Tag: EHS

People Suffering from MS May Also Have Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Not Know It

By B.N. Frank Last fall 46-year-old actress, Selma Blair, announced that she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis (MS). Despite how much this is affecting her, she has been giving interviews about her struggle. [do_widget id=text-16] Many of the symptoms associated with…

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A Report On Energy Balancing And Attraction Relative To Electromagnetic Frequencies

By Catherine J. Frompovich As a now-retired former healthcare professional, but continuing-to-write researcher and journalist, I candidly have to admit I have seen an unbelievable, but verifiable, decline in public health and an acceleration in morbidity statistics, especially within the last three younger generations—infants and children—and…

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Electromagnetic Frequencies: Can You Do Something About Them If They Affect You?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute…it’s happening! Everyone is being assaulted by an unseen, yet ‘coveted’, biological enemy: Technology’s ‘smart’ appliances with their ubiquitous microwave frequencies! Whoa! What a statement to make. Yes, that’s a rather incriminating accusation,…

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EMFs & RFs Constantly Invade Your Home Inflicting DNA Damage, But There Is Something You Can Do To Mitigate That, Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones

By Catherine J. Frompovich Humans have been evolving on Planet Earth for many thousands of years enjoying an environment free of man-made electromagnetic (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) pollution, often referred to as “Electric Smog.” Most folks are familiar with environmental pollution especially when there’s a…

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Is Shielding From Electromagnetic Frequencies And 5G Necessary?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) What are they?, you may be asking. EMFs are the very frequencies that make modern life possible such as electric house wiring, any electrical mechanism, appliance or microwave-run device. All electrical functions produce EMF fields or non-ionizing radiation…

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Is Your Child Smarter Or Dumber Because Of Microwave Technologies?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Parents are overjoyed when their two-year-olds ‘master’ computer games and cell phones. They interpret that as “look how smart my kid is!” Well, that’s really not the take-away message parents should be coming up with. Maybe their youngsters inadvertently are becoming…

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Dramatic Visual Medical Proof Of EMF Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity In EHS Patients

By Catherine J. Frompovich Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), or medically known as idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) by the World Health Organization [1], is described as … characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to EMF. The symptoms most commonly experienced…

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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Why Is It On The Increase?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Ever since the mid-1970s, I’ve been investigating, researching, studying, tracking and writing about human health anomalies, which I—as well as other healthcare professionals and data researchers—have come to regard as adverse effects resulting from what most people would consider as “progress,”…

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Federal OSHA And Microwave Industry Employees Safety Regulations

By Catherine J. Frompovich According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) webpage “Non-Ionizing Radiation” Overview, we read: Non-ionizing radiation is described as a series of energy waves composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling at the speed of light. Non-ionizing radiation…

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The Totalitarian New World Order Tactics Of The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

By Catherine J. Frompovich Fox43 News has documented the outrageous and inhumane actions Pennsylvania utility companies are permitted to implement by the PA Public Utility Commission (PA PUC) regarding the callous actions forced upon a Dover, York County, Pennsylvania, resident who previously suffered a traumatic…

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Is It A Case of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity for U.S. Embassy Employees In Cuba?

By Catherine J. Frompovich What caused U.S. embassy employees in the Cuban capital of Havana to lose their hearing? Reports are surfacing the U.S. embassy staff in Havana has suffered “mysterious physical symptoms,” one being hearing loss. Suggested causes included covert sonic devices. According to…

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State of California Legislature Grants ADA Accommodations For People Disabled With EHS

By Catherine J. Frompovich Well, lookie here! Reports I receive from California and other EMF/RF electromagnetic hypersensitivity researchers, state: Something new is happening in California. In the midst of the contentious Senate Bill 649 fight, the California legislature has been arranging ADA accommodation for people…

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