5 Reasons You May Be Feeling Down For No Reason
In most cases, when people feel sad or depressed there are obvious triggers. This could include the death of a loved one, relationship issues or work-related stress. However, there are other times when we can start to feel down with no obvious cause. Here are just a few possible reasons why you may be experiencing sadness.
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal changes can often affect our mood. Women more commonly experience depression as a result of hormonal changes (although men are prone to it too). Puberty, pregnancy and menopause are some of the key times when there can be hormonal imbalances, but hormones can be knocked out of balance at other periods of our life too. Programs like My True Health can help to restore a hormonal balance whilst also looking into other factors. Such forms of treatment could be worth looking into if you think hormones could be to blame.
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Lack of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps to keep our skin and bones healthy. It’s also been shown to have an impact on our mood – a vitamin D deficiency can often lead to depression. The most common source of vitamin D is sunlight. In the winter, when daylight hours are shorter, many people experience a form of depression called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is largely down to a lack of sun exposure. Treatment such as this SAD Light Therapy can sometimes help to counter this condition. You could also try taking vitamin D supplements in the winter or eating more foods that contain vitamin D (e.g. fish, cheese, eggs, soy).
Lack of Exercise
Lack of physical activity can also lead to depression. When we’re active our body releases serotonin to make use feel good. Without exercising, you could be missing out on this feelgood rush. If you currently have a sedentary lifestyle, consider whether this could be the case. Get The Gloss lists some great exercises to help boost your mental health.
Lack of Sleep
Depression can lead to a lack of sleep; however, a lack of sleep can also be a cause. This can lead to a vicious cycle that is hard to get out of. Consider whether you’re regularly getting less than six hours sleep per night or if you keep walking up in the night – if so, finding a way to improve your sleep quality could boost your mood. There are lots of ways to sleep better which you can read about her at The Sleep Council.
Your Inner Critic
Even when life is going well, many of us can still experience nagging doubts. These small negative thoughts can soon consume us if we’re left to ruminate on them. Dismissing your inner critic isn’t easy – the best way to get rid of these feelings is to distract yourself by trying new exciting things and hanging around with people whose company you enjoy. If you’re stuck in a routine and aren’t socializing with people, your mind is more likely to wonder towards negative thoughts.
Lead image via Pixabay. CCO Licensed.
Mandy is a RHN, chef (vegan, paleo, live food), author, world traveler, artist, and business student. She lives in Colorado with her fiance, husky dog, and two cats. When she’s not working on new projects, she’s running, hiking, reading, or cooking healthy food.
This article was sourced from Life in Bloom.
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