EMFs & RFs Constantly Invade Your Home Inflicting DNA Damage, But There Is Something You Can Do To Mitigate That, Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones
Humans have been evolving on Planet Earth for many thousands of years enjoying an environment free of man-made electromagnetic (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) pollution, often referred to as “Electric Smog.” Most folks are familiar with environmental pollution especially when there’s a caustic haze hanging overhead and breathing becomes difficult for many people, especially those with allergies, heart and lung diseases. That man-made environmental pollution, also referred to as “anthropogenic pollution,” is caused or influenced by humans. It’s palpable; we can see, smell and often react to it.
Specific classifications of pollution include water, soil, noise, radioactive, light, thermal and visual. However, one very dramatic type of pollution is ignored by those who really ought to know better; it’s non-thermal pollution emitted by EMFs and RFs from technologies, special satellites in orbit around Earth, smart devices and smart consumer products which, unfortunately, most people have become addicted to. Try leaving your iPhone at home! How many times an hour do you check your phone?
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Since we are living in the “Information / Computer / Digital Technological Age,” everything and anything that can be invented and mainstreamed as “smart” has captured not only our imagination but our lifestyles, but not without a price to pay health-wise—something very few probably fail to realize.
Technology does what it does because it can, not because it is safe in most instances or is used safely!
Classic examples are AMI Smart Meters placed on homes to monitor and measure utility usage for electricity, natural gas and municipal water. AMI SMs replace safe, analog meters that lasted ‘forever’ but did not snoop around the inside of your house seeking smart appliances to interact with to tell utilities what you are doing in your home; when you are home and other data collection being shared with third parties you have not given permission to have. Utilities have monetized your data for various reasons!
But the sinister part about all those AMI SMs is they emit EMFs and RFs due to microwaves used to collect and transmit your data to big brother home base, all the while polluting your living space with non-ionizing radiation which has non-thermal health effects.
With all the high digital tech we are exposed to: Wi-Fi at home, school and work; cell phones, cell towers, stingray and GWEN towers; dishwashers, TVs, refrigerators, home security systems, automatic garage openers, baby monitors, etc.; virtual assistants like Alexa™ and Echo™ all employing radiofrequencies to work, thereby emitting non-ionizing radiation into your living space.
Many folks are electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS), meaning they cannot tolerate being in an EMF and/or RF polluted environment. Dr. David O. Carpenter, MD, Director of Institute for Health and the Environment, a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization at the University at Albany, explains it this way:
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a real disease. And it does matter if it is real or not. Clearly some people suffer from chronic ills and would like to blame EMFs, when in fact they are not electrosensitive. There are likely many more people who are electrosensitive but have not identified the cause of their symptoms. The reason that it does matter is that if one is really sensitive to EMFs you can reduce your symptoms by avoiding excessive exposure. This is especially important for those who are electrosensitive but haven’t identified the cause. There are other causes of similar non-specific symptoms as well, such as chemical exposures, so not all of the symptoms of those who are not electrosensitive are due to psychological problems, even though some are. [CJF emphasis]
There are many “triggers” for EHS; they increase daily as more and more high tech devices come on board emitting non-ionizing RF radiation, which increases exponentially. Dr. Olle Johansson, PhD, writes on the Electromagnetic Health.org blog:
Until the scientific community comes to truth, we must be aware and vigilant. We are exposed to radiation a million billion (1,000,000,000,000,000) times (or more!) stronger than our natural background radiation. And the results published in the biomedical literature are, in many cases, extremely scary. It is obvious that bees and ants understand this and therefore flee when exposed. But why do not us humans do the same? Why do we just stay put, talking about it? [CJF emphasis]
So what is a person to do?
How can we ascertain the electromagnetic dangers invading our space and homes?
There are specially trained professionals who assess homes for EMF and RF pollution, but not all who think they can do it, really do a completely thorough job, often not measuring certain frequencies.
