag: EMF

EMF/RF/5G Reassessing News of Whale Beaching, Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque, and “Sick Leader” Syndrome

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As 2022 came to an end, a select number of publications shared news that researchers discovered that whales beached off the coast of Scotland were found to have plaque in their brains associated with Alzheimer’s in humans. Chris Melore,…

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EMF/RF/5G “Science;” Why EMF Provocation Studies Should Be Halted: Un-scientific, Abuse of Human Rights, Enabler of Ecosystem Harm

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images Courtesy Floris Freshman, (because we are the ones reporting the real history) This is part 2 of an on-going series. In part 1, 5G/EHS/RF Health & Safety Research, What We Know from Herd Dogs, we discussed the fact that…

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“Smart” Meters, Faster Storm Outage Restoration? Safe? Secure? Reliable? – Not! Maine and Virginia

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, with Ed Friedman of Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters. Image Courtesy Floris Freshman “Until smart meters can dial utilities promptly and persistently, wield chainsaws, drive bucket trucks, splice lines and convince trees not to fall on power lines,…

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Are Girl Scouts Teaching Young Girls to Promote Business Practices That May Harm the Environment; GMOs; Palm Oil; and Now 5G?

By Sarah Aminoff and Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International For more than 100 years, Girl Scouts and supporters worldwide have had their annual cookie sale from thin mints to peanut butter tagalongs, helping scouts to learn valuable life skills and make their communities a…

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Who Isn’t Included in COP and Biodiversity Conference Concerns? 5G, Wireless, and War

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As the Solstice approaches, Christmas shoppers bound to earth are experiencing price increases for basic necessities like heat and food,-  being blamed on variables including geopolitics, ‘climate,’ and the pandemic effect on the supply chain. At the same time, the wireless…

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EMF/RF/5G: Ötzi vs. SAM; Does Frozen 5300-Year-Old Man Offer More to Wireless Science Than Industry “Safety” Tests?

By Medusa Banana Veranda, with Ötzi and SAM and We Are Not Sam and Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images Courtesy Flo Freshman Also subtitled: “It’s a New Century!  Let Us Now Map the Meridians! The only thing smart is your skin dancing with nature, sun, moon,…

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UK: 5G Precaution and Protection? Dec. 13, 2022 “High Court Judicial Review Proceedings”

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International “On Tuesday December 13, a full-day Judicial Review Court Hearing will take place at The Royal Courts of Justice on Strand, London, United Kingdom.” https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/legalactionagainst5g/  “Action Against 5G Court Action” Legal Team “Michael Mansfield QC is leading the legal team challenging…

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EMF/RF/5G vs. The Penetrating Flow, to Restore One Perfect Planet’s Grace 

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International In 2017, Blazepress compiled “20 Ridiculous Products That Should Never Have Been Made.”  The list includes diet water, condiments for dogs, alcohol free vodka, the I-potty (toilet training seat with mini touch pad), and a hairbrush with an i-phone holder. Bored…

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5G/EMF/RF Protecting Patients and Practitioners vs. ElectroSmog: Acupuncture Caught in the Crossfire?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International There is a nutritionist in a Northeast suburb of Boston who has a thriving home-based practice treating many individuals who have had little success with mainstream medicine. Her patient population includes autistic children, individuals with allergies and auto-immune conditions, and those…

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Not Safeguarding Communities from Poorly Sited Wireless, Including the Sidewalk in Front of Your House…Since 1996

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Courtney Gilardi, Art Courtesy Floris Freshman 5G in the Big City On Nov. 5, the New York Times published, What Are Those Mysterious New Towers Looming Over New York’s Sidewalks? “As the city upgrades to 5G wireless, the streetscape is changing. Not…

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International Scientists, German High Schoolers: The “Thermal Threshold Theory” is Becoming Extinct

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Art Courtesy Floris Freshman As noted by the Anasazi Foundation, “The most beautiful thing in the world is a heart that is changing.” Following the polarizations that unfolded politically and socially in the recent past, humanity is in the process of recovering…

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United Kingdom: EMF/RF/5G Resistance Part 3 of 3, History in the Making

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Worldwide, governments have aligned with “the industry-tied unscientific lobby organization ICNIRP”  (the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) to justify the safety of wireless devices and infrastructure, including towers and antennas. The tide is turning, however, as the ICNIRP agenda…

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Italian Court: Mobile Phone and Brain Tumor – Again, vs. U.S. Historical Denial

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As noted recently, international legal decisions in France (harm to cows), and Germany (property owners can be held liable for health damages) have been incrementally moving the needle further forward towards recognition that radio frequencies are a bio-active agent that…

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EMF/RF/5G Spotlight on the UK: By the Numbers Part 2 of 3

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Karen Churchill Part 1 highlights the historic UK Frome decision and other recent international developments challenging the telecommunications industry. Despite the fact that Public Health England deferred to irrelevant ICNIRP guidelines which only protect against thermal heating…

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5G/EMF/RF Acupuncture, “EMF Sensitivity,” and “The Law of Midday/Midnight”

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International This is part 3 of ongoing series discussing electric field sensitivity (EHS) from the perspective of Chinese Medicine. “The “point’ of acupuncture is harmonization between the inner and outer environment.” Acupuncture and EHS/Microwave Illnesses; Taking Another Look at…

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