Real Military-Trained Experts Who Warn that the “Science” and Data is Weaponized, Jerry F., Barrie T.: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories
Military Men vs. the Meters and the Microwaves
A new generation of two-way wireless and powerline (TWAC) “smart” meters was first “deployed” about a decade ago.
Unbeknownst to the public, the new meters could both send and receive signals back and forth from the utility, eventually communicating with transmitting appliances inside the home. The industry made many misleading statements about the how much additional EMF/RF was being introduced into the environment, claiming, for example, that data was only being sent 4 times a day, for billing purposes only. This is but one example of the wide-scale covert nature of the “deployment.”
The direct experiences of Individuals reporting symptoms of reactivity and/or sensitivity to the imposition of additional frequencies in the airwaves and on the electrical wiring contradicted the industry claims, both of safety, and of the actual meter transmissions. It has only been due to the extraordinary efforts of citizens scrambling to play catch up with the covert forces behind the drive to install additional wireless technology that we know that the “4 times a day” claim is an outrageous falsehood.
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The Meters Transmit 4 Times A Day, For Billing Purposes Only – NOT!!!!!! 190,000 does not equal 4. PG&E’s Big Confession
The EMF Safety Network was one of the first groups to establish a web presence and to begin chronicling the problems with the smart meter deployment, in California.
The EMF Safety Network reported, “PG&E’s Big Confession.”
In April of 2010 the EMF Safety Network filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) asking for hearings on health impacts, including “Smart” Meter radio frequency (RF) emissions data. We wrote:
“PG&E’s paltry, inconsistent and contradictory information on RF emissions from Smart Meters is unbelievable and at odds with other RF expert findings. Several PG&E bulletins and spokespersons make varying claims on how often the Smart Meter electric meters transmit RF, anywhere from every hour to every 4 to 6 hours to 2% or 4% of the time.”
We just wanted the facts, but the CPUC rubber stamped PG&E’s claims of RF safety and dismissed our application stating:
“All radio devices in PG&E’s Smart Meters are licensed or certified by the FCC and comply with all FCC requirements.”
“Smart Meters produce RF emissions far below the levels of many commonly used devices.”
PG&E provides information from Richard Tell Associates on their website titled, “Supplemental Report on An Analysis of Radiofrequency Fields Associated with Operation of the PG&E SmartMeter Program Upgrade System” This report states Smart Meters transmit at 1 watt with 0 antennae gain. It claims:
The 1 watt transmitter is configured to transmit data approximately once every four hours back to the company so its duty cycle is very small (the actual data transmission duration during any four hour period will vary, however, depending on how often a particular meter transmitter acts as a repeater for other nearby meters).
From PG&E’s Smart Meter FAQ: SmartMeters™ utilize a low power (1 watt) wireless radio to send customer energy-usage information wirelessly to PG&E for data collection.….Do electric SmartMeters™ constantly emit RF? PG&E answers:
No. SmartMeters™ communicate intermittently, with each RF-signal typically lasting from 2 to 20 milliseconds. These intermittent signals total, on average, 45 seconds per day. For the other 23 hours and 59 minutes of the day, the meter is not transmitting any RF.
In a letter to Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the FCC writes, “the devices [Smart Meters] normally transmit for less than one second a few times a day and consumers are normally tens of feet or more from the meter face…”
All right, enough with the false claims!
Just give us some real facts! Recently CPUC administrative law judge Amy Yip-Kikugawa ordered all investor owned utilities (IOU’s ) to answer Smart Meter radio frequency (RF) questions. PG&E’s answers are an astounding confession! Question 2: How many times in total (average and maximum) is a smart meter scheduled to transmit during a 24-hour period?
PG&E says the average number of RF pulses for the electric meter would be about 10,000, per meter, per day and the maximum number over 190,000.
90% of these pulses are for the mesh network maintenance (signals bouncing from homes) and only 6 pulses are for reading the meter data. This doesn’t include Home Area Network transmissions.
How about peak power figures? The PG&E electric meter transmits at 900MHz with 1 watt of transmit power. It has an antennae gain 4.0 dBi for a peak level power of 2.5 watts. That’s two and a half times more than their safety data stated.
Misinformation, Subterfuge, Propaganda, Outright Lies – Former Military Men Respond
The significance of what is unfolding — for example, the undisclosed truth about the meter transmissions and antenna gain — is not being reported or understood by the public, due in part to the concentration of ownership of mainstream media and social media by those profiting from data mining and the surveillance that wireless enables.
When citizens investigate and uncover wrongdoing to policy and law makers, decision-makers fail to act. This includes massive accounting fraud. In fact, the cover stories and falsehoods about wireless technology persist in the public narrative. The fact that the roll-out of wireless meters has been conducted under cover of pretense, misinformation, subterfuge, and outright lies requires a deeper examination and investigation, especially regarding claims about “sustainability.”
Two of the voices that emerged are two former military men, Jerry Flynn, and Barrie Trower.
