Tag: disease

Here’s How a Pandemic Virus Could Kill 900 Million People

By [easyazon_link keywords=”Daisy Luther” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]Daisy Luther[/easyazon_link] The Clade X Simulation Shows We Are NOT READY: Here’s How a Pandemic Virus Could Kill 900 Million People Earlier this summer, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security met in Washington DC with experts who have experience…

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Why Have Insect-Delivered Diseases Tripled Since 2004?

By Catherine J. Frompovich In May of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published some rather interesting demographic data regarding insect-delivered diseases – basically those diseases have tripled since 2004 [1-2]!  https://youtu.be/mLumut2nQMs?t=17 [do_widget id=text-16] According to the CDC, “Nine new germs…

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Is There Vaccine Cause-And-Correlation Regarding The Dramatic Rise In Children’s Chronic Diseases?

By Catherine J Frompovich Is there a “cause and correlation” effect relative to children’s chronic health issues surrounding the overwhelmingly accelerating negative health demographics seemingly related following the inordinate mandated number of multi-valent vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as…

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How a study about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was doctored, adding to pain and stigma

  By Steven Lubet, Northwestern University The public relies on scientists to report their findings accurately and completely, but that does not always happen. Too often, researchers announce only their most favorable outcomes, while keeping more disappointing results well out of sight. This phenomenon, first identified…

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