International Scientists, German High Schoolers: The “Thermal Threshold Theory” is Becoming Extinct
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Art Courtesy Floris Freshman
As noted by the Anasazi Foundation, “The most beautiful thing in the world is a heart that is changing.” Following the polarizations that unfolded politically and socially in the recent past, humanity is in the process of recovering the ability to hold space for opposing viewpoints. We have to bring our best selves, humbly and inclusively, to the task of alchemizing with others around deeply held beliefs during epochs of significant change.
Internationally, the idea that the only mechanism of harm is “heating” has prevailed regarding non-ionizing radiation, despite the fact that non-thermal effects have been documented. This is an Age when myths about microwave safety are proving to be false.
Hearts and minds are changing, worldwide, in regard to wireless.
Dizziness is Not Our True Nature
In the article Holiday Gift Giving: Think Twice About the Wireless Device, building biologist Marcus Schluschen told the story of a physically fit older woman who collapsed while hiking. She had been wearing a smart watch and carrying an iPhone in a purse on her chest, ever since receiving them as gifts from her son.
“Her doctor blamed sensory overload from fresh air, trees and the fragrances of nature for her dizziness.”
Marcus offered an alternative explanation. “..according to research, iPhones and smart watches create blood abnormalities, such as Hypoxia / Rouleaux Formation.” Marcus noted, “It’s no mystery, when your blood starts clumping, you have lowered oxygen and you get dizzy.”
German Students: Blood Cells Stack Like Coins
The article about the hiker referenced a German research project where high students participating in the prestigious Jugend Froscht competition discovered that “red blood cells stacked up as coins (the money roll effect)” when exposed to RF.

“Jugend forscht – and finds money role effect” (roughly translated from German) states,
Under the action of electromagnetic fields, red blood cells clump together to form cylindrical structures that look like a stack of coins. This so-called money roll effect was discovered at the end of the 1990s by the German physician Dr. Hans-Joachim Petersohn. The consequences of the effect are unclear, conceivable are an increased risk of thrombosis and insufficient oxygen transport due to the reduced effective surface area of the blood cells.
But: on the part of the operators there are massive doubts about the existence of this effect, to be read e.g. under electrosmoginfo. Conventional medicine in the form of Prof. K. E. von Mühlendahl and Dr. M. Otto (Kinderumwelt) also has a clear position on the question of whether blood tests could prove the effects of mobile phone fields: “We do not consider such examinations to be useful. There are many well-known situations when the body reacts with a change in blood counts. These situations have nothing to do with mobile communications” (source).
“Even after 10 minutes, the money roll effect was still detectable” “Since it effects people 2 meters (6.5 feet) away from the cell phone, it excludes the thermal effect theory.”
The paragraph goes on to note, ”the omnipresent and paralyzing stalemate between warning and all-clear voices.”
“But this balance is out of balance, because two high school graduates of the Gymnasium Spaichingen have now also discovered the money roll effect.
“Maria Ritter and Wasgan Lester Wolski went in search of the typical blood clots in the Baden-Württemberg regional competition Jugend forscht.
Their 51 test subjects were initially not allowed to make phone calls with their mobile phones for one day. Then a first blood sample was taken. After that, the subjects had to talk on the phone for 20 seconds and immediately undergo a second blood sample from the ear and fingers, followed by a third blood sample after a waiting period of 10 minutes.
The five blood samples per person resulted in a total of 255 blood samples, which were photographed and evaluated by the young researchers with a self-designed apparatus consisting of microscope and digital camera.
Result: The pictures of the first blood sample show no abnormalities. On the images of the second blood sample, on the other hand, clear clumps of the blood cells can be seen, something that can also be clearly seen in the images of the third sample. Our information about the project of the two high school graduates all comes from a report in the Schwäbische Zeitung, which does not explicitly speak of the money role effect, but describes the clumping with the synonym cluster formation.” (Note: Links are preserved from source article, but some are no longer active.)
Canadian Researcher Magda Havas
Magda Havas of Trent School of the Environment, Trent University, Ontario is one of the foremost researchers concerning the health effects of radio frequency exposures and polluted power quality.
“We did research on the stress response using HRV and a cordless phone base station (point #1); on live blood analysis and rouleau formation (point #2); and on diabetes and dirty electricity (point #3). (Dirty electricity is part of the RF spectrum but at lower end of the scale and not at microwave frequencies.)“
Point #1: Our research shows that RFR can contribute to a stress response causing a rapid heart rate among those who have EHS. We published on that and repeated the research for a second publication.
Heart Rate Variability study:
Heart Rate Variability Study repeated:
Point #2: We showed that RFR causes rouleaux formation of red blood cells and here is one of the publications where we mention it, along with a video on the same topic. This could lead to a heart attack or stroke if the blood is sluggish and begins to climb or clot.
Live Blood Paper on Heart, Blood ANS:
Point #3: We showed that dirty electricity can increase blood sugar among both type 1 and type 2 diabetics and here are those publications along with videos for blood sugar study.
Blood sugar paper:
Weston Price Foundation, 2015
In 2014, Beverly Rubik conducted a study on 10 adults exposed for brief periods to a 4G LTE cellphone worn in a backpack. 9 out of 10 persons showed unhealthy changes in blood cell morphology, as shown in the figures below. The paper discussing this effect was published by Weston Price Foundation in 2015.
Figure 2 shows a photograph of normal healthy blood from a female subject, seventy-five years old, in baseline condition. The red blood cells (RBCs) are mostly circular, although they appear to be slightly sticky as some cells overlap, and the plasma is relatively clear.: Baseline condition showing normal, healthy blood from 75-year-old female subject.