I’ve been looking for such an individual to assess my house/home and recently had it done by Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions. I thought I would share with my readers how it’s done and what can be done to mitigate as much as possible EMFs/RFs from invading your space.
First and foremost, Paul took over my kitchen with six pieces of monitoring/measuring equipment, which, from his ballpark figures, cost in the neighborhood of $15,000! They included:
- Fluke 215C Scopemeter
- Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter
- Gigahertz Solutions HF59B High Frequency Analyzer
- Gigahertz Solutions HFW59D High Frequency Analyzer
- Gigahertz Solutions NFA-1000 3D Electric Field Meter
- Fluke 289 Multimeter for Contact Current
Right off the bat, Paul found PECO, my electric company and AMI Smart Meter supplier, was transmitting harmonic distortions (“dirty electricity”) over my wires, so I need to contact PECO to have a Power Quality Analyzer installed on my electric service (usually for 2 weeks) to see what’s going on to correct the distortions on their end; the fault is not in my house, it’s coming from PECO over which I have no control. Paul produced two charts for me to send to PECO with my formal request for relief. He noted “pulsing” from my Aclara® AMI Smart Meter too.
Paul also measured for power quality and found the 3rd harmonic to be over the IEEE Standards rule 519-1992. This seems to be more and more common in neighborhoods that have smart meters but it also could be a problem with the transformer. A request for a power quality monitor would be needed by the utility in order for them to fix the problem.
Paul measured everything in every room of my three-bedroom townhouse. He neutralized the kitchen by installing 3 Stetzerizer Filters—one each at my kitchen counter electrical outlets. He also measured the “sink to floor voltage” since I have a stainless steel sink. There was some “activity” observed and to mitigate that I could get a porcelain sink or use rubber gloves to wash dishes while wearing rubber sole shoes. He used the Fluke 215C Scopemeter to do that measurement. Placing a 10 inch piece of PEX [http://www.sharkbite.com/resources/faqs/pex-tubing/] between the bonded ground wire connection, on the copper water pipe, and the household’s water distribution would significantly lower this exposure.
Then Paul did something totally remarkable: He hooked me up to ECG electrodes and measured what I was absorbing in the way of EMFs. I did very nicely after he installed the filters in the kitchen. He also measured me with those electrodes attached as I lay in my bed at night sleeping. He found in my upstairs that my area and house were impacted by radio and television transmission signals! Nothing much I can do about that since my house doesn’t generate them, but he gave me ideas on how to mitigate the exposure as much as possible.
Paul, in our discussions while assessing my home, said the human head acts like an antenna, and he supplied me with published studies to that effect, which I list in the section after this narrative about my home assessment. Paul also said just getting some sort of ‘mitigation filter’ often can do more harm depending upon the unknown measurements of what is coming into the house on which frequencies and not being able to address them.
I was extremely thrilled with what Paul did in my home and all the information he shared with me to mitigate exposures. For example, when he monitored me at my computer with ECG electrodes on, he found the lamp I had on my computer desk was generating stuff I did not want to be exposed to. He advised me to purchase a wooden lamp, if possible, or a porcelain one. Paul explained how computers are problematic in generating EMFs and advised me to spend less time doing research and writing, which some days is almost 10 hours.
A filter was attached to that circuit because the Dell computer was producing high frequency within the electric field absorbed. With this change, time at the computer exposure would be less harmful. The lamp and attached cord was radiating an electric field so strong that it created significant readings when measuring voltage drop across the body. It was suggested that a shielded electric cord along with a wood or ceramic material be used as a desk lamp at the computer desk. Electrical cord shielding reduces electrical noise; reduces its impact on signals, including lowering electromagnetic radiation.
As a result of my journalistic and personal interests in EMFs/RFs and the upcoming 5G, he graciously shared with me published science and papers documenting the problems with EMFs/RFs, which I have listed below and encourage you to study to understand why it is important to have your house/home assayed by a competent individual who understands the various frequencies and how to look for them to mitigate exposures.
