Sleepwalking into an Electrosmog Nightmare: More Wireless, Electrify Everything?
If you are awoken every night at 11:45 pm, 2:45 am, and 5:45 am with a startled fight or flight response, urgent thirst, heart arrhythmias, and a feeling that your brain is on fire, you should have the right to know if your sleep disruption is being caused by the Russians, or by wireless transmission and/or dirty power pulsing through the grid.Â
In March of 2019, the on-line summit Depression, Anxiety and Dementia offered tools and strategies “for preventing and healing brain diseases including depression, anxiety, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.”[1]  The importance of sleep was one of many lifestyle topics, and one clinician mentioned that he sometimes refers clients for a sleep evaluation, if medically indicated.
SOURCE: Consumer Reports
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Statistics vary, but in 2014, The Atlantic reported,
The number of prescriptions for nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, a group of drugs to which zolpidem belongs, grew 30 times over between 1994 and 2007—that’s five times faster than the growth of insomnia diagnoses over the same period of time, and 21 times faster than the growth of patient complaints of sleeplessness. Somewhere between 50 and 70 million Americans are currently thought to suffer from sleep disorders, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and around 4 percent of adults use prescription medication to get a good night’s rest.[2]
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reported,
Results show that 4.1 percent of U.S. adults who were at least 20 years new had taken a prescription sleep aid in the past month. The prevalence of sleeping pill use generally increased with age; the rate was lowest among adults between the ages of 20 and 39 years (1.8%) and highest among adults who were at least 80 years new (7%). Use of prescription sleep aids also was higher among women (5%) than men (3.1%).
The AASM reports that insomnia is the most common sleep complaint, occurring in up to 50 percent of adults. Insomnia involves having difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early, or waking up feeling unrefreshed, despite an adequate opportunity for sleep. About 10 to 15 percent of adults have insomnia symptoms with distress or daytime impairment. The risk for insomnia is greater in women and older adults.
For sleep apnea concerns, the patient may be asked to wear a wireless monitor overnight.
But many doctors refer their patients to a specialized medical center for a sleep assessment.
Testing Process
When you are ready to go to bed, the sleep technologist will attach sensors to your body. The sensors, which are glued or taped to you, monitor your body while you sleep. These sensors are painless. Make sure to tell the technologist if you are allergic or sensitive to any adhesives. The sensors measure your:
- Brain waves
- Chin muscle activity
- Heart rate
- Breathing
- Oxygen levels
- Leg movements
A sleep center stay may be a helpful strategy for measuring how well the patient sleeps in a clinical sleep lab setting and for identifying some health conditions.
But we are missing a big part of the equation – the unnatural electromagnetic environment slamming the blood brain barrier and voltage gated channels in the cell walls 24/7/365, including all night long.
The natural environment is being increasingly polluted with electrosmog that may be the direct cause of sleep disturbances, as well as the cause of other adverse health impacts.
Electrical pollution can be caused by the four variables of unnatural electric fields, magnetic fields, microwave radio frequencies, and/or “dirty electricity.”
From a scientific standpoint, what is required is the willingness to monitor both the power quality and the overall state of the electric grid, the radio frequency exposures, and the health indicators in the environment where the patient sleeps, at the same time.
When Ridicule and Prejudice Prevail Over Scientific Inquiry
This assessment of the sleeping environment and symptom complaints could have been adopted as an appropriate response in 2009, when the sudden, acute onset of an adverse neurological health condition[3] corresponded with the installation of wireless smart utility meters in several states, including Texas,[4] Maine,[5] and California,[6] more recently in Pennsylvania,[7] and in other countries worldwide.
The peer-reviewed published study, Self-reporting of symptom development from exposure to radiofrequency fields of wireless smart meters in Victoria, Australia: a case series by F. Lemach determined:
The most frequently reported symptoms from exposure to smart meters were (1) insomnia, (2) headaches, (3) tinnitus, (4) fatigue, (5) cognitive disturbances, (6) dysesthesias (abnormal sensation), and (7) dizziness. The effects of these symptoms on people’s lives were significant.
