Switching to Non-GMO Diet Led to Impressive Recovery From Health Problems
By Heather Callaghan, Editor
Great news! A peer-reviewed survey showed that digestive problems, obesity, allergies and fatigue cleared up for a bulk of the people who switched to non-GMO food.
When you’re the world’s most recognized GMO expert but mainstream science still fawns over GE crops – what can you do to warn people about health hazards of eating improperly tested GMOs? To Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, the answer is clear – demonstrate what life can be like without them.
He is constantly getting feedback from doctors who put their patients on GMO-free diets. Notice we didn’t say “organic diets.” No, we’re just talking a diet free from genetically engineered ingredients – not an easy feat, we understand. It requires eschewing most packaged foods, restaurants and making your own condiments, since most of these products include ingredients derived from soy, corn, dairy/meat from GMO-fed cows, sugar and more. Even table salt can have GMOs!
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GMWatch reported the incredible results:
Switching to a non-GMO diet can transform health for the better, according to survey results reported in a new peer-reviewed article by Jeffrey M. Smith, published in the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Out of 3,256 people who responded to a survey emailed to members of the database of Smith’s organisation, the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a remarkable 85.2% said their digestive health improved – by far the number one self-reported benefit – on changing to a diet without GMOs.
Related: She Healed Psoriasis With This Diet After She Was Offered CHEMO
Moreover, the changes were significant. When the 85% was broken down, only 5.9% reported “some mild improvement” and 11.3% “moderate improvement”. A full 29.1% reported “significant improvement,” 22.2% said their condition had “nearly gone,” and 16.6% had a “complete recovery.”
That means that more than two-thirds of everyone who answered the survey reported at least a significant improvement — up to complete recovery — from digestive problems after adopting a non-GMO diet.
Fatigue was next on the list of the most frequently improved conditions, with 60.4% of respondents reporting an improvement. For overweight and obesity, the proportion of respondents reporting improvement was 54.6%; for “brain fog”, it was 51.7%; while for food allergies or sensitivities, it was 50.2%. Insomnia, skin problems, seasonal allergies, gluten sensitivity, musculoskeletal pain, and diabetes were also reported as decreasing.
Like we said, the diet doesn’t have to be organic – but in the U.S. that might be the oft-picked option since we have weak labeling laws. The added nutrition and less pesticides also could have improved the health of the participants. “Another factor, as Smith writes, is that some healthcare practitioners who prescribe a non-GMO diet to patients also recommend eliminating gluten and/or dairy, which may contribute to the health improvements,” GMWatch adds.
Smith is calling for controlled human clinical trials because it is not possible to assess to what extent the GMO component of the diet is causing health problems.
Based on informal surveys and conversations… farmers and veterinarians describe improvements in livestock that are switched to non-GMO soy, corn, or both. In livestock, there are generally no other dietary changes and the reported improvements, e.g. gastrointestinal, immune, irritable or aggressive behavior, fatigue level, skin health, etc. are similar or identical to those reported by individuals and their practitioners.
DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Heather Callaghan is a Health Mentor, writer, speaker and energy medicine practitioner. She is the Editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze as well as a certified Self-Referencing IITM Practitioner.
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