It seems insects can detect digital and EMF/RF pollution, as described in the short video below. Thanks to Dr. Andrew Michrowski, PhD, of Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Ottawa, Canada, for emailing the video “The Insect Inspector Report.”
Why are insects worldwide in decline?
Possible hint: 30 million radio masts worldwide
The Insect Inspector Report
The Digital Killing Fields
13:03 minutes
Paul Harding’s research science he shared with me
Defense Intelligence Agency
Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries (U)
If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military functions. [vii]
Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially can be induced by signal modulation at very low average-power densities. [viii]
Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low-level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier. [viii]
Soviet and East European scientists believe that biological side-effects occur at power densities that are too low to produce obvious thermal effects. [Pg.1]
The depth of penetration of the waves is also variable and again depends on the frequency. ‘Wave polarization, and the physical properties of the system (i.e., dielectric and geometric), but typical penetrations are on the order of 1/10 of the wavelength. Therefore, very short waves are absorbed primarily by the skin, while long wavelengths penetrate to much greater depths. [Pg.1]
Cardiovascular system, Pg. 4; Cells, Pg. 7; Central Nervous System, Pg. 8; Digestive System, Pg. 10; Glands, Pg. 11; Metabolism, Pg. 12; Reproduction, Pg. 13; Miscellaneous Observations, Pg. 17.
Naval Medical Research Institute
Bibliography Of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘Effects’) And Clinical Manifestations Attributed To Microwave And Radio-frequency Radiation
The above Bibliography has more than 2300 science literature citations.
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine Vol. 3, Issue 1 March 2016
Some Effects of Weak Magnetic Fields on Biological Systems: RF fields can change radical concentrations and cancer cell growth rates
Concerns have been raised about the possible biological effects of nonionizing radiation since at least the late 1950s with respect to radar, other radio, and microwave sources. More recent concerns have arisen about the potential effects of low-intensity fields, including lowfrequency fields from the electric power generating, transmission, and distribution system and the devices it energizes, as well as intermediate, radio-frequency (RF), and higher-frequency radiation from devices such as cell phones, broadcast antennas, Wi-Fi, security monitors, and so forth. These are concerns about the direct effects of radiation on humans or other organisms. They are distinct from the electromagnetic compatibility issues that concern interference by the fields from one device with the function of another, though human health can be indirectly affected by electromagnetic interference with the function of medical devices, including hospital equipment or pacemakers.
Book 2007
Electrical Stimulation and Electropathology
Book review: https://www.bizindia.net/book-review-electrical-stimulation-and-electropathology/
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2006 December
Mechanism of Nerve Conduction Block Induced by High-Frequency Biphasic Electrical Currents
The FH [Frankenhaeuser-Huxley] model revealed that the constant activation of potassium channels at the node under the block electrode, rather than inactivation of sodium channels, is the likely mechanism underlying conduction block of myelinated axons induced by high-frequency biphasic stimulation. However, the CRRSS model revealed a different blocking mechanism where the complete inactivation of sodium channels at the nodes next to the block electrode caused the nerve conduction block.
[…] the CRRSS [Chiu-Ritchie-Rogart-Stagg-Sweeney] model revealed a different blocking mechanism where the complete inactivation of sodium channels at the nodes next to the block electrode caused the nerve conduction block.
[….] The FH model reveals that the constant activation of potassium channels at the node under the block electrode, rather than inactivation of sodium channels, causes axonal conduction block [Fig.4 and Fig.6 (a) and (b)]. [….] Axonal conduction block can be observed at stimulation frequencies greater than 6 kHz using FH model [20], but the frequencies have to be greater than 15 kHz using CRRSS model. This frequency difference between FH and CRRSS models can be explained by the different dynamics of sodium and potassium channels, since sodium channel can open and close much faster than potassium channels [see Fig.6 (b)].
Notation by CJF: The above Discussion prompts my asking what will happen to hypertension patients, especially those taking several diuretics at a time, while eating a reduced sodium diet, especially when 5G is implemented because of 5G’s impact on human sweat glands! Will the body’s electrolytes be impacted so negatively that hypertensives may be dropping over like flies and the medical profession will be at a loss as to what’s going on, thereby declaring a new ‘medical syndrome’?
