Lifting Weights and Running Regularly Cuts Risk of Premature Death Nearly in Half

By Study Finds Pumping iron can almost halve an older person’s risk of a premature death, according to new research. Muscle strengthening workouts protect against almost every life-threatening illness, study authors from the National Cancer Institute say. Lifting weights makes the body leaner and can…

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Being Unhappy or Lonely Speeds Up Aging — Even More Than Smoking

By Study Finds Being unhappy or experiencing loneliness accelerates the aging process more than smoking, according to new research. An international team says unhappiness damages the body’s biological clock, increasing the risk for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses. The team reports that they…

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The Dystopian Vision of the Health-Information Police

By Laura Powell When Assemblymember Evan Low, the principal author of California Assembly Bill 2098, told the California Senate Committee that his bill was “really straightforward, very straightforward,” many of us in the gallery failed to restrain ourselves from expressing our incredulity. He delivered this…

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Lonely Harvest: Farmers Feel Unappreciated and Isolated in Modern Society

By John Anderer Modern farmers are feeling increasingly unappreciated and isolated, according to researchers from the University of Exeter’s Centre for Rural Policy Research and national charity The Farming Community Network (FCN). Farming is an absolutely essential industry, and farmers often work long hours and…

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Brazil’s Coffee Bean Supply To Hit Record Low As Global Scarcity Worsens

By Tyler Durden How much are consumers willing to pay for a cup of coffee? That’s a great question, considering the world’s top arabica producer, Brazil, is headed for record-low inventory. Tighter global supplies plus robust demand should continue boosting prices. Bloomberg quoted Silas Brasileiro,…

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