The Lancet Opens Pandora’s Box, Suggests COVID Could Have Originated In US Labs

By Tyler Durden After providing a platform for a massive ‘Natural Origins’ Covid-19 disinformation campaign by EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak, The Lancet appears to have done a 180 – suggesting Covid-19 may have originated “in US laboratories engaged in the laboratory manipulation of SARS-CoV-like…

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Biden’s New Edict Will “Predictably Program Biology” & “Write Circuitry For Cell”

By Mac Slavo The ruling class won’t stop until they control every single human being to the utmost extent. That has been alarmingly clear when reading Joe Biden’s new executive order, which aims to develop genetic engineering technologies to “write circuitry for cells” and “predictably…

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Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America

Transhumanists and Technocrats in Big Pharma have cracked the U.S. government wide open to flood the bioeconomy with taxpayer money and labor to push the frontier of genetic modification of all living things, especially humans. This will ultimately spark the biggest public backlash in modern…

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Early Results Matter: Your First 3 Fitness Classes Can Predict Future Weight Loss

By John Anderer Losing weight is a tough task for many people, but it can be particularly difficult for those living with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Interesting new research, however, finds that early weight loss success among diabetics attending weight management programs can stronger predict…

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In Defense of Crickets Part 3 of 3; Havana Syndrome, Internal Electric Fields, Kilohertz Frequencies, Cell Signaling, & Sub-Carrier Waves

By Patricia Burke, featuring Paul Harding Part 1 considered the historical record regarding the Moscow Signal, and the assessment by an advisory committee to the U.S. military that sounds most recently heard and recorded by injured diplomats (Havana Syndrome) were crickets. Part 2 features Lyn McLean of EMR Australia,…

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