The impacts of EMFs/RFs upon human biochemistry are disregarded by the medical profession. Why?
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2015
Conduction block in myelinated axons induced by high-frequency (kHz) non-symmetric biphasic stimulation
This study used the Frankenhaeuser–Huxley axonal model to analyze the effects of non-symmetric waveforms on conduction block of myelinated axons induced by high-frequency (10–300 kHz) biphasic electrical stimulation. The results predict a monotonic relationship between block threshold and stimulation frequency for symmetric waveform and a non-monotonic relationship for non-symmetric waveforms. The symmetric waveform causes conduction block by constantly activating both sodium and potassium channels at frequencies of 20–300 kHz, while the non-symmetric waveforms share the same blocking mechanism from 20 kHz up to the peak threshold frequency.
Notation by CJF: The above study reports frequencies between 10-300 kHz to activate sodium and potassium channels, whereas 5G will operate in the millimeter wave length. Refer to the other CJF Notation above.
The millimeter-wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to radio band frequencies of 30 GHz to 300 GHz [Gigahertz] and is sometimes called the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) range. [Google search results]
Keep in mind that one GHz is one billion (b/bn) [1,000,000,000] Hz oscillations per second, something the human body has not evolved with, i.e., man-made radiofrequency (RF) pollution negatively impacting DNA and human organs!
J Neural Eng. 2007 December
Effects of ramped amplitude waveforms on the onset of high-frequency mammalian nerve block
Department of the Army / Freedom of Information / Fort George E. Meade, Maryland
Letter Dec 13, 2006 addressed to Donald Friedman, Napa, California
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons (Unclassified)
http://www.slavery.org.uk/Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-lethal_Weapons.pdfBioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons (fn 1) Unclassified
The study of electromagnetic fields and their influence on biological systems is increasing rapidly. Much of this work is taking place because of health concerns. For example, increased concern has arisen regarding the effects of operator exposure to the electromagnetic fields associated with short-wave diathermy devices, high power microwave ovens, radar systems, magnetic resonance imaging units, etc. In addition, much concern has arisen about extremely low frequency (60 Hz power frequency) electric and magnetic fields that originate from high-voltage transmission lines, industrial equipment, and residential appliances. Both occupational and residential long-term exposure [sic] have been the focus of epidemiological studies. The studies have suggested possible adverse effects on human health (e.g., cancer, reproduction, etc.). Laboratory research is still being pursued to identify possible mechanisms of interaction. However, other than thermal heating for microwave frequencies, there is no yet agreed-upon mechanism of action. As a consequence, our knowledge base is developed entirely with phenomenological observations. Because of this fact, it is not possible to predict how nonthermal biological effects may differ from one exposure modality to another. It is especially difficult, because of the small data base for fast pulses, to predict biological effects that might be associated with high-power pulses of extremely short duration. There is, however, a growing perception that microwave irradiation and exposure to low frequency fields can be involved in a wide range of biological interactions. Some investigators are even beginning to describe similarities between microwave irradiation and drugs regarding their effects on biological systems. For example, some suggest that power density and specific absorption rate [SAR] of microwave irradiation may be thought of as analogous to the concentration of the injection solution and the dosage of drug administration respectively.
NIEHS Report on Health Effects from Exposure to Power-Line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields / Prepared in Response to the 1992 Energy Policy Act (PL 102-486, Section 2118) 2002
What have we learned from clinical studies?
