Tag: Jason Erickson

Biosurveillance On Your Smartphone? “Nano flashlight could allow future cell phones to detect viruses, more”

By Jason Erickson Biosurveillance is beginning to enter the mainstream lexicon as the terrified public continues to seek solutions to stay virus-free, presumably forever. It’s also the new cash cow for companies seeking to capitalize on all things COVID-19. Our colleagues in the independent media…

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Company Behind MSG Says You’re Racist to Feel Negative Effects From Their Product

Op-Ed by Jason Erickson Who knew that feeling like garbage after eating certain foods potentially makes you a racist? Apparently, this is the new marketing strategy behind a campaign organized by the Japanese company Ajinomoto, producers of the food additive monosodium glutamate — MSG. Fortunately…

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New Health Alert Issued For BPA Alternative: BPS “Hinders Heart Function Within Minutes”

By Jason Erickson We’ve been among those who have reported for years about the horrible effects of BPA exposure, from hormone disruption to obesity, infertility and reproductive disorders in both genders, breast cancer, prostrate cancer, behavioral problems, brain impairment, hypertension and more. Obviously, alternatives to this dangerous chemical are…

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Researchers Turn to Amazon and Google For Bedroom Health Surveillance

By Jason Erickson Predictive medicine – or “precision health” as it is sometimes known – is a trend in healthcare that is growing exponentially. As I’ve reported previously, Amazon and Google are among the many companies that are heavily investing in this area. Since predictive…

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Facebook “Exploring Additional Measures” to Fight Anti-Vaccine Information: Report

By Jason Erickson As the “fake news” phenomenon continues to sweep across the Web, and the purge of independent media accelerates, lawmakers are calling on Facebook and Big Tech to take responsibility for anti-vaccine messaging that appears on their platform(s). According to a new report…

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Microplastics Now Pose Even Greater Threat To Land Than Oceans

By Jason Erickson “In fact, terrestrial microplastic pollution is much higher than marine microplastic pollution” – about four to 23 times more… More attention continues to be placed on determining any ill effects that microplastics (microbeads) are having on human health and the environment. Previous…

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