Tag: EMF

Are State Public Utility Commissions Acting In The Public’s Interest Or Are Felonies Involved?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Independent EMF/AMI Smart Meter researcher Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona, is one heck of an activist, in my opinion. Personally, I wish there were thousands like Warren! Recently, Warren emailed some rather disconcerting information regarding “The recent indictment of former Arizona…

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Facts About Current Safety Standards For Cell Phone And Towers

By Catherine J. Frompovich Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, a contributor to the Bioinitiative Report, discusses the health hazards associated with exposures—especially prolonged exposures—to microwaves and their non-thermal radiation waves. Here is a 9+ minute video of Dr. Martin Blank’s discussion on the matter. https://youtu.be/a6wLFeIrCtU? [do_widget…

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AMI Smart Meters Are The Number One Health Hazard; Next Is Cell Phones, Per Medical Research Science

By Catherine J. Frompovich Utility companies—electric, natural gas and water—have retrofitted AMI Smart Meters, which are devastating human health. Here is a video, which describes and details what’s going on from AMI Smart Meters. https://youtu.be/MpB1E92kk1M? This video is the most comprehensive video (2 hrs 30…

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A Consumer’s Right Of Self Defense Against Smart And Digital Utility Meters – A Demand To Cease And Desist

By Catherine J. Frompovich One rather well-informed individual in the State of California, Eric Windheim, whose “House Doctor” business is Windheim Environmental Solutions, did something I found most thrilling, encouraging and which I support. Mr. Windheim filed a “Notice of Right of Self Defense Against…

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Wireless Technologies Have An Epigenetic Effect On Children

By Catherine J. Frompovich Cindy Sage and Ernesto Burgio published a new paper “Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development” on the Bioinitiative 2012 website, which ought to dispel much of the disparity about EMFs not  being harmful,…

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Duke Energy Customers’ Smart Meter Problems And Complaints – Do You Have Any Meter Complaints?

By Catherine J. Frompovich AMI meters and smart meters are one and the same meter!  Don’t let any utility company employee or sub-contractor tell you differently, as some have been doing in various states.  That’s a ‘deflective’ definition hoping customers will abandon their dislikes or…

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The Greek AMA Recommends Reducing EMFs/RFs To Protect Public Health

By Catherine J Frompovich The Athens Medical Association of Athens, Greece, held a conference April 1st regarding “Non-Ionizing Radiation and Its Effects on Human Health” where scientific lectures were presented along with 16 recommendations to reduce exposures and human health adverse effects.  Question:  Why hasn’t…

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