Review of some key studies, both recent and old (1971), reveals that the participants’ symptoms were the same as those reported by people exposed to radiofrequency fields emitted by devices other than smart meters. Interestingly, the vast majority of Victorian cases did not state that they had been sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) prior to exposure to the wireless meters, which points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people’s threshold for symptom development.
The industry and its economic partners instead ridiculed and dismissed reports of harm, initially implying that patients had a mental illness, and then crafting a more carefully worded response that it was obvious that customers had problems, but that there was no evidence that the symptoms were linked to the meters.
Despite societal progress regarding the “Me Too,” LGBTQ, and racial fronts – ridicule, marginalization, minimization, and overrunning of the rights of the “tin foil hat brigade” and those with other chronic environmentally-induced health conditions (MCS) is the most deeply institutionalized, socially acceptable, and enduring form of prejudice and lack of accommodation in the mass culture.
This is not a scientific challenge, but rather a lack of willingness on the part of the industry and its regulators and related economic interests. There is no biologically-based paradigm in place to perform pre-market safety testing for current juxtapositions of wireless devices and infrastructure. The burden for proof of harm has been shifted to the lay population, because the regulatory paradigm has failed.
This issue of inadequate testing, regulation, and oversight is permeating not only the wireless industry, but also running rampant with agencies ranging from the FCC to the FAA to the CDC.
However, societal awareness of the wrongdoings of chemical companies and fossil fuel companies is increasing, while recognition of the risks of the wireless paradigm has not yet reached critical mass. In fact, things are getting worse. Faster more ubiquitous wireless coverage is being promoted as progress and the cure to all societal ills. Rather than requiring the industry to provide evidence of safety, regulators dismiss reports of harm, stating that the scientific evidence was lacking, thereby shifting the burden of proof of harm to those injured.
The Emergence of Citizen Science
In the absence of both industry and independent research, many citizens are working to raise awareness. As an example of citizen science, videos of Warren Woodward demonstrate that the human heart is directly impacted by wireless smart utility meters:
A Smart Strategy Would Be to Stop Ignoring Early Warnings
In testimony in Arizona, Dr. Sam Milham stated,
“Dirty electricity” or “dirty power” are terms coined by the electric utilities to describe the electrical pollution consisting of high frequency voltage transients and harmonics riding along on the 50 or 60 Hz wave form and contaminating the electricity delivered to users. …
The APS “smart” meters are electronic devices which replaced the old electromechanical analog meters used to measure electric power consumption for billing purposes.  The smart meters have circuitry to measure power consumption and a microwave transmitter to send this information to the utility. The health effects of microwave exposures are well known. All transmitters, including the microwave transmitters in smart meters, operate on direct current (DC).  The APS smart meters contain a switching mode power supply (SMPS) which changes the utility 60 Hz alternating current to DC. …
Because it is at the front end of a building’s wiring, the dirty electricity from the smart meter’s SMPS has a gateway into that building’s wiring, and also into the earth via the house ground. The house wiring acts as an antenna and the fields capacitively couple to the body through the air within 6 to 8 feet of the house wiring or extension cords plugged into the outlets. …
I believe that our evolutionary balance, developed over the millennia, has been severely disturbed and disrupted by man-made EMFs. I believe that man-made EMFs, especially dirty electricity, are chronic stressors and are responsible for many of the disease patterns of electrified populations. …
It is my professional opinion that smart meters are a public health hazard.
Regarding dirty power, author Steven McGee states, “Harmonics are the cancer of the electrical system.”
Dr. Klinghardt compared the maternal sleeping environment during pregnancy for both autistic and non-autistic children, and discovered that there was a 20-to-1 higher exposure of incoming cellphone radiation and low frequency EMF from the household wiring in the homes of the autistic children.
In a 2017 presentation, Peter Sullivan discussed the recovery of his sons from autism by lowering the burden of electrosmog.
This presentation includes Peter’s personal story of helping his two boys recover from autism and restoring his own health. It also includes key concepts for understanding autism as a state of overload from multiple factors (total load theory) and how wireless radiation and EMF (electromagnetic fields) fit into that framework.  Additionally, Peter will explain what you can do to immediately reduce your child’s exposure to wireless radiation and EMF and how to be more resilient to its effects. Finally, Peter will discuss the role of fight or flight mode in the context of EMF and detox, as well as other emerging solutions to reduce wireless and EMF exposure.
