5G/EHS/RF Health & Safety Research, What We Know from Herd Dogs, Part 1
Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image Courtesy Floris Freshman
My friend has 2 golden retrievers who are seemingly oblivious to lightning, fireworks, and blasts from the gun firing range near her home.

Dog vs. Lightning and Fireworks and Guns – But Why Only Some Dogs?
Our collie-cross wasn’t oblivious. He was utterly inconsolable.
He could sense impending thunder long before his human companions were aware. He would begin to coral us hours before a storm was apparent, later attempting to get under the carpet, underneath the coffee table, trembling.
He was in a state of existential terror at the New Year and on the 4th of July.
After years of helplessly watching him suffer, I was somewhat grateful when a friend introduced me to flower remedies. Nicky would stand with his eyes glazed over, still trembling, leaning against my leg, standing between the couch and the table, more sedated than frantic, but miserable. In those hours, he was a different animal. While more contained in his agony, he was unreachable until the storm passed.
A Very Smart Dog, With Diverse Instincts

Long before it became fashionable to do genetic testing of dog breeds, and before thunder jackets became a thing, I realized that despite the storm challenge, our collie-cross was a very smart dog.
He knew the word “walk” and the phrase “do you want to go (for a)” which resulted in his trademark joy dance.
He watched his humans vigilantly, and if the car trunk was opened, he would jump in at the slightest hint that we were going somewhere. After opening a relevant closet, or moving a gym bag, sometimes we’d find him later, asleep in the back seat.
He could tell time and knew whether it was a weekday or weekend by noting whether or not work clothes or pancakes were involved.
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He was also very jealous and would assert himself between every family member and other dogs, or the fish tank.
One Christmas when Spike the lizard arrived, the dog barked at the top of his lungs incessantly, and Spike perished before the day was over, most likely of fright. That was not the best of years.
My friend Jackie referred to him as a dog who really was a person.
Collies Don’t Swim, Until They Do
In addition to human emotions, he exhibited characteristics of a number of different breeds.
On occasion, he would stop suddenly and assume a pointer stance, driving us into hysterics.
Like many collies, he hated the water, but lived with a beach–loving family. He would howl on the shore when the boys were swimming or boating, until one day he summoned the courage to ride in a boat. His fear of being left behind became greater than his fear of the rocky transport.
Then one memorable Father’s Day, he lost sight of me behind the island as I was swimming alongside the boaters, and suddenly belly-flopped off the kayak into the water and dog-paddled over to me.
We were stunned. From that day on, he expected to join me when I swam.
That afternoon, he modeled for me the power of overcoming fear with the courage of love.
It is a lifelong lesson. He loved us, fiercely.
Life-saving Instincts
Trauma expert Peter Levine stated, “In a herd of deer, we need some super-sensitive ones. They are the ones that will hear that teeniest little crack or smell the one or two molecules of scent from the mountain lion that’s stalking them. Their job is to use their hyper-sensitivity to alert the whole group.”
Our dog was both a herder and a watchdog.
Nicky’s ability to sense an impending storm would have enabled him to drive a herd to safety.
Richocet the Surf Dog
Clearly, within the diversity of the canine species, some dogs have differing skills.
Humans recognize and make use of many of these capacities, training dogs to work alongside humans in various ways, like the golden retrievers and poodles selected to become service dogs.
This video about Richocet tells the story of a service-dog-in-training who “flunked out” because she wanted to keep chasing birds.
“Ricochet pioneered the concept of canine-assisted surf therapy and adaptive surfing in 2009, when she made an independent decision to jump on a surfboard with Patrick Ivison who is quadriplegic. Since then, she’s surfed with hundreds of kids with special needs, people with different abilities, wounded warriors and veterans with PTSD. She’s also a certified goal-directed therapy dog who heals, empowers, enhances and improves the quality of life for individuals with physical, cognitive, or emotional disabilities. She balances boards, and lives!”
Sensing a Tsunami
In 2005, National Geographic published the article “Did Animals Sense Tsunami Was Coming? Before the tsunami in Sri Lanka, coastal animals seemed to sense something was coming and fled to safety”,
“Before giant waves slammed into Sri Lanka and India coastlines ten days ago, wild and domestic animals seemed to know what was about to happen and fled to safety. According to eyewitness accounts, the following events happened:
• Elephants screamed and ran for higher ground.
• Dogs refused to go outdoors.
• Flamingos abandoned their low-lying breeding areas.
• Zoo animals rushed into their shelters and could not be enticed to come back out.
“Alan Rabinowitz, director for science and exploration at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society in New York, says animals can sense impending danger by detecting subtle or abrupt shifts in the environment.”
“Earthquakes bring vibrational changes on land and in water while storms cause electromagnetic changes in the atmosphere,” he said. “Some animals have acute sense of hearing and smell that allow them to determine something coming towards them long before humans might know that something is there.”
“But the United States Geological Survey, a government agency that provides scientific information about the Earth, says a reproducible connection between a specific behavior and the occurrence of a quake has never been made. “What we’re faced with is a lot of anecdotes,” said Andy Michael, a geophysicist at USGS. “Animals react to so many things—being hungry, defending their territories, mating, predators—so it’s hard to have a controlled study to get that advanced warning signal.”
“In the 1970s a few studies on animal prediction were done by the USGS, “but nothing concrete came out of it,” Michael said. Since that time the agency has made no further investigations into the theory.” “ – National Geographic
Humans and Hounds and Herding and Hurting
Canines with an enhanced capacity to smell, like blood hounds and St Bernard avalanche dogs, track and find lost children and skiers.
Herding dogs have an enhanced capacity to detect electromagnetic frequencies, including lightning. It is in their DNA and in their biology and physiology.
It is not an “illness”, and it is not “all in their heads.”
This brings us back to the issue of human capabilities, in a modern mass society that has failed to study or value differing inborn instinctual capacities in animals and humans.
Alan Rabinowitz was correct when noting that animals can sense impending danger by detecting subtle or abrupt shifts in the environment.
He was most likely not correct in assuming that animals rely on hearing and smell. Other capacities are involved.
Like the herding dogs, and like the seers of ancient societies who were able to perceive and map out the patterns of energy that choreograph life, there are humans in the modern day and age with an enhanced physical awareness of frequencies.
In former times, they were healers, dowsers, priests and priestesses, and navigators. In some cultures, they still are.
But in the mass consumer, technocratic, and militarized nations favoring economic growth and control, energy intuitives are becoming ill and disabled, as well as ridiculed.
Energy Literacy
Awareness of energy is not a left-brain hemisphere intellectual endeavor. A border collie does not consult a weather report. His entire physiology and multiple sensory systems give the dog input from multiple sources about impending danger.
One of my teachers, Energy Medicine author Donna Eden, reminds us that the ancestors who survived were the ones who were the most skilled at recognizing which plants were safe to eat. For example, hunters might notice which berries or mushrooms the animals ate.
A forager might hold a food item for a few minutes, and note what happens to their salvia, heart rate, and digestive chi.
The sheep herders who survived were the ones who gave their flocks safe passage.
The ancient Chinese mapped out the invisible information highway that flows from the hands to the head, the head to the feet, the feet to the torso, and the torso to the hands, choreographed by the angle of the sun. They are the Meridians,
They also mapped out pathways that can be activated on demand, for example, the way in which the body responds to life-threatening danger of lightning, or falling through the ice. (See; EMF/RF/5G vs. The Penetrating Flow, to Restore One Perfect Planet’s Grace)
The same pathways flow in our animal companions.

