Category: Homeopathic Remedies


Heal yourself naturally with holistic medicine and homeopathic remedies. Latest news and science for alternative treatments.

Tart Cherry Juice May Improve Cognitive Performance

Montmorency tart cherry juice has long been coveted by gout sufferers, athletes for exercise recovery, and those seeking a good night’s sleep. Now there’s evidence that this [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MA555EN” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]polyphenol[/easyazon_link]-rich beverage may help improve cognitive performance in older adults. In a new study published…

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Compound In Red Wine is Promising Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Resveratrol, found in grape skin, shuts down depression-causing enzyme in brain Like to unwind with a glass of red wine after a stressful day? Don’t give alcohol all the credit. New research has revealed that the plant compound [easyazon_link identifier=”B01CD3UVAK” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]resveratrol[/easyazon_link], which is found…

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