EMF/RF/5G 11/11 War and Wireless
by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International
“Honor the dead, heal the wounded, stop the wars”- Mary Kirkland
World Beyond War has provided some history about the creation of “Veteran’s Day” in the United States.
In many parts of the world, principally but not exclusively in British Commonwealth nations, this day is called Remembrance Day and should be a day of mourning the dead and working to abolish war so as not to create any more war dead. But the day is being militarized, and a strange alchemy cooked up by the weapons companies is using the day to tell people that unless they support killing more men, women, and children in war they will dishonor those already killed.
For decades in the United States, as elsewhere, this day was called Armistice Day, and was identified as a holiday of peace, including by the U.S. government. It was a day of sad remembrance and joyful ending of war, and of a commitment to preventing war in the future.
The holiday’s name was changed in the United States after the U.S. war on Korea to “Veterans Day,” a largely pro-war holiday on which some U.S. cities forbid Veterans ‘For Peace’ groups from marching in their parades, because the day has become understood as a day to praise war — in contrast to how it began.
We seek to make Armistice / Remembrance Day a day to mourn all victims of war and advocate for the ending of all war. – World Beyond War
Let’s also take a look at all of the new technology being developed to support war. Like, 5G.
Allan Frey: Historically, Security Trumped Wireless Safety Due to War
In 2012, military radar expert Allan Frey wrote: Security concerns during the Cold War may have led to the generation of misinformation on the physiological effects of microwave radiation from mobile phones.
The controversy over whether the technology poses a risk to human health is substantial.
And while much of science could be considered controversial, what has, and is, happening in microwave research is not a routine scientific dispute.
Concerns about the health risks of cell phones, confusions regarding the evidence for or against such risks, and even misinformation in the scientific literature may all be collateral damage of the Cold War between the USSR and the United States. This was a time when the use of micro-wave generating equipment, such as radar, was seen by some as critical to the security of the United States, and efforts were taken to ensure that such innovations were not suppressed by findings that suggested such technology to be unsafe. – Allan Frey
Kate Kheel: Wars Meets 5G Wireless
In May of 2021, Kate Kheel of Safe Tech International published an article about the marriage made in hell between the military and 5G.
“Against the backdrop of the rollout of 5G, is an increasingly unstable world with nations vying for power, profit, and dominion over earth and space. Along with a shift in power, outer space has increasingly become known as a war-fighting domain.”
A move toward systems warfare is foundational for the modernization of warfare. Systems warfare relies on a vast infrastructure of cell towers, antennas, sensors, cameras, and satellites that “vacuum up” as much data as possible. The sheer quantity of data is increasingly more than humans can make sense of and that wireless bandwidth can manage. So, the data is aggregated, sorted and sifted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to determine what is of value, and to whom it should be directed. Command and Control (still predominantly manned by humans but increasingly being outsourced to machines) then sets the parameters for the data it will need for defense or offense in a given operation. Within seconds, “thanks” to 5G and systems warfare, the data supporting military aggression is actionable.”
“In the US, the Department of Defense dubs this connected system of systems the Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and “boasts” it will increase the lethality of war by enabling near real time communications and the use of hypersonic weapons and missiles, spy systems, and Facial Recognition Technology. JADC2 will provide a vast communication network that will weave together all branches of the military – the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force. The stated aim is for the US to gain dominion over space for both commercial and military advantage; for whoever controls the high ground (space) controls Earth as well. – Kate Kheel
Beating China in the Race to 5G?
One year ago, the article “Beating China to 5G is Critical to US Security” lambasted the FAA for having concerns about 5G interference with aviation.
This is an issue of national security and American global influence. China, which imposes far fewer restrictions on wireless providers than we do, is already much closer than we are to operating 5G at scale. Imposing an arbitrary delay on U.S. wireless companies at this stage of deployment because of baseless fears of interference would compromise national security and allow the Chinese to dominate in 5G operation expertise, just as they have sought to dominate in semiconductors and other critical component manufacturing. If America cannot resolve this internal 5G challenge, 5G deployment is at risk.
