Do You Really Have to Eat Superfoods Every Day?
If you’ve been watching what you eat but haven’t noticed a difference in your weight or energy levels, the problem may be quality not quantity. Some foods just aren’t good for you, even in smaller portions. They lack nutrients and provide no value for your body.
Superfoods on the other hand are the complete opposite. These foods are packed with essential nutrients and vitamins that keep our bodies and brains running on all cylinders. The best part about superfoods is that you can load up your plate and still lose weight.
Yes – Everyone Should Eat Superfoods Every Day
Even if you’re happy with your current weight, superfoods should be a part of your everyday diet. Your taste buds and brain (yes, the brain has a large say in what you’re craving) may want to nosh on less than healthy comfort foods, but your body is begging for superfoods.
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Calories aren’t really one-for-one. Think of the different types of food like gasoline. The body converts food into energy. Just as there are different grades of gasoline, some of which burn cleaner, the same holds true for food. Even the spices you eat can make a difference. Junk food is called junk food for a reason. There’s a lot of extra junk that the body can’t use. So, instead it gets expelled or stored as fat and is difficult for the body to metabolize.
Carbohydrates are an excellent example. These are broken down into glucose, a type of sugar that is released into the bloodstream and converted into energy. But excess glucose also gets stored for later. Junk food has been shown to inhibit the body’s ability to oxidize glucose. When glucose doesn’t get broken down it can cause blood sugar levels to remain high, which isn’t healthy. Overtime it can lead to diabetes or heart disease, but even just a few junk food binges can negatively impact the digestion process.
Superfoods help your body function whereas junk food gums up the works. Each superfood has its own benefits, which is why it’s a great idea to mix things up at every meal. Here’s a look at 6 superfoods to start incorporating into your every day diet.
Why Eat Kale?
There are an abundance of nutritional benefits connected to kale. What was once a garnish is now a main ingredient because a cup of raw kale only has 36 calories, yet it’s loaded with Vitamin A, C, K and 45 flavonoids. This cruciferous vegetable also has a unique fiber that helps usher fat and cholesterol out of the body.
Why Eat Blueberries?
Blueberries are every bit as delicious as candy, but instead of being packed with refined sugar they are filled with dietary fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants. If you are diabetic, pre-diabetic or make meals for someone who is blueberries are an ideal food because fiber helps regulate blood sugar.
Why Eat Quinoa?
There are two big reasons to eat more quinoa – it’ a healthy source of protein and it has nine amino acids that the body can’t naturally produce on its own. There’s also loads of fiber that helps you feel full for longer. Today you have the option of cooking plain quinoa or a mix that has already been blended with spices.
Why Eat Broccoli?
Of all the healthy cruciferous vegetables broccoli is still a standout. Each serving has only 50 calories but an abundance of vitamin C, fiber, minerals and folate. It’s a veggie that’s known to help protect against heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
Why Eat Salmon?
Our bodies need protein to repair cells and make new ones. But some protein sources are high in unhealthy fats. Salmon isn’t one of them. The fish is high in protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, phosphorus and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect heart and brain health.
Why Eat Sweet Potatoes?
If you are an athlete that needs to intake carbohydrates fill your plate sweet potatoes. In addition to being packed with vitamins and nutrients, the complex carbohydrates in sweet potatoes are efficiently stored in the body and break down slowly so they won’t cause a spike in blood sugar. The complex carbs also help the body recover after a workout.
Incorporating these foods into your everyday diet is a great first step, but it’s not a silver bullet. Eliminating unhealthy foods is also necessary if you want to look and feel your best.