California Dept Of Public Health Hid This Warning On Cell Phone Radiation For Years

mobile phone radiation pixabayBy Daniel Lang

At this point, the idea that cell phone radiation can be harmful to your health is kind of an open secret. It’s a secret in the sense that the media and the cell phone companies don’t talk about it very much. It’s also never been scientifically proven that cell phone signals can hurt you. At the same time, however, most cell phone user manuals warn you not to keep these devices too close to your body. Clearly the cell phone companies think that their devices may be dangerous.

But the cell phone companies aren’t alone. The government also refuses to talk about the dangers of cell phones while quietly admitting that there may be a problem. In fact, it was recently found that the California Department of Public Health had hidden a document drafted years ago, that contained concerns about cellphone radiation from health officials.

It was released this week after Joel Moskowitz, who is the director of the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley, sued the state in order to have the document published. Though the document is dated April 2014, Moskowitz says that it was actually created seven years ago and periodically updated from time to time. The document has “Draft and Not for Public Release” stamped across the pages.

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The document says that cell phone use may increase brain cancer risks, and that “cellphone EMFs can affect nearby cells and tissues.” It also recommends keeping the cell phone away from your body by using headsets and texting, and turning the phone off when it’s in your pocket. The document warns that cell phone radiation “can pass deeper into a child’s brain than an adult’s,” and recommends that parents limit their children’s use of cell phones. Why the Department of Public Health has hidden this document is a mystery.

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Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!

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