5G EMF/RF Mother’s Day 2021: Conclusion
“Dear God, I have contacted every elected official up to the President (engineers, professors, organizations, citizens) Do you have any suggestions??? Doesn’t anyone know how to stop pure tones in our environment!?”
Activist Art by Sound Pollution “Citizen Science Expert” Sandra Chianfoni. See/Learn More at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWoGH9Ioykk and https://sandaura.wordpress.com/
Thank you for following our article series about mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers and others who have been working, some for decades, to address environmental and health issues of wireless technology, opposed by mercenary scientists who work for the wireless industry.
In a 3-part series, we looked at historical efforts dating back to the late 1990s featuring Diana Warren and Peggy Patton; Thea Fournier, Julie Riccardi, and Nina Anderson, while noting the pervasive influence of Philip Morris tobacco scientist Peter Valberg on public policy regarding wireless, including smart meters. Part 3 highlighted more recent efforts by Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network, publisher Carol Bedrosian, Noise Pollution Activist Sandra Chianfoni, Dover-Sherborn mothers opposing a tower on school property, Janet Davis opposing yet another cell antenna in a church steeple, and MA for Safe Technology’s Cece Doucette.
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We heard individual stories from:
Godelieve Richards, the new mother who co- founded the Piti Theatre Group with her husband Jonathan, in Massachusetts and Switzerland, on her experience of the acute onset of EHS, her journey to receive an accurate diagnosis, and the efforts she has to make to protect her home environment.
Activist Art by Godelieve: https://ptco.org/art-gallery/
Kirstin Beatty, a young mother and teacher forced to leave her profession, whose daughter is her advocate, who despite isolation due to EHS, works actively on legislative efforts on a number of environmental fronts.
Courtney Gilardi, whose community is opposing a macrotower, with many neighbors and her family experiencing adverse health effects when the tower was “turned on” after being installed without the knowledge and consent of the community, questioning outdated and inaccurate exposure standards and lack of legislative response.
Virginia Hines, a psychotherapist, noting the opportunity for cognitive coherence as society adopts health-protective choices; for examples, speaker phone, wired ear buds, and a chiropractic office that hard-wired to protect the safety of their patients (after measuring the RF emitted from an iPad being used, unquestioningly, to check in patients.)
The Mother of All Environmental Justice Issues
There is an enormous disparity between communities (and countries) that have the resources to oppose human rights abuses occurring in the wireless realm, and those that do not. Despite increasing claims that the U.S. seeks to address environmental justice, racial justice, the digital divide and other social concerns, the corporate dominance and misuse of data tells a different story. This includes nations being exploited to support the 5G/IOT/wireless sustainability dogma, including conflict minerals, and the dumping of e-waste in impoverished countries.
Activists engaged in the wireless EMF/RF issue, – in their churches, neighborhoods, communities, states, nationally, and internationally,- are advocating for every ecosystem and species on Earth and beyond, against perilous odds, as hubris takes human aggression beyond Earth to space, the Moon and to Mars.
History Repeating Repeating Repeating
Flyer from 2000, twenty-one years ago, created by Thea Fournier of CARE: Community Against Radiation Exposure, about antennas going into the church steeple in a residential district in N. Andover.
We are still seeing citizens engaged in this battle because we are still accepting tobacco science, which will never, ever, lead the U.S. to win any race regarding quality of life, health, happiness, environmental stewardship, educational leadership, national security, energy efficiency, resource management, fire safety, security, China, Russia, appropriate telecommunications policy, justice, human rights, racial parity, or any measure of “progress.”
A number of researchers and writers have documented the harm inflicted by tobacco science, for example, in books “Doubt is Their Product” by David Michaels, and “Merchants of Doubt,” by Harvard’s Naomi Oreskes, co-authored with Erik Conway. “Dr. David Michaels served as Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from 2009-2017, and was the longest serving administrator in the agency’s history. He currently teaches at the George Washington University School of Public Health.” “Naomi Oreskes is Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. A world-renowned geologist, historian and public speaker, she is a leading voice on the role of science in society and the reality of anthropogenic climate change.”
Many writers have noted the impact of corrupted science in the anthropomorphic climate change debate. Yet climate and environmental experts have inexplicably turned a blind eye to the fact that liar-for-hire, mercenary tobacco scientist Peter Valberg provided the vast majority of expertise to the wireless industry, utilities and their regulators for wireless smart meters, (with his colleagues from Exponent, another product defense firm.). As noted by former teacher Kirstin Beatty, “Valberg failed to admit many of his own positions – on tobacco, carbon black, chemical leaks – are far outside the mainstream, while mischaracterizing mainstream science as settled on wireless effects.”
Likewise, the supposed safety science and environmental data that justifies the explosive growth of AI/VR/5G/IOT is a mirage.
Science Still For Sale
We are operating in a culture where science is being bought by the highest bidder. The wireless industry has the re$ource$ to keep the rouse going, and to keep inflicting irreversible harm on health and the environment, for a very long time – unless the media-advertising -science charade is addressed.
Every 5G and cellphone advertisement is an indictment of a society that is not grounded in science, representative governing, integrity, human rights, and true protection of the health-vulnerable – disaster capitalism, political expediency, and social controls of the pandemic notwithstanding. Marketing is not science, and “these people (working for the product defense industry) are not scientists.”
Because protective policy for EMF/EF is inadequate and increasingly irrelevant with current juxtapositions of industrial-scale exposure, mothers including Godelieve and Kirstin, and EHS health-vulnerable children, are not being liberated from pandemic isolation. Proximal 5G infrastructure and utility meter mandates threaten health-vulnerable individuals in their own homes. Too many consumers have, perhaps inadvertently, joined the industry in their dismissal and disdain for women defending their children, their homes, human health, and the environment. The work to develop safer strategies won’t even begin until there is enough questioning of the science.
Message from Many Many Mothers: Houston – We have a Science Problem.
Action Item: Dear President Biden- Halt 5g, Assess Environmental Impact & Minimize Technology Health Effects To Children
5G & the Military (Kate Kheel, Stop5G International May Update)
Ban Killer Drones: A large campaign of civil disobedience is necessary to abolish one of the U.S. military’s monstrous creations
California: State Legislature moving to give telecom companies immense power
Satellites, Data, And Nature (Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force Newsletter) Now, virtually anyone can destroy the Earth
Canada’s Clegg Safety Challenge Former President Microsoft Canada’s Frank Clegg challenges a Roger’s president Dean Prevost to show evidence that the radiation emitted by wireless 5G is safe because many peer reviewed scientific studies show the contrary
See Patricia Burke’s archive here, including the series on Space, Earth Day, MayDay vs. May Day, and Mother’s Day.
Watch for the upcoming series about Veterans, followed by Father’s Day.
Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits.She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at stopsmartmetersMASS@gmail.com.