Figure 3 shows the blood from the same female immediately after the carrying condition. The RBCs are entirely stuck together in rouleaux type aggregates, which look like rolls of coins.

“The Heating Effect Does Not Account for Changes in Blood Viscosity”
[ ] besides heating, there are other types of biological effects from the extremely low-level microwaves associated with cell phones, called “nonthermal” effects.
The Russians have conducted many studies on the nonthermal effects, which they consider more significant than thermal effects, and as a result, they adopted a more stringent guideline that is sixty to one hundred times lower than U.S. guidelines.
Studies on the nonthermal biological effects of microwaves have taken place mostly outside of the U.S., on animals, cell cultures, and humans, for the past several decades.
This research has found effects at every level of organization of life, from the behavior and performance of humans and animals down to the molecular and genetic levels. Studies show effects on the brain, stem cells, reproductive organs, enzyme activities, and sperm quantity and quality in animals and humans. More specifically, changes in calcium transport from cells, altered enzyme activities, increased cell proliferation of human epithelial cells, increase in breaks in DNA in animal cells, changes in brain blood flow in healthy people, leakage of proteins through the blood brain barrier, and decreased sperm count and motility are some changes that have been documented. “
Two recent reviews on non-thermal effects summarize the findings from over two hundred scientific papers.” – Beverly Rubik, Weston Price Foundation
These are the two studies referenced, from Indian and Slavic researchers.
Biological Responses of Mobile Phone Frequency Exposure, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2010
Behari J. Biological responses of mobile phone frequency exposure. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2010, 48, 959-981.
Abstract Existence of low level electromagnetic fields in the environment has been known since antiquity and their biological implications are noted for several decades.[ ] Further, an increasing number of mobile communication base stations have led to wide ranging concern about possible health effects of radiofrequency emissions.
There are two distinct possibilities by which health could be affected as a result of radio frequency field exposure. These are thermal effects caused by holding mobile phones close to the body and extended conversations over a long period of time. Secondly, there could be possibly non thermal effects from both phones and base stations whereby the affects could also be cumulative.
Some people may be adversely affected by the environmental impact of mobile phone base stations situated near their homes, schools or any other place.
Apart from the controversy over the possible health effects due to the non-thermal effect of electromagnetic fields the electromagnetic interaction of portable radio waves with human head needs to be quantitatively evaluated. Relating to this is the criteria of safe exposure to the population at large.
Igor Belyaev: Non-Thermal Biological Effects of Microwaves. Microwave Review, 2005:
Belyaev I., (Professor, Biomedical Research Center Slovak Academy of Sciences · Department of Radiobiology Cancer Research Institute) Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves. Microwave Review, November 2005, 13-29
“frequency, modulation, polarization, duration, and intermittence of exposure should be taken into account”
“It is becoming more and more clear that the SAR concept that has been widely adopted for safety standards may not be useful alone for the evaluation of health risks from MWs of mobile communication.”
“XIX. URGENT NEEDS AND FURTHER PERSPECTIVES (NT MWs= Non thermal Microwaves) “At present, new situation arose when significant part of general population is exposed chronically (much longer than previously investigated durations of exposures) to NT MWs from different types of mobile communication including GSM and UMTS/3G phones and base stations, WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Networks such as Bluetooth), DECT (Digital Enhanced (former European) Cordless Telecommunications) wireless phones.
It should be anticipated that some part of population, such as children, pregnant women and groups of hypersensitive persons could be especially sensitive to the NT MW exposures. It is becoming more and more clear that the SAR concept that has been widely adopted for safety standards may not be useful alone for the evaluation of health risks from MWs of mobile communication.
“[ ] the role of other exposure parameters such as frequency, modulation, polarization, duration, and intermittence of exposure should be taken into account
[ ] Many questions remain to be addressed such as whether resonance effects of MWs depend on electromagnetic noise and SMF during exposure.”
Martin Pall: 170 Reviews Documenting Various Non-Thermal Health Effects
The studies are listed at Electromagnetic
Beverly Rubik 2021, Covid and WCR (Wireless Communications Radiation)
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., biophysics, independent scientist who is founder and president of Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit laboratory in Oakland, California, has performed research on human subjects using dark-field live blood analysis for 25 years.
She published a 2021 review paper suggesting a connection between COVID and wireless in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2021; 7(5): 666-681, “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.”
The paper noted that “WCR (wireless communications radiation) may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor.” “By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may:
(1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation;
(2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia;
(3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation;
(4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage;
(5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and
(6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.”
“Relevance for Patients: In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.”
Reclaiming Grace
A portion of the population has reported not feeling well in the presence of man-made EMF/ RF and dirty electricity, long before covid and 5G, as noted by earnest German, Canadian, Indian, Slavic, and American researchers trying to conduct scientific research and inquiry.
The American public has been triggered to react dismissively when 5G and covid and used in the same sentence, The recovery of the capacity to access a neutral mind and self-sovereignty is crucial to recovery from the trauma and confusion of the last few years.
Hearts and minds that are changing recognize that the practice of taking the temperature of a plastic head filled with the equivalent of Jell-o as evidence of safety (SAR) is not our best science, and that the reckless, unexamined installation of wireless telecommunications infrastructure is creating carnage.
It does not have to be this way.

What’s next? A Renaissance Age informed by indigenous wisdom and reverence, where society no longer throws human health and the environment under the bus, Human rights, community rights, Local Futures, the Rights of Nature, and stewardship of the next seven generations will re-emerge.
“The power of the world always works in circles, “As we make music together, so shall we live. Let harmony rain down like thunder.”
Source: SafeTechInternational
Top image: Flo Freshman