Captain (Retired) J.G. Flynn, Serial No. 25614-G Royal Canadian Navy, Electronic Warfare
National Day Of Action Against Smart Meters with Jerry Flynn
“I am a retired Canadian Armed Forces captain (commissioned from the ranks in what was then the Royal Canadian Navy) who spent 22 of my 26+ years in the ‘Forces’ in Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), the former of which included two years in National Defense Headquarters (NDHQ) Ottawa, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (DEW). In EW I worked closely with U.S. and NATO armies and, of my own initiative, attended a major NATO army EW officers’ course in Anzio, Italy, and participated in a major NATO army EW field exercise in Germany. I accepted invitations to visit both the U.S. Pentagon and, subsequently, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (the US Army’s principal EW base). Earlier still, I conducted Radio Warfare/EW at sea aboard two Canadian warships. In SIGINT, I was the Executive Officer and Operations Officer for two years at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive radio intelligence-gathering stations, where I employed some 200+ specially-trained radio operators who conducted both COMINT (Communications Intelligence) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) under my direction. Throughout this period, I worked closely with the USA’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ.
Although I finally retired in 2005, since 2008 I have spent most of my time researching, writing and speaking out publicly on all aspects of this unbelievably evil issue caused by the corrupt US military-industrial complex. History will record that this ongoing corruption now literally threatens all life on earth! Tragically, too few Americans heeded then U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1961, when he warned them to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt US M-I-C!
On leaving the Forces, in my second career, which also lasted 26-years, I was extremely fortunate to have a client list that eventually included the Saudi Arabian government plus other large multinational corporations who collectively had major operations and/or projects in various countries on five continents. Consequently, I quickly embraced all things wireless: a Blackberry cell phone, Wi-Fi routers (in the office and at home); cordless phones (both locations), microwave ovens (both locations), laptop computer (wireless, of course), Bluetooth cell phone and heated seats in my vehicles, electric in-floor radiant heat in my homes, not to mention the silent and invisible EMF (electric field and magnetic field) radiation I was exposed to in my working and living environments.
In the fall of 2016, cancer very nearly took my life! Out-of-the-blue, I was suddenly stricken with a particularly virulent form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma – which, in hindsight, I attribute solely to my own indefensible stupidity and naiveté in presuming that Health Canada had tested and verified that all wireless electronic products on the market were ‘safe’ for the public to use! My weight quickly dropped from about 175 lbs to less than 130 lbs, and I required an oxygen machine to breathe day and night! In retrospect, were it not for an excellent medical team and for my beloved wife’s tireless attention and endless nursing, and for her stubborn determination not to let me go, I would not be here to fight this, what has become, the Mother of all Crimes – which now, unbelievably, threatens all life on earth!”
Barrie Trower, EMF Weapons Expert, United Kingdom
The Dangers of Microwave Technology – Microwave expert Barrie Trower
“Dr. Barrie Trower is a British Physicist who trained in the Government Microwave Warfare Establishment in the 1960s and worked with the underwater bomb disposal unit, the Royal Navy, British Secret Service and the CIA. He is considered an expert in microwave technology.” He has a special interest in protecting schoolchildren from microwave exposures.
In his testimony submitted for the lawsuit in Oregon regarding WiFi in schools, he stated,
“I trained at the Government (Ministry of Defense) microwave warfare establishment(s) early in the 1960s covering all aspects of microwave technology, uses and health dangers. Later works included under water bomb-disposal which incorporated microwave technology.
In the late 1960’s and 1970’s a part of my task was to extract confidential (hitherto secret) information from master criminals, terrorists, and spies. This included Cold War microwave technology.
My first degree is in Physics with a specialization in microwaves. My second degree is a research degree. I have a teaching diploma in human physiology. Before retiring, I taught advanced physics and mathematics at South Dartmoor College.
I am Scientific Advisor to the Radiation Research Trust and the H.E.S.E. (Human Ecological Social Economical) Project.
I am the author of both Tetra Reports for the Police Federation of England and Wales and the Public and Commercial Service Union.
My work is done entirely free of charge and I have never accepted money from any person or organization in the years I have been doing this research. I consider myself absolutely independent.
To my knowledge, ‘microwave or radiowave sickness’ was first reported in August 1932 with the symptoms of: severe tiredness, fatigue, fitful sleep, headaches, intolerability and high susceptibility to infection. See Hecht, K et al., Overloading of Towns and Cities with Radio Transmitters (Cellular Transmitter): a hazard for the human health and a disturbance of ecoethics, International Research Centre of Healthy Ecological Technology (IRCHET), Berlin-Germany, at l ¶ 3 (2007). These symptoms were reported to be from athermal effects.”
He asks, “If microwave systems are safe, why is there a still on-going stealth warfare industry, going back 60 years?”
Barrie Trower on 5G | The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation
Save the Date, From Stop5G International: Global Synchronized Day of Meditation.
This is part of a Father’s Day 5G series which you can read in its entirety HERE.
Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits.She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at