EMF/RF/5G Reassessing News of Whale Beaching, Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque, and “Sick Leader” Syndrome
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International
As 2022 came to an end, a select number of publications shared news that researchers discovered that whales beached off the coast of Scotland were found to have plaque in their brains associated with Alzheimer’s in humans.
Chris Melore, writing for Natural Blaze’s Stranded Dolphins Show Telltale Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease reported,
“A team from the University of Glasgow and other universities across the country examined the brains of 22 odontocetes (toothed whales) who had been stranded around Scotland’s coastal waters. The investigation included five different species of dolphin — Risso’s dolphins, long-finned pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbor porpoises, and bottlenose dolphins.
Results show four of the mammals, all from different dolphin species, displayed the same brain changes doctors see when they look at Alzheimer’s disease progression in humans. Specifically, the team found the formation of amyloid-beta plaques, the accumulation of phospho-tau, and gliosis — a change in the number of brain cells in response to central nervous system damage.
All of these changes are hallmarks for Alzheimer’s disease onset, especially in humans. For three of these animals, the team says their amyloid-beta plaques and other dementia-related changes showed a clear path towards developing an Alzheimer’s-like condition. However, scientists are unable to say if dolphins suffer the same levels of cognitive decline that humans do as these brain changes develop over time.
Does Alzheimer’s lead to dolphin stranding events?
The researchers say this discovery could explain why odontocetes end up stranded on beaches, often leading to their deaths. Study authors add this research supports the “sick leader” theory, in which a healthy pod of animals find themselves in shallow waters or stranded on a beach because they followed a group leader who became confused or lost.” – Chris Melore
MSN reported, “It’s more in depth and breadth as it looks at larger numbers of animals from several different species of cetaceans known to be aged for the species (older in age),” Mark Dagleish, coauthor and a senior clinician in anatomic pathology from the University of Glasgow, told CNN [ ].
The study looked at specimens from five species: Risso’s dolphins, long-finned pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins. Of the 22 studied, 18 were aged specimens.
“Critically, (it) examined the whole brains to provide lesion (abnormality) profiles using more markers of Alzheimer’s disease,” Dagleish added, with the same techniques used for human tissues.
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Tara Spires-Jones, another study coauthor, said in a statement this week that researchers “were fascinated to see brain changes in aged dolphins similar to those in human (aging) and Alzheimer’s disease.”
Others are horrified and heart broken.
The study, “Alzheimer’s disease-like neuropathology in three species of oceanic dolphin” by Marissa C. Vacher, Claire S. Durrant, Jamie Rose, Ailsa J. Hall, Tara L. Spires-Jones, Frank Gunn-Moore, Mark P. Dagleis was published in the European Journal of Neuroscience on December 13.
The abstract states,
“Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the primary cause of disability and dependency among elderly humans worldwide. AD is thought to be a disease unique to humans although several other animals develop some aspects of AD-like pathology. Odontocetes (toothed whales) share traits with humans that suggest they may be susceptible to AD. The brains of 22 stranded odontocetes of five different species were examined using immunohistochemistry to investigate the presence or absence of neuropathological hallmarks of AD: amyloid-beta plaques, phospho-tau accumulation and gliosis. [ ] revealed that all aged animals accumulated amyloid plaque pathology. In three animals of three different species of odontocete, there was co-occurrence of amyloid-beta plaques, intraneuronal accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau, neuropil threads and neuritic plaques.[ ] Microglia and astrocytes were present as expected in all brain samples examined, but we observed differences in cell morphology and numbers between individual animals. The simultaneous occurrence of amyloid-beta plaques and hyperphosphorylated tau pathology in the brains of odontocetes shows that these three species develop AD-like neuropathology spontaneously. The significance of this pathology with respect to the health and, ultimately, death of the animals remains to be determined. However, it may contribute to the cause(s) of unexplained live-stranding in some odontocete species and supports the ‘sick-leader’ theory whereby healthy conspecifics in a pod mass strand due to high social cohesion.”
