Lower Risk of Chronic Illness and Cognitive Decline by Going Keto
By Anna Hunt
One of the fastest ways to lose weight and improve your health is by eating foods that induce the body’s state of nutritional ketosis. When this occurs, the body burns fat instead of sugar as its may source of energy, as well as producing beneficial ketone bodies. To reap the benefits of going keto, you can follow a simple formula of a ketogenic diet.
What is a Ketogenic Diet?
More people are realizing that dietary changes can have a profound impact on their health. Many proponents of healthy eating believe that diet alone can cure diseases like diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. It definitely reduces your chances of having a chronic illness.
Where Big Pharma focuses on offering life-long treatments for chronic diseases, the goal of healthy nutrition is to reestablish balance in the body, thus eliminating disease. Many anecdotal stories have shown that making smart dietary choices has the potential to reverse some very serious illness.
Regardless of your state of health, a ketogenic diet can move you towards optimal health. The diet focuses on minimal carbohydrates and sugar, moderate amounts of protein, and high intake of healthy fats.
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When we eat, we store our energy in form of glycogen in the liver. Glycogen is a molecule the body uses to store glucose. When we restrict the intake of carbohydrates and sugar, we deplete our glycogen storage.
In response, the body starts burning fat for its energy. Once we are metabolizing fat, we facilitate the formation of substances called ketone bodies. This is the state of nutritional ketosis.
The Benefits of Going “Keto”
In addition to burning fat and the resulting weight loss, a ketogenic diet may benefit you in many ways. Here are some potential benefits:
Reduced inflammation – When it burns fat, the body releases fewer reactive oxygen species and secondary free radicals. By reducing sugar and carb consumption, you are decreasing the likelihood that you will develop chronic inflammation, which can lead to illness.
Lower cancer risk – Research has shown that cancer cells do not have the metabolic ability to use ketone bodies as fuel. Conversely, our regular cells do. This means that during the state of nutritional ketosis, cancer cells are likely to starve.
Lower risk of cognitive deterioration – Because the state of ketosis puts mild stress on the brain, the brain protects itself from degeneration. Furthermore, ketone bodies provide an alternative energy source that boosts the energy levels of neurons. Ketogenic diets are used to treat patients with epilepsy because ketones have shown to suppress seizures. That’s how good they are for the brain!
Reduced appetite – One of the biggest obstacles when trying to lose weight is appetite. By reducing carbohydrate consumption in a ketogenic diet, one can subdue hunger symptoms. In addition, eliminating sugar suppresses those sugar cravings (after a brief detox period, of course.)
Lower insulin levels – The body breaks down carbs into sugars. As a result, this causes the blood sugar levels to rise. Furthermore, it leads to an insulin spike. If this happens too often, the body becomes resistant to insulin, which can evolve into Type 2 diabetes. Reducing your carb intake can significantly lower your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. As well, a ketogenic diet may help diabetics reduce their dependency on conventional diabetes treatments.
Scientists continue to identify all the ways that ketone bodies and low-carb diets benefit our body. Without a doubt, a ketogenic diet is a sure way to improve your overall health. As an added bonus, you will drop some excess weight and keep it off!
If you want to try this diet, here’s an offer for a free copy of The Wicked Good Ketogenic Diet Cookbook.
The book is packed with 156 ketogenic recipes. When you follow these keto recipes, your body will have no choice but to burn fat and produce beneficial ketone bodies. Not only will you be healthier, but you’ll probably shave off some body fat. And the best part is that the book is free.
Finally, here’s a quick video, Ketogenic Diet 101.
Anna Hunt is writer, yoga instructor, mother of three, and lover of healthy food. She’s the founder of Awareness Junkie, an online community paving the way for better health and personal transformation. She’s also the co-editor at Waking Times, where she writes about optimal health and wellness. Anna spent 6 years in Costa Rica as a teacher of Hatha and therapeutic yoga. She now teaches at Asheville Yoga Center and is pursuing her Yoga Therapy certification. During her free time, you’ll find her on the mat or in the kitchen, creating new kid-friendly superfood recipes.
This article (Lower Risk of Chronic Illness and Cognitive Decline by Going Keto)Â was originally created and published by Awareness Junkie. You may not copy, reproduce or publish any content therein without written permission. Feel free to share this article on social networks and via email. Also, if you have questions, please contact us here.
Disclaimer:Â This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Waking Times or its staff.