Docuseries — Remedy: Ancient Medicines for Modern Illness
By Neenah Payne
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.
The free 9-part docuseries will be online June 4-12. Filmmaker Nick Polizzi says:
I think that people are really surprised to hear that you don’t need to turn to conventional medicine to treat just about any illness. There are all kinds of alternatives that you don’t tend to hear about from your doctor.
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Each episode will be online for 24 hours and discusses herbs — the green medicines that have been used for thousands of years — that can be used to alleviate many symptoms associated with health conditions including autoimmune disorders, depression, stress, to bacterial infections like Lyme disease, heart disease, cancer, sexual health, reproductive health, and fertility.
Register and see the trailer at:
Film: The Sacred Science
Nick Polizzi is director of The Sacred Science which is free to view below:
The Sacred Science from Shabda on Vimeo.
Nick’s Sacred Science site is at:
Organixx Interview With Filmmaker Nick Polizzi
Organixx founder Jonathan Hunsaker and Organixx CEO TeriAnn Trevenen interview Nick Polizzi about his upcoming 9-part docuseries in the Organixx podcast Episode 32 How to Use Herbs for Healing:
Nick Polizzi has been making documentary films for the past ten years. The titles he has been a part of include Remedy: Ancient Medicines for Modern Illness, The Sacred Science‚ Simply Raw – Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days‚ and The Tapping Solution.
Nick is the author of The Sacred Science: An Ancient Healing Path for the Modern World and the illustrator of The Sacred Cookbook (Forgotten Healing Recipes of the Ancients) which features culinary traditions: Amazonian, Aztec, Berber, Caribbean, Celtic, Chinese, Cree, Druid, Egyptian, Essene, Ethiopian, French, Greek, Incan, Indian, Irish, Japanese, Kenyan, Korean, Maori, Mayan, Mesopotamian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Nigerian, Persian, Polynesian, Quechuan, Roman, Russian, Slavic, Thai.
Nick’s work is guided by a fascination with the healing remedies of civilizations around the world and how they can be used to heal the diseases of today. Nick is driven by a calling to honor, preserve, and protect the ancient knowledge and rituals of our ancestors.
Nick is a “wounded healer.” In his late 20s, he began experiencing debilitating ocular migraines. He went to the number one neurologist in Connecticut and tried various medications that didn’t help. The last prescription was one that would change his mood and emotions. He came to the realization that modern medicine wasn’t going to help. Nick tried EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), acupuncture, acupressure. Finally, by exploring with an elimination diet, he learned that coffee was a trigger.
Amazon says about The Sacred Science:
In 2010, Nick Polizzi did something unimaginable. He assembled a group of eight desperately ill patients from around the world and brought them into the heart of the Amazon rainforest to put the mysterious medicines of native shamans to the test. The healing journey that unfolded would change their lives — and his own — forever.
In The Sacred Science, we join Nick as he explores these primordial traditions and learns firsthand what it takes to truly heal ourselves of physical disease, emotional trauma, and the sense of “lostness” that so many of us feel…. We venture into a place where the ordinary rules we live by, even survival instincts, don’t apply — where “the only thing to do is to step forward and be ready for anything.”
Herbal Medicine: The Original Medicine
There are over 80,000 species of medicinal plants in the Amazon. American scientists have studied less than 3% of those for their medicinal value, but 15-20% of our cancer treatments are synthesized from that 3%. Herbal medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. What is labeled “alternative medicine” today is the original medicine that was displaced in the 20th century as a result of the devastating Flexner Report.
After The Flexner Report
Few Americans have even heard of The Flexner Report – much less understand the impact it has had on our access to a range of medicinal options for over 100 years. However, many limitations of the current American medical system stem from The Flexner Report, a report written by Abraham Flexner on medical education in the United States and Canada that was funded by the Carnegie Foundation.
Herbs were used as medicine in the US on par with surgery and drugs until the early 1900s. Until The Flexner Report, most of the medical schools taught homeopathy. However, after the report came out in 1910, it became difficult to practice natural medicine here. The focus shifted from natural ways to heal (exercise, sleep, nutrition, etc.) to taking drugs. That shift occurred not because drugs are better for patients, but because they are extremely profitable for Big Pharma. However, pharmaceutical drugs are a leading killer as shown in “Prescription Drugs Outpace Car Accidents as Leading Cause of Death.”
The report ended the homeopathic movement in the US because the funding of medical institutions that didn’t teach the use of drugs and surgery was stopped. So, 40-50 medical institutions closed. Within five years, only two of the 17 naturopathic medical schools were left. A similar thing happened to osteopathic schools and chiropractic schools.
Not only was the funding cut for universities, but funding was cut for anything that was not drugs. There was no more funding for herbal remedies. Cannabis and other remedies became demonized. So, drug companies threw supplements out the door. The drug companies funded the medical schools and got positions on the boards. The drug companies slowly pushed out what had been standard medicine – which is now called “alternative medicine.” They continue to push their drugs as the only solution.
The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio was originally a homeopathic university and hospital. However, after The Flexner Report, the word “homeopathy” couldn’t even be mentioned in the clinic. Fortunately, that is changing now. The Cleveland Clinic For Functional Medicine is part of the growing reversal of the trend. The site says: “Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine is a collaboration between Cleveland Clinic and the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), led by Mark Hyman, MD, Chairman of IFM, founder of The UltraWellness Center, and New York Times best-selling author.”
In the 2017 video Two Years In: What’s Happening at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine Dr. Hyman explains how the collaboration began and is accelerating across the country now:
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