Category: Video

Cops Forced to Apologize for School Program That Told Kids Cannabis Will Give You “Man Boobs”

By John Vibes In light of recent cannabis legalization measures, representatives of the York Regional Police Department gave a presentation at local schools on the subject, but were quickly forced to apologize and admit that they are “no health experts.” During the presentation, officers made…

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Studies Show Treating Depression with SSRI Drugs May Sabotage Your Well-Being

By Anna Hunt Mild depression. Situational depression. Anxiety. These don’t seem like the types of psychological problems that would lead to aggression, addiction and suicide. Yet, that is exactly what’s happening more frequently than ever before. Thriving Mental Health Market When Prozac came out in…

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Taoist Master Explains How Negative Chi Affects Us and Why Turning Inward is So Important Today

By Dylan Charles They say that energy goes where attention flows. And in today’s insane media universe, our attention is everywhere. Which means our energy is everywhere, and if it’s everywhere, it’s not where we need it most, contributing to our personal health and wellness. This…

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It’s A Fact: Population Control Efforts Since The 1970s Per Declassified USA Document

By Catherine J. Frompovich If ever there were doubts about so-called “conspiracy theorists” reports regarding world population reduction plans and efforts, you now can put them aside and take a long-over-due reality check on what’s been in the works since the early 1970s under the…

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