Tag: coffee

Lowers Mortality Risk: 11 Key Health Benefits From Drinking Coffee The Right Way

By Tyler Durden Coffee, one of the world’s most beloved beverages, offers more than just a comforting warmth and an energizing caffeine kick. Increasingly, scientific research has begun to uncover the health benefits associated with coffee consumption, particularly due to its rich content of polyphenols…

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Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough

By Sayer Ji One of modern medicine’s most celebrated ‘miracle drugs’ are steroids, but a recent double-blind, randomized clinical trial found that honey plus coffee outperformed prednisolone in treating symptoms of post-infectious, persistent cough.  A remarkable study looking at natural alternatives to medications found that…

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Brazil’s Coffee Bean Supply To Hit Record Low As Global Scarcity Worsens

By Tyler Durden How much are consumers willing to pay for a cup of coffee? That’s a great question, considering the world’s top arabica producer, Brazil, is headed for record-low inventory. Tighter global supplies plus robust demand should continue boosting prices. Bloomberg quoted Silas Brasileiro,…

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“Mega Emergency” Unfolds For World’s Top Coffee Growers As Fertilizer Costs Spike

By Tyler Durden Coffee farmers worldwide are feeling the pressure of sanctions, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine sent fertilizer prices soaring, prompting concerns of declining harvests this year. Bloomberg reports coffee farmers in Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, some of the largest coffee-producing countries…

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Coffee Lovers, Rejoice! Drinking More Coffee Associated with Decreased Heart Failure Risk

Dietary information from three large, well-known heart disease studies suggests drinking one or more cups of caffeinated coffee per day may reduce heart failure risk, according to research published today in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Coronary artery disease, heart failure and…

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