Kids lacking vitamin D take weeks longer to heal after breaking bones

By Study Finds

Broken bones and fractures are often a fact of life when you’re a kid. Accidents happen, but a new study warns that poor nutrition can make these little injuries far worse than they usually are. Specifically, children dealing with vitamin D deficiency heal much slower after a bone fracture.

This finding, presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition, sheds light on the importance of this crucial nutrient in pediatric orthopedic care. While vitamin D has long been known to play a vital role in bone health, its specific impact on fracture healing in children has remained largely unexplored. Now, researchers have uncovered this compelling link between vitamin D levels and the time it takes for young patients to recover from broken bones.

The study, conducted by a team led by Dr. Jessica McQuerry, examined 186 cases of extremity fractures in children between 2015 and 2022. The results were eye-opening. Children with low vitamin D levels took significantly longer to heal than their peers with normal levels.

For leg fractures that didn’t require surgery, the difference was stark. Children with low vitamin D levels needed an extra 20 days for clinical healing – that’s nearly three weeks of additional recovery time. Even more striking was the difference in radiographic healing, where signs of the fracture disappearing on X-rays took two months longer in the vitamin D-deficient group.

The disparity was even more pronounced in cases requiring surgery. Here, clinical healing took an extra month, while radiographic evidence of healing lagged by nearly four months in children with low vitamin D levels.

These findings highlight the potential consequences of vitamin D deficiency in pediatric orthopedics. It’s not just about preventing fractures anymore; it’s about ensuring optimal healing when injuries do occur.

So, what does this mean for parents and healthcare providers? Dr. McQuerry emphasizes the importance of a well-balanced diet rich in vitamin D. This nutrient is found in various foods, including dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. Fish is another excellent source, and many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D.

However, diet isn’t the only way to boost vitamin D levels. The human body can produce this vital nutrient when exposed to sunlight. Dr. McQuerry suggests that spending time outdoors can be a fun and effective way to increase vitamin D absorption.

“Getting outside and enjoying the fresh air can do wonders for your health while also upping Vitamin D absorption,” the doctor notes in a media release. “What a great excuse to get outside and explore nature!”

For parents of children suffering bone fractures, these findings offer a new perspective on care and recovery. If a child’s fracture seems to be healing slower than expected, it might be worth checking their vitamin D levels. Early identification of deficiency could potentially lead to interventions that speed up the healing process.

This research opens up new avenues for pediatric orthopedic care. By understanding the role of vitamin D in fracture healing, healthcare providers can take a more holistic approach to treatment, considering nutritional factors alongside traditional orthopedic interventions.

Paper Summary


The researchers conducted a retrospective review, which means they looked back at existing medical records. They focused on children under 17 who had experienced limb fractures and had their vitamin D levels recorded within a year of the injury. The study period spanned from January 2015 to May 2022. They collected various pieces of information, including patient demographics, medical history, details about the injury and treatment, and outcomes. The researchers then compared the healing times between two groups: those with low vitamin D levels (less than 30 ng/ml in their blood) and those with normal levels (30 ng/ml or higher).

Key Results

Out of 187 fractures studied, more than 60% of the patients had low vitamin D levels. These patients showed significantly longer healing times, both in terms of clinical healing (what doctors observe during check-ups) and radiographic healing (what shows up on X-rays). The difference was particularly noticeable in lower extremity fractures and cases requiring surgery. Interestingly, patients with low vitamin D who didn’t receive supplements also showed slower radiographic healing compared to those with normal vitamin D levels.

Study Limitations

This was a retrospective study, meaning it relied on existing medical records rather than a controlled experiment. The sample size, while substantial, was still relatively small at 187 fractures. Additionally, vitamin D levels were measured within a year of the injury, which may not perfectly reflect the levels at the time of fracture or during the healing process.

Discussion & Takeaways

This study highlights the potential importance of vitamin D in fracture healing for children. It suggests that maintaining adequate vitamin D levels could be crucial for optimal recovery from bone injuries. The findings could lead to changes in how pediatric fractures are managed, possibly including routine vitamin D testing and supplementation for deficient patients.

However, more research is needed to confirm these results and to determine the most effective interventions. The study also underscores the broader importance of nutrition in bone health and recovery, opening up new avenues for holistic approaches to pediatric orthopedic care.

Source: Study Finds

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Image: Nature of Healing

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