To Mask Or Not To Mask?
Op-Ed by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath
As the media and governments around the world united in March of 2020 to create a panic over Coronavirus/Covid19, stern warnings about how people should behave and live inside a pandemic included donning a mask to prevent spreading infection. Yet, confusion set in as people heard contradictory messages in the media. While politicians and governments said one thing, the official medical narrative has been the opposite. By now you might suspect the mask to be a diversion from something more severe. What is the view of the government and its medical agency?
In April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made it clear that cloth face masks in public settings were necessary to slow the spread of Coronavirus, with some exceptions.
Governors followed suit in more than a dozen states and implemented executive orders or official guidelines to wear masks or coverings when “social distancing” is not possible, such as on public transit, stores, or crowded areas.
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As the lockdowns, i.e., house arrests, are being lifted at the end of May, and people are returning to work, governments are again advising mask wearing. In two short months, face masks are being sold everywhere. Believe it or not, a new mask allows you eat without taking it off, using a remote controlled mouth.
Who to trust? Who to believe? WHO?
Medical Experts Say No To Masks
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that people do NOT wear masks unless they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. Mike Ryan, Exec. Dir. of WHO Health Emergencies program said, “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.”
According to the UK Stay at Home Guidance, “We do not recommend the use of facemasks as an effective means of preventing infection. Facemasks play an important role in clinical settings, such as hospitals, but there is very little evidence of benefit from their use outside these clinical settings.
A March 6th article from the Mayo Clinic stated:
The current recommendations regarding masks is that if you yourself are sick with fever, you can wear a surgical mask to prevent transmission to other people. If you are healthy, there is not thought to be any additional benefit to wearing a mask yourself because the mask is not airtight and does not necessarily prevent breathing in of these viral particles. – Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist.
An April 6th study from the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded:
We do not know whether masks shorten the travel distance of droplets during coughing. Further study is needed to recommend whether face masks decrease transmission of virus from asymptomatic individuals or those with suspected COVID-19 who are not coughing.In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.
Even a March 4th Journal Of the American Medical Association (JAMA) article regarding Covid-19 clarified, When Should A Mask Be Used:
Face masks should be used only by individuals who have symptoms of respiratory infection such as coughing, sneezing, or, in some cases, fever. Face masks should also be worn by health care workers, by individuals who are taking care of or are in close contact with people who have respiratory infections, or otherwise as directed by a doctor. Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill. Face masks should be reserved for those who need them because masks can be in short supply during periods of widespread respiratory infection. Because N95 respirators require special fit testing, they are not recommended for use by the general public.
An April 4th article in Stanford News discloses that facemasks come without their own risks to health:
By filtering particles, facemasks makes it harder to breathe. “N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask long enough, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.”
Common sense tells you that a barrier between people must offer a level of protection, however small, Dr. Nagpaul, Chair of the British Medical Association Council
Experts make it sound that goggles would offer more protection than a cloth mask.
Read Between the Lines
Are medical experts purposely being contrary to the government narrative because the Coronavirus is not a true virus, nor infectious? Are masks not necessary at all because there is no danger of transmission? Is the mask a test of the people’s ability to discern the truth with their eyes wide open?
Most recently, some people are seen wearing face shields, clear plastic visors that extend from forehead to neck, while the cloth mask is still being worn underneath.
With inconsistencies in the media, mirrored in the population, it is time to read between the lines for clarity on next steps. Inconsistencies and contradictions are there to create a diversion and an emotional response known as a Psychological Operation. A PsyOp. As with any PsyOp, people must be able to parse truth from fiction.
If there is no infectious virus, there is no need to wear a mask. But following orders is the new normal in the New World Government system. What is coming next? Look beyond the diversion and read between the lines.
Wireless Tech Reset
The missing link between the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and the previous 1918-20 Spanish Flu pandemic is the simultaneous roll out of “next generation wireless communications technology.” In 1900, wireless radio transmission had just been invented and hailed as a miracle. Broadcast radiation spread across the continents. Soon after, reports of 50 million people died during the 1920 pandemic. Everything was reset, from medicine to the economy to expectations to the population itself.
In 2020, 5G, 5th generation radiation technology has also spread across continents. Along with each rollout spread a strange condition among the public with similar symptoms to the 1920 pandemic: headaches, nausea, fever, dizziness, weakness, dry cough, runny nose, and shortness of breath. The flu? Covid19? The effects of radiation poisoning, transmitted unseen through the airwaves by the same organizations, the same propaganda, the same coverup?
Is the novel Coronavirus just a new version of the Spanish flu, aka an invisible enemy that is not a virus? While everyone has been under house arrest donning and debating masks, 5G towers and power lines have been installed, deployed, and activated in schools, church parking lots, and farm fields.
How will people escape 5G radiation when AT&T has plans, using 500 patents, to transfer WiFi and wireless data over power lines using 4LTE and 5G millimeter waves. Project 5G “AirGig” is being deployed without the need for any new fiber-to-the-home equipment and could replace cell towers. Powerful radiowaves are also heating the ionosphere, among other technologies, to control terrestrial, atmospheric, and oceanic weather patterns.
If the predictions are for fifty million to die during the 2020 pandemic, then it will not be done under the lie of a pandemic that requires a mask. Instead, be ready for the Google and Apple apps that track your every move. Prepare for the Covi-Pass digital health passport with RFID chip technology, approved by the United Nations. You will have a choice to accept or reject the new tools becoming available. All signs point to another reset toward a Technocratic society.
Technocracy: A global system designed to implement central resource and control through rule-based micromanagement. The growth of Technocracy is made possible by digital systems and software, artificial intelligence, and the “one-way mirror” managed through 24/7 surveillance by intelligence and enforcement agencies-funded by our tax dollars. – Patrick M. Wood, with Catherine Austin Fitts, May 26, 2019
For more on the ineffective mask, and the dangers of 5G, see Mask-A-Raid on Freedom and Planned Obsolescence of Health Under the 5G Grid.
Source: Nature of Healing
Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, Herbalist, writer, and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.
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