Citizens Create Program For Vaccine Injury Awareness: The People’s VAERS Report

By Markab Algedi

Every week, people who pay attention notice new people being injured by vaccines. A post might go viral on social media of a parent asking for help after their child becomes injured shortly after a shot. Other people, like former MMA fighter Nick Catone, had their children taken by what they understand to be vaccine injury and become devoted to the cause for life.

We created something we call the People’s VAERS Report to periodically report on the victims of vaccine injury and similar relevant stories in a medium that is captivating to people who have no regular interest in this. This is edition 1, for February 9, 2018.


Every week, there are new reports of people being injured from vaccines. The individual stories become a lot to make sense of on a regular basis: stories of paralysis or death shortly after a shot, or a person getting the illness a vaccine was meant to prevent immediately after.

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The People’s VAERS report is a periodical video we make to get people up to date with the victims of vaccine injury, and related stories on a regular basis: to compile it all into one easily digestible report, for any person interested in learning about this.

This is edition one, for February 9th, 2018.

Headlines are being made about people dying from the flu. Several of these people, one might wonder if it isn’t most of them, were actually given the flu shot shortly before they got the illness.

The flu shot basically gives you the flu. You might have had this common experience, where you get the worst cold of your life a week or two after a flu shot. Maybe a relative or family member has had this experience.

This year’s flu shot was officially admitted to only be 10 percent effective: yet it seems to be particularly dangerous.

It seems to be giving people a flu-like sickness, worsened by the other ingredients of the flu shot, for instance mercury and formaldehyde.

The standard Sanofi flu shot contains polysorbate-80, which dangerously allows chemicals to cross the blood brain barrier.

People who research vaccine injury are largely aware that most vaccines are a concoction of toxic chemicals, from mercury, to aluminum, to formaldehyde, so when you add polysorbate-80, and have the blood brain barrier forced open, you have a recipe for serious brain damage or even infection.

Sorbitol is another vaccine additive that opens the blood brain barrier.

As a consequence, Encephalitis, or swelling of the brain is a common occurrence shortly after people receive vaccines such as the Pertussis shot, which is included in the combination shot DTAP (also known as the TDAP).

They keep changing the name of it because it contains as much mercury as 3 or 4 vaccines and has hurt a lot of people.

Provided you have all the required, and never officially admitted info necessary to understand the topic, here are some things that happened this week. Sources can be found in the description of this video.

1. The director of the Center for Disease Control, a monolith institution that promotes harmful vaccines at every turn, has resigned amid a scandal.

Brenda Fitzgerald is reportedly making shady deals to protect big tobacco, but the CDC is much more guilty for spending billions of dollars annually on vaccines that come directly from corporations it is in bed with: like Merck and Sanofi.

After all, a previous CDC director from the Bush and Obama administrations, Julie Gerberding, left the CDC to become the president of one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, Merck.

Then she became Merck’s executive vice president for global strategic communications. That’s a scary revolving door.

2. This is happening in many places right now: in New York, there reportedly has been a 21 percent jump in people hospitalized for the flu, and a 50 percent increase in confirmed influenza cases. 2,200 new hospitalizations and over 11,000 confirmed influenza cases: just what is being reported.

People know the flu shot is probably causing this, yet New York politicians are pressuring people to get vaccinated.

3. A teacher in Weatherford, Texas died after getting the flu recently.

She used the horrible product Tamiflu, and her condition worsened until she sadly lost her life. Tamiflu is linked to this type of thing, to say the least.

4. Sanofi, the multinational pharma giant who makes most flu shots and several other vaccines, is refusing a refund to the entire nation of people they gave a dangerous, completely inverted dengue vaccine.

The Philippines was plagued with a Sanofi dengue vaccine that actually causes the disease, instead of preventing it.

It’s like the flu shot, but a lot more obvious. Sanofi is saying “no refunds.”

5. Do you know how many people have accidentally received a Gardasil HPV shot?

One toddler, Chace Topperwein of New Zealand,  got it by mistake and died of leukemia shortly after. Leukemia, the kind of cancer HPV shot victim Hayley Willar had.

It happened again, and because CPS doesn’t believe the vaccine caused the injury, the mother of a 4-month-old baby mistakenly given the HPV vaccine intended for pre-teens is fighting to get her child back from the state.

In Texas, Anita Vasquez continues to fight the state for custody of her daughter Aniya, who was afflicted with many symptoms after the accidental injection, including lethargy, weight loss, decreased appetite, dehydration, and others.

CPS believes these symptoms are coming from nowhere and the mother is crazy for thinking it was the shot.

6. A study performed by researchers from 3 universities proved that vaccinated, farmed fish show more symptoms of disease when vaccinated, and the vaccines don’t even work.

That’s right: fish farmers, who raise the fish we eat, vaccinate fish and the vaccines not only fail to work, but they make fish sicker. And they wonder why mercury is found in fish.

7. In Brentwood, California, a 16-year-old student passed away from pneumonia complications. She is the fourth student to pass away in unrelated incidents this year at the school.

This was the first People’s VAERS report. If this was informative, stay tuned for the next one.

Vaccine injury is an ongoing crisis.

This article may be freely republished with attribution to the author, and a working link back to this article at Edge Canopy.

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