In a sea of electrosmog, we have lost the maps. and lost our way.
Round Up Your Mates
A few years back, Guinness produced an adorable commercial for St. Patrick’s Day “Round up your mates for a GUINNESS on St Patrick’s Day.”
They could not have produced the commercial with a Dachshund or a Chihuahua.
In our scientific community, we have the equivalent of pro-industry, mercenary dachshunds and chihuahuas producing research “proving” that herding capacities in collies do not exist.
Our science regarding animals is incomplete; our science that exploits animals is immoral and unnecessary; and our industry science that denies harm to a portion of the human population by artificial frequencies is unethical.
Injured humans are warning those who can’t yet detect a tsunami of health and environmental harm.
We can all stop this.
In Part 2 we will look at the ridiculousness and inapplicability of nocebo and sham studies forming the basis of societal beliefs about wireless safety and public policy, from the informed perspectives of post-traumatic stress and energy medicine.
See also BBC NEWS Dec. 6, 2022: The Hum: Villagers say they’re ‘tortured’ by mystery noise. (Even if you don’t hear it, it doesn’t mean that it is not torturing other sentient beings.) See: Tinnitus Revisited: When ‘Safety’ Testing is Unreal!
See also: EMF/RF/5G: Ötzi vs. SAM; Does Frozen 5300-Year-Old Man Offer More to Wireless Science Than Industry “Safety” Tests? “So, there you have it, the ‘science” informing current technology decisions is more Neanderthal than a 5300-year-old mummy. Don’t pay attention to the dummy, ask the mummy.”
Highly Recommended: Light Bulb Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking, Insights from Inquiring Minds and Literary Heroes by Gloria Moss (Author), Katherine Armitage (Author)
Source: SafeTechInternational
Top image courtesy Floris Freshman