Let Us Review: Whales and Climate
Humans, High Social Cohesion, and Sick Leaders
Given the role of whales in sustaining the oceans, and the vulnerability of the pristine underwater environment to anthropomorphic pollution, increasing numbers of humans are concerned that the human species itself is caught in “sick leader” syndrome, not specific to any political party, but regarding the pod consisting of ICNIRP, (International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation “Protection”) the FCC, Health Canada and Safety Code 6, Public Health England, the World Health Organization, and other ‘authorities’ and regulators.

Let’s Blame Crickets, and Pod Leaders with Dementia?
Collectively, the human pod devoted to the claim that “the only mechanism of harm from radio frequencies is thermal“ would be very happy to blame whale beaching on dementia in the pod’s leader, similar to blaming crickets for Havana Syndrome.
#tinnitus #headaches #HavanaSyndrome The crickets in Havana, Cuba are getting out of control!
Are Increases in Human Dementias Caused by Pod Leaders?
What is causing the formation of Alzheimer’s-like plaque in the brains of whales?
Others are questioning the cause of the dramatic increase in dementias including Alzheimer’s, in humans. In 2015, Bournemouth University (U.K) researchers Colin Pritchard and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng published their study,”Neurological deaths of American adults (55–74) and the over 75’s by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989–2010: Cause for concern.“The researchers showed that deaths due to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia were, in fact, rising in the twenty-one Western countries, with especially alarming increases for women in the United States. In August of 2015, the Washington Post reported,” The study [ ] found that the disease is now being regularly diagnosed in people in their late 40s and that death rates are soaring. [ ] The problem was particularly acute in the United States, where neurological deaths in men aged over 75 have nearly tripled and in women risen more than fivefold.”
“The nature of any environmental factors are uncertain but there have been major environmental changes; including increased population, economic activity, substantial rises in road and air travel; increased home technology involving background electromagnetic fields (mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers), which are unique to these later years and these possible environmental factors cannot be ignored, especially as they probably interact. This list of possible features might be described as “modern living” and the USA is the epitome of “modern living.”
“There are lessons to be drawn from reduced cancer mortality as every government has made major additional investments in cancer services to respond to wider public concern, which led to major research and treatment resources. This level of commitment, investment, and research needs to be matched in the field of neurology to meet the new challenge, especially in the USA, as with their disproportionate increases in neurological morbidity and mortality, this must be a major cause for concern.” – Source
Protecting Oceans
Looking back over a year ago, we might find a few possible answers regarding harm to whales in this video created by Amber Yang and the team at Safe Tech International,
Here are a few pertinent quotes from articles published at Natural Blaze written over the last 16 months regarding the IOUT internet of underwater things.
- Environmental groups and government agencies, even those with a focus on oceans, seem oblivious to the potential harms of an IoUT. For eg., [ ] the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is supporting an initiative In Monterey CA that will use unmanned sail drones. Multibeam sound data will be used to map the ocean floor. Sonar will also be bounced off marine animals to “track populations”. A smart ocean (along with satellites and ground-based towers) will accomplish three main things: fuel war; facilitate further consumption and extraction; and provide a tool to control our environment. – SOURCE
- Humans Are Already Invading the Oceans for Minerals, Oil, Gas, Data, and War Games – SOURCE
- “Around 100,000 Tonnes of Unexploded Wartime Munitions Still Sit on The Ocean Floor” It is thought that around 100,000 tonnes of unexploded wartime munitions still sit on the ocean floor in UK waters. Scientists calculated that detonations in the North Sea are injuring and possibly killing thousands of porpoises every year. – SOURCE
- “As reported by Huffington Post, on December 11 (2021) an endangered right whale gave birth while entangled in fishing gear. Her previous calf was killed in a boat collision last year. “‘Entanglement alone is a costly energetic drain and so is nursing a calf,’ Barb Zoodsma, a large whale recovery coordinator at NOAA, said in the release. [ ] ‘The severity of her mouth and head injuries are also disconcerting. For these reasons, Snow Cone may be facing her biggest challenge yet in the upcoming months.’ [] North Atlantic right whales are critically endangered, and both fishing gear entanglements and collisions with ships are major threats to the species. According to NOAA, there are fewer than 350 of the whales left, and they’re currently dying out faster than they can reproduce.’” The birth of Snowcone’s calf followed on the heels of a failed legal attempt to address damage caused by vertical buoy lines used in lobster fishing.” SOURCE
- Update: Oct. 2022, Newsweek report: Snow Cone, the Entangled Right Whale, Unlikely to Be Seen Alive Again On September 22, scientists from the New England Aquarium spotted her swimming off Massachusetts’ Nantucket Island, severely emaciated and covered in lice. She was also carrying more fishing gear with her. The gear appears to have physically drained her, as she was moving much more slowly than usual, according to the aquarium in Boston.
