Italy Joins the Anti-Vax War by Banning Unvaccinated Children from School

By Jason Erickson

As we continue to chronicle, the anti-vax war is reaching new levels following a directive handed down by the World Health Organization that listed the anti-vaccine movement as a leading threat to global health.

This has resulted in U.S. politicians like Adam Schiff (D-CA) unilaterally calling upon tech companies to begin restricting the public’s access to the debate, after which Facebook/Google/Amazon all took swift action.

Entire countries (Australia) have declared the potential for anti-vax messaging to be so dangerous that certain speakers like David Icke had to be effectively banned from speaking on their soil for fear of spreading the virus of information and, by extension, actual viruses we presume.

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There is only one end if we continue to accelerate down the slippery slope of eradicating informed consent, and that is mandatory vaccinations for all. Naturally, the areas where this first would be seen is among health care practitioners – already happening – as well as in schools.

Italy is the latest to ramp up their mandatory vaccination program for students after previously waffling on the idea. As reported here by Heather Callaghan in August, 2018:

Previously, Italian law mandated that children must have received vaccines slated for 10 different diseases in order to attend preschool and kindergarten.

Yet, a shift in political winds has reversed the government mandate. Mandatory vaccination is expected to be halted in Italy for one full year, allowing all children to attend public school.

A report from News Medical states:

The amendment was passed by the upper house of Italy’s parliament last week Friday. The motion gathered 148 to 110 votes. It still needs to pass the lower house before it can be adopted by the nation.

The ongoing debate has now reached a sad resolution according to the most recent report from the BBC. Children will not only be banned from school, but Italy has laid out financial penalty that parents could face.  And, once again, we see the authorities citing the measles propaganda, which has been used as the linchpin for all of the aforementioned crackdowns on anti-vax messaging.  My emphasis added:

Parents risk being fined up to €500 (£425; $560) if they send their unvaccinated children to school. Children under six can be turned away.

The new law came amid a surge in measles cases – but Italian officials say vaccination rates have improved since it was introduced.


Ms Grillo said the rules were now simple: “No vaccine, no school”.

Italian media report that regional authorities are handling the situation in a number of different ways.

In Bologna, the local authority has sent letters of suspension to the parents of some 300 children, and a total of 5,000 children do not have their vaccine documentation up to date.

In other areas there have been no reported cases, while still others have been given a grace period of a few days beyond the deadline.

Is the law having an effect?

The new law was passed to raise Italy’s plummeting vaccination rates from below 80% to the World Health Organisation’s 95% target.

As should be quite evident, this top-down system of globalist directives (and forced compliance) is a violation of national sovereignty as well as individual sovereignty. These dangers have been outlined strongly by U.S. Senator Rand Paul, whose thoughts can be heard here in a recent Senate hearing.

This violation is coupled with the fact that of all the propaganda about viruses that could have been chosen, they have decided that measles is the most dreaded among them. I would encourage readers to visit Catherine Frompovich’s excellent article aptly titled, “It’s Finally Time for Everyone to Get Real About Measles.” She begins with her own personal story of growing up amid a far worse “epidemic” and recounts the natural resilience that was understood at the time.

Believe it or not, but this writer survived a measles epidemic no one even thought about controlling nor how to, except what Moms were very adept at doing, especially making certain their children got measles so they could enjoy life-long immunity. Sometime during the 1940s, I contracted measles, German measles, and chickenpox and lived to tell the story that not only I, but entire schools were infected, while none of my schoolmates died. There was no scaremongering in the media; children had a week off from school, which we thought was great; but also—more importantly—received a “tuned-up” immune system.

Catherine then goes onto completely dismantle this current hysteria that is leading to what we are seeing in countries like Australia and Italy, but also in the U.S. where many vaccination enforcement bills are slated to be rolled out.

Of course, all indications point to the fact that regular people everywhere ARE “getting real” about measles, as well as vaccination, and have begun opting out in ever greater numbers after researching the available science for themselves. Only a coordinated effort to both restrict the access to this information, as well as coerce people into making decisions against their will, can combat health freedom.  And THAT is the message that the global population should be receiving quite clearly.

Jason Erickson writes for This article (Italy Joins the Anti-Vax War by Banning Unvaccinated Children from School) may be republished in part or in full with author attribution and source link.

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