Tag: COVID-19

“We All Failed”: Gov. Cuomo Admits COVID-19 Projection Models “Were All Wrong,” Yet Clings to the Central Planner’s “Pretense of Knowledge”

By Dan Sanchez New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo admitted on Monday that the COVID-19 projection models put forth by “national experts” “were all wrong,” saying that “we all failed at that business” and proclaiming that he was “out of the guessing business.” This was in…

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Child’s Play ‘Lost’ in COVID-19 Pandemic Fear

Social and community disruptions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions could have a lasting effect on child wellbeing, Flinders University researchers warn. While health, safety and education responses are the focus of restrictions, the needs of childhood independence, self-determination and play are less acknowledged, Flinders University…

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Dietary Supplements Are Important Weapons for Fighting Off COVID-19

Supplements containing [easyazon_link identifier=”B074GCB1ND” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]vitamins C[/easyazon_link] and D and other micronutrients, sometimes in amounts exceeding the federally recommended levels, are a safe, effective and low-cost means of helping your immune system fight off COVID-19 and other acute respiratory tract diseases, an Oregon State University researcher…

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Depression and Anxiety Are Unseen Side Effects of COVID-19 and Economic Shutdown

Millions of Americans are being impacted by the psychological fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic aftermath, and large numbers may experience emotional distress and be at increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety, according to a new article published…

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