Tag: EMF

Airlines Flight Crews Pollution Sickness Syndrome

By Catherine J Frompovich What’s making airlines flight crews sick? Reports have been surfacing about cabin crews complaining regarding new, corporate-issued uniforms making them sick.  Other crew members have filed lawsuits [1] regarding what’s known as “aerotoxic syndrome.” [2] And now, American Airlines pilots are…

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Microwave Radiation Should Be Regulated On A Precautionary Basis, Study Suggests

By Catherine J Frompovich PubMed published the Abstract of a 2011 science paper titled “Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: evidences from radars and mobile communication systems” (Yakymenko I1, Sidorik E, Kyrylenko S, Chekhun V.),  which originally was published in Experimental Oncology, 2011…

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What Are Laboratory Rats Indicating About Wi-Fi Exposures The High Tech Industries Deny?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is everywhere: Planes, trains, schools, workplaces, cafés, and even doctors’ offices, which I find quite unfathomable, since those microwave frequencies are harmful to the brain, i.e., one of the non-thermal radiation wave adverse health effects the industry’s associations,…

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Science Speaks Out About Electromagnetic Frequencies Harms

  By Catherine J Frompovich Are humankind, plus all life forms on Planet Earth, heading toward a catastrophic physiological event resulting from vested-interest businesses, industries and advertising campaigns advancing a meme that has morphed into an acknowledged addiction?  That addiction, or dependency, is to microwave…

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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Study Subjects Needed By University Research Team

  By Catherine J Frompovich Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI) results from exposure to electromagnetic waves (EMF/RF/ELF) due to the overwhelming explosion of ‘smart’ technology appliances and gadgets which use either microwaves or some other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum. Source [do_widget…

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An Open Letter to World Health Organization’s EMF Project Requesting Non-thermal Radiation Adverse Health Effects Be Recognized and Conflicts of Interest Purged from the Evaluation Working Group

By Catherine J. Frompovich Humans are living in a sea of electromagnetic radiofrequencies, some of which are not recognized for the health harms they cause. The very agency that should be at the forefront of setting safety standards, the World Health Organization Working Group on…

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AMI Smart Meters ILLEGALLY Forced on Pennsylvania Consumers; Act 129 States “Not Mandatory”

By Catherine J Frompovich Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) utility Smart Meters for electric, natural gas and water are being forced onto Pennsylvania utility customers by utility companies backed up by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s (PA PUC) implementation rules and regulations, i.e., AMI SMs are…

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Microwave and Cell Phone Radiation Dangers Not To Ignore

By Catherine J Frompovich The microwave industry is pushing ahead full-bore for higher and more damaging microwave uses and implementation with resulting exposures capable of adversely affecting human health and the biosphere. No one in the microwave industry is including in their propaganda information deliberately…

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5G Network Being Pushed on the Public with Zero Concern for Safety

By Pedro Aquila The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is pushing to streamline the approval of 5G cell towers, overriding the little regulation that exists to legalize use of experimental high frequencies without extensive safety testing. Untested frequencies in the range of 28 gigahertz to 100 Ghz or more are…

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