History Repeats Itself; Wireless Replaces Asbestos in Homes, Schools and Businesses?
Instead of heeding the emerging issues of electrosmog, schools are installing industrial-scale Wi-Fi, cities are installing high intensity LED lighting, and corporations are building “smart” houses.
Amazon is currently partnering with Lennar, the nation’s largest home builder, to mass produce homes with built-in WiFi. These smart homes will be entirely cloud-based and rely on fifth generation wireless technology, giving homeowners various wireless conveniences. This partnership will drive up the demand for hundreds of thousands of new cell phone towers, welcoming a new era of EMF radiation across the country. The Amazon smart homes will be voice controlled by Amazon Alexa and incorporate whole-home automation provided by Samsung Smart Things. The partnership also includes contracts for Honeywell, Ring, Baldwin, Ruckus, and Sonus. These smart homes will include refrigerators that can detect when food is low and automatically order more groceries online. These smart homes will include thermostats that can autonomously adjust the temperature of each room to save energy. Doorbells will be able to detect the presence of a person outside and ring in response.
SOURCE: Health.News
Politico reported April 2 “How a Medical Mystery Tilted the 1992 Election in Bill Clinton’s Favor. — In 1989, Barbara Bush was diagnosed with Graves’ disease. Then, two years later, George H.W. Bush came down with it—just in time for his re-election campaign.”[8]
The oddity of both Barbara and George Bush being diagnosed with the same noncontagious disease while at the White House posed a medical mystery that was never authoritatively settled. The fact that both were under stress, perhaps coupled with a genetic predisposition for the disease, was the least conspiratorial medical explanation. Their son Marvin’s diagnosis in 1985 of ulcerative colitis was another indication of a possible genetic predisposition for autoimmune disorders in the family.
Still, some wondered if there had been an environmental trigger at the White House or in the vice president’s residence, where they had lived for eight years. Or perhaps some aftereffect, innocent or nefarious, from their time in Beijing, where Bush served as the top U.S. diplomat for more than a year. Barbara Bush told me there were “all sorts of rumors about the Russians looking down on us.” The Soviet Embassy was less than a mile from the vice president’s residence, and built on higher ground. Had the Soviets been up to no good?
The water, the plumbing, the paint were tested; nothing notable was found. But there was never a full-fledged investigation into what might have contributed to both Bushes developing the same autoimmune disorder, and within 15 months of each other, not to mention Millie’s ailment.
Barbara Bush told me she was inclined to see it as just one of those weird coincidences in life. At the time, she reported that George W. Bush jokingly had called to say she “could end all the talk if his dad and I would just stop drinking out of Millie’s bowl.[9]
There has been a staggering increase in chronic illnesses, across all age spans, in the United States. Researchers from Emory University found more than half of Americans are living with at least one chronic illness, a substance abuse problem or a mental health condition.[10]
Why is the U.S. not investigating reported harm if the Russians are suspect?
If you are awoken every night at 11:45 pm, 2:45 am, and 5:45 am with a startled fight or flight response, urgent thirst, heart arrhythmias, and a feeling that your brain is on fire, you should have the right to know if your sleep disruption is being caused by the Russians, or by wireless transmission and/or dirty power pulsing through the grid.
You have the right to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety and being overweight. Expectant parents have the right to access to a sleeping environment that does not increase the risk of autism. All of society has the right to sleep in an environment that allows for preventing and healing brain diseases including depression, anxiety, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
The process begins by addressing the ADA and HUD concerns now of those in need of accommodation, and cost factoring the health care burden into liability for the wireless paradigm. Any legislation that proposes to override community rights[11] or to shield industries from liability,[12] including the Telecom Act of 1996, is unscientific, immoral, and insane.
It is not rocket science. Its just more of the same unthinking, health-and-environment-destroying entitlement. We can stop this.
[9] Excerpted from THE MATRIARCH: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty by Susan Page
Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits. She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at