- Bahamas Whale Beachings, Kenneth Balcomb: Autopsies Point to Severe Hemorrhaging Due to Acoustic Resonance – SOURCE
- Anthropogenic noise negatively affects fish behavior and physiology. The most predominate responses occurred within foraging ability, predation risk, and reproductive success. Additionally, anthropogenic noise was shown to increase the hearing thresholds and cortisol levels of numerous species while tones, biological, and environmental noise were most likely to affect complex movements and swimming abilities. These findings suggest that the majority of fish species are sensitive to changes in the aquatic soundscape, and depending on the noise source, species responses may have extreme and negative fitness consequences. As such, this global synthesis should serve as a warning of the potentially dire consequences facing marine ecosystems if alterations to aquatic soundscapes continue on their current trajectory. – SOURCE
- U.S. Navy Implicated in New Mass Stranding of Whales – SOURCE
- In early June 2021, in a classified directive to Pentagon officials, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin slammed the former Trump administration for talking big but never taking action to counter “the China threat.” Austin made it clear that things would be different under President Biden. His “tough guy” rhetoric strikes just the right tone for a massive, costly, military-infrastructure overhaul that would render the conventional warfare of the twentieth century unrecognizable: more nukes, fewer troops, and an omnipotent 5G network. The goal of this overhaul is to give the United States and its allies the ability to summon, at once, unmanned military forces to rain terror down on any spot in the world—a swarm of drones, hypersonic missiles, submarine torpedoes, and bombers—all with the ease of calling an Uber. Now, to accommodate the JADC2, even more expansive swaths of the ocean are being set aside for year-round military exercises. The most egregious example is the MITT (Mariana Islands Training and Testing), a plan to transform over a million square miles of biodiverse ecosystems into the largest-ever range complex for bombing and firing practice. The impacted area would be larger than the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, and New Mexico combined. The largest multinational open-ocean military exercises in history will take place here, home to 26 species of cetaceans. The navy itself estimates that its activities will maim or kill over 81,000 whales and dolphins per year. And that doesn’t count the ecological casualties anticipated in other existing exercise ranges, such as those around Hawaii, California, Alaska, Australia, in the Sea of Japan, and in the Bay of Bengal. – Koohan Paik Mander, – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, “Countering the “China Threat” – At What Price?
Scapegoating Nature

The crickets were framed.
Let us no longer dare to claim that we have ‘no idea’ what could be causing dramatic increases in dementias and Alzheimer’s in humans and harm in whales, without questioning anthropogenic wireless exposures.
Let us not dare to place the blame or ‘explain’ strandings of these magnificent sentient creatures on elderly pod leaders disoriented by dementia. Dig deeper.

“Earth can no longer sustain our violent, competitive, extractive way of life.” LEARN MORE: Smart Ocean: Impacts of technology on marine life
Source: SafeTechInternational