Of course, it’s also an economic issue. Not only is 5G essential to U.S. economic growth and job creation in an increasingly high-tech world, but spectrum auctions also generate significant income for the federal government. Wireless providers recently spent $80 billion to acquire rights to C-Band spectrum. If those rights are taken away from them, there will be little enthusiasm to put their capital at risk in future auctions. At a time when Congress is scrambling to come up with the money to fund their spending proposals, it would be foolish to diminish the significant value of spectrum space.
The issue didn’t go away. In October 2022, CNET reported, “Aviation Advocates Ask FCC to Permanently Limit 5G Around Airports” Under a temporary agreement, Verizon and AT&T aren’t broadcasting C-band 5G around US airports. Aviation groups want to make some restrictions permanent.”
So, which priority will prevail? Should decision-makers protect the environments surrounding airports, or money, or the military, or the ecosystem, or health and safety?
Speaking of China, in 2020, the Limited Times reported,
Why are 5G antennas turned off at night?”’ 5G antennas consume so much energy that the telecoms operator China Unicom puts them on standby at night. The simple title of a South China Morning Post article has ignited social media, pitting anti-5G against tech defenders. So why turn off the antennas at night? “The antennas are put on standby when they are not in use and are “turned on” when they are.” “A 5G base station consumes more than a 4G base station.
What about the claims that 5G contributes to sustainability and energy conservation? From the Enviromental Health Trust: Reports and White Papers: 5G, Energy Consumption, and Climate including: “5G To Increase Energy Consumption By 61 Times.”
Techdirt: “5G Hype Simply Didn’t Deliver” “from the stop-overhyping-everything dept”
Karl Bode, writing for Techdirt, provided his perspective.
We’ve noted for several years how the “race to 5G” was largely just hype by telecoms and hardware vendors eager to sell more gear and justify high U.S. mobile data prices.
[]…telecom giants like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T [ ] routinely promised that 5G would change the way we live and work, usher forth the smart cities of tomorrow, and even revolutionize the way we treat cancer. None of those things wound up being true.
Two big claims by the wireless industry was that 5G was going to revolutionize self-driving vehicle automation and be a key player in the “metaverse” (Facebook’s idiotic term for all future interactive online technologies that involve virtual spaces). But again, that didn’t happen either. – Karl Bode
Three Big Things: #1 Today, People Are Waking Up and Finding a Pole With a 5G Antenna Outside the Bedroom Window
Antennas and towers are in the process of being installed, like the one featured in this news story by Fox 5 New York without true community representation and informed consent. “Green-washing’ has given way to non-consensual ‘informed consent-washing” and abuse of community rights. And it did not start with 5G towers. (Just ask the residents of Worcester MA who were exploited for the over-budget, behind -schedule smart meter pilot program, manufactured to give the illusion of community consent.}
Three Big Things #2; Department of Homeland Security is Seeking to Police the 5G Narrative

Amber Yang, writing for Hive, noted that
An investigation by the Intercept recently reported on efforts by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to police online speech it considers dangerous. Their plans include targeting information they deem inaccurate or false in regards to “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”
What about 5G?

Amber Yang wrote:

Three Big Things #3 This 5G Debacle is about War, or Peace, Not Only Between Nations, But Between a Nation and its People. This Nation
The Intercept report covered by Amber Yang was published on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2022, and it’s a horror show, particularly when considered relative to unsubstantiated narratives that depicted those questioning 5G as low-intelligence, right-leaning, violent arsonists under the influence of Russia. Instead of investigating propaganda, resources went to censorship.
Censorship is squandering our intellectual capacity, reason, and compassion.
At this unique time in history when it is imperative that nations of the world join in cooperation to share resources to end the global plague assaulting its inhabitants and to avoid catastrophic climate destruction or Earth-shattering nuclear devastation. We are instead squandering our treasure and intellectual capacity on weapons and space warfare. – Alice Slater, World Beyond War
Including 5G.
Source: SafeTechInternational
Top image: Flo Freshman