Should a Child Be Vaccinated?
Op-ed by Tedd Koren, DC
OK, I admit it, I kicked a beehive, or perhaps a hornet’s nest. I commented in a public discussion group about childhood vaccination. A mother wrote asking for advice (“is my kid in danger if she sits next to a non-vaccinated child?”) and about 20 MDs (or med heads) wrote with the usual party line, pseudo-scientific, mumbo-jumbo foolishness. From their comments it appears that there is not an IQ over their hat size in the bunch.
I felt compelled to answer (below). Let me know what you think of it.
There is a lot of controversy as to whether the vaccines do any good at all. According to the hygienic school of health (which is based on experience rather than theory), the symptoms we associate with diseases are not the diseases – they are the mechanisms by which the body externalizes (gets rid of) toxins. As Hippocrates (The “Father of Medicine”) famously said, “We call them diseases but they are the cure of diseases.”
Vaccines do not prevent disease. Childhood vaccination is a bizarre 18th century medical procedure that injects toxins deep into a child’s body. The synthetic and toxic chemicals, bacteria and viri are driven so deep that the child is unable to eternalize the poisons (i.e. have symptoms). The child becomes sick on a very deep level and as a result is more likely to develop chronic (lifelong) disease.
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Research shows that children who are permitted to get sick naturally with the symptoms of acute illness (that are dramatic, uncomfortable, annoying but temporary) such as fever, vomiting, skin eruptions, diarrhea, etc. have less cancer, heart disease and chronic illness as children and as adults. Why? Because acute disease detoxifies and cleanses the body. Since ancient times, it has been known that physical, intellectual and emotional growth spurts may occur after an acute illness.
Vaccines make our children seriously sick – simply read the product inserts the pharmaceutical companies supply with their vaccines – you’ll see some pretty nasty diseases – encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), Guillain-Barré syndrome (similar to polio), uncontrolled epilepsy, many other immunological and neurological conditions as well as brain (psychological) disorders plus sudden infant death (crib death/SIDS). Let us not forget conditions as varied as allergies and autism – which were barely or non-existent before vaccination.
You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)
Do the theoretical benefits of vaccination outweigh the real risks? Absolutely not. Death from diseases of childhood were at least 98% gone before vaccines were in mass usage because of improved living conditions. Armstrong GL, Conn LA, Pinner RW. Trends in infectious disease mortality in the United States during the 20th century. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1999 Jan 6;281(1):61-6.
Do I recommend you vaccinate your children? Only if you want to risk autism, immune system damage, and a permanently sick child – and receive no benefit. In one word – don’t!
Studies comparing non-vaccinated to vaccinated children reveal the vaccinated to be far sicker with various neurological and immunological illnesses than the non-vaccinated. Mawson AR (2017) Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children. J Transl Sci, 2017 doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000186Â Volume 3(3): 1-12.
Put another way, non-vaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children. In my opinion there are zero good reasons to vaccinate a child.
Tedd Koren, DC
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