Tag: COVID-19

COVID-19: Meditation and Yoga As Adjunctive Treatment

The anti-inflammatory and other beneficial effects of meditation and yoga practices make them potential adjunctive treatments of COVID-19, according to the peer-reviewed journal JACM, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Deepak Chopra, University of California, San Diego and William Bushell of Massachusetts Institute of…

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Researchers Suggest Cannabis Derived CBD Could Help Reduce Deadly COVID-19 Lung Inflammation

By John Vibes Researchers at the University of Nebraska and the Texas Biomedical Research Institute have recently published a peer-reviewed article suggesting that CBD could be included in the treatment regimen for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Researchers say that both THC and CBD appear to reduce…

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Operation Warp Speed Awards Novavax $1.6 Billion For COVID Vaccine

By Tyler Durden With US equity futures under pressure on Tuesday morning – it’s not surprising whatsoever that hopium-inspiring vaccine headlines are hitting the tape. Novavax was awarded $1.6 Billion in funding via Operation Warp Speed to support “large-scale manufacturing of NVX-COV2373.” NOVAVAX ANNOUNCES $1.6 BILLION FUNDING…

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Senator and Former Minnesota Family Doctor of the Year Being Investigated for Questioning Covid Death Certificates

By Vic Bishop A highly respected doctor and current Minnesota State Senator has been speaking out about his concern over the validity of Covid death certificates, and as a result, is now being investigated by the Board of Medical Practice in Minnesota. Scott Jensen, Republican…

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As COVID Vaccines Head into Phase 3 Trials Big Pharma Prepares for Increase in Flu Vaccines for Fall

By Brian Shilhavy An article published in FiercePharma, a pharmaceutical marketing trade publication, is reporting that the National Institutes of Health is preparing to test experimental COVID vaccines entering into phase 3 of development on over 90,000 people this summer. The three drug companies entering…

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If You Don’t Like Human Rights Abuses in Russia and China, Can You Say Covid and U.S. Telecom?

By Patricia Burke The Business and Human Rights Resource Center is publishing reports of governments around the world implementing policies in the wake of Covid-19 that abuse human rights. SOURCE: https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/asia-covid-19-pandemic-must-not-serve-as-an-excuse-to-vilify-defenders-who-champion-rights-based-approaches-in-business-practices In Asia, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre & Asian Forum for Human…

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Killing Coronavirus with Handheld Ultraviolet Light Device May Be Feasible

A personal, [easyazon_link identifier=”B07GTDH6QR” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]handheld device emitting high-intensity ultraviolet light[/easyazon_link] to disinfect areas by killing the novel coronavirus is now feasible, according to researchers at Penn State, the University of Minnesota and two Japanese universities. There are two commonly employed methods to sanitize and disinfect…

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