Tag: EMF

Real Men and Real Scientists Know That RF/EMF Safety Limits Are Too High — The Late Martin Blank, and “R” Ari Blank: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories

By Patricia Burke The EMF Scientist Appeal to the United Nations states, “Scientists call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious…

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Real Military-Trained Experts Who Warn that the “Science” and Data is Weaponized, Jerry F., Barrie T.: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories

By Patricia Burke Military Men vs. the Meters and the Microwaves A new generation of two-way wireless and powerline (TWAC) “smart” meters was first “deployed” about a decade ago. Unbeknownst to the public, the new meters could both send and receive signals back and forth…

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5G EMF/RF Memorial Day 2021: Wireless, Surveillance, & Warfare, The FCC, and the Military Budget in 3 Graphs Not Including the FCC

By Patricia Burke In April of 2021, the Brookings Institution published a Democratic-leaning series of articles entitled, “Build Back Better with Biden FCC” including “six installments reviewing issues that confront the FCC (Federal Communications Industry) today.”  “Cybersecurity” “The simple truth is that America’s networks are…

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5G EMF/RF Memorial Day 2021: “Havana” Stories: Invisible, Uncounted Microwave Injured Civilians and Vets Conclusion: Part 2 of 2

By Patricia Burke In Part 1 of the conclusion of Memorial Day article series, we questioned why civilian reports of injuries similar to those reported by embassy and diplomatic personnel are not being quantified or investigated, including the work of Dr. Beatrice Golumb. We also…

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5G EMF/RF Memorial Day 2021: “Havana” Stories: Invisible, Uncounted Microwave Injured Civilians and Vets Conclusion: Part 1 of 2

By Patricia Burke This week, the New Yorker on-line published an article “Are U.S. Officials Under Silent Attack? The Havana Syndrome first affected spies and diplomats in Cuba. Now it has spread to the White House.” (Published in the print edition of the May 31,…

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5G EMF/RF Mother’s Day 2021 — What on Earth does Mother’s Day Have to do with Radiation? Everything!

By Virginia Hines with Patricia Burke Virginia’s Story I am a mother, grandmother, spiritual seeker, medical practitioner and psychotherapist.  I have passionate interest in the mind-body-spirit connection, from my experiential learning in different healing and spiritual traditions, as well as from studying Western research models….

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Mother’s Day and 5G EMF/RF/WIFI “Waves Make Me Ill”: A New Mother’s Story

By Patricia Burke Switzerland: “Waves Make Me Ill”: Testimony of Electrohypersensitivity An article published in Switzerland in 2014, by Jennifer Keller, Femina, chronicled the story of then-new mother Godeliève: Original article in French (electronic version:  pp. 34-35): Insomnia, dizziness, pain. Godeliève, 37, from Les Ponts-de-Martel,…

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