MelatoninThe hormone melatonin is secreted mainly at night and primarily by the pineal gland, a small gland attached to the brain. Some laboratory experiments with cells and animals have shown that melatonin can slow the growth of cancer cells, including breast cancer cells. Suppressed nocturnal melatonin levels have been observed in some studies of laboratory animals exposed to both electric and magnetic fields. These observations led to the hypothesis that EMF exposure might reduce melatonin and thereby weaken one of the body’s defenses against cancer. Many clinical studies with human volunteers have now examined whether various levels and types of magnetic field exposure affect blood levels of melatonin. Exposure of human volunteers at night to power-frequency EMF under controlled laboratory conditions has no apparent effect on melatonin. Some studies of people exposed to EMF at work or at home do report evidence for a small suppression of melatonin. It is not clear whether the decreases in melatonin reported under environmental conditions are related to the presence of EMF exposure or to other factors.
To get an idea of some typical EMF exposures, there is an example of data collected with a personal exposure meter at “What are some typical EMF exposures,” which I could not copy and embed into this article. Magnetic Fields (mG) at 6 pm, Midnight, 6 am, Noon, 6 pm, Work around house, Going to work, Work, Lunch out, Going home.
Many of these studies of ELF-EMF exposure focused on end-points commonly associated with cancer (e.g. cell proliferation, disruption of signal transduction pathways and inhibition of differentiation). Convincing evidence for causing effects is only available for magnetic flux densities greater than 100µT or internal electric field strengths greater than approximately 1 mV/m.
Numerous laboratories performed studies to evaluate potential ELF-EMF effects on cellular end-points related to signal transduction pathways, which if altered, might be carcinogenic. Overall the body of evidence suggests that ELF-EMF exposures at magnetic field intensities greater than 100µT and electric fields greater than 1 mV/m have shown effects on signal transduction pathways. Studies at lower exposures are inconclusive.
The Possible Role of Contact Current in Cancer Risk Associated With Residential Magnetic Fields
Bioelectromagnetics 2000
In addition to these relative aspects of dose, the absolute (as well as modest) level of contact current modeled (18 mA) produces average electric fields in tissue along its path that exceed 1 mV/m. At and above this level, the NIEHS Working Group [1998] accepts that biological effects relevant to cancer have been reported in “numerous well-programmed studies”. The effects the Working Group cites are “increased cell proliferation, disruption of signal transduction pathways, and inhibition of differentiation”. The NIEHS endorses this conclusion in its final EMF RAPID report [1999].
Scientific Reports October 3, 2017
Mobile Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies
The underlying mechanism of the association between MP use and headache remains unclear but some suggest that breakdown of the blood-brain barrier due to exposure to low intensity MP frequency microwave energy may be involved33–36. Also, the dopamine-opiate system may be involved in headaches and low intensity electro-magnetic energy exposure affects those systems37–39.
In conclusion, our meta-analysis suggested that MP [mobile phone] use is significantly associated with headache. More experimental and epidemiologic studies are still required to further affirm and understand this association.
Medical Hypotheses 2002
Cellular telephones and the effects on the brain: The head as an antenna and brain tissue as a radio receiver
The frequencies for transmission and reception by cellular telephones, about 900 MHz for analog and 1800 MHz for digital transmission, have wavelengths of 33–35 and 16–17 cm, respectively. Human heads are oval in shape with a short axis about 16 to 17 cm in length. Near the ear there will be a cross-section in the head with an axis half the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions of 900 MHz and equal to the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions at 1800 MHz.
Therefore, the human head can serve as a lossy resonator for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cellular telephone, absorbing much of the energy specifically from these wavelengths.
*PNAS / Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
NMR imaging of cell phone radiation absorption in brain tissue
This proposed application of NMR thermometry offers sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to characterize the hot spots from absorbed cell phone radiation in aqueous media and biological tissues. [Inside ex vivo bovine brain tissue]
In general, the effects of nonionizing radiation have been divided into thermal and nonthermal and have been extensively investigated through cell and animal studies (10⇓⇓–13), neurological studies (14, 15), thermographic measurements (16), computer model–based simulations (17, 18), metabolic human studies (19), and large epidemiological data (20). Among those, researchers have focused on a possible link between cell phone radiation and cancer (21). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research institute of the World Health Organization (WHO), has recently classified RF emission from cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) and concluded the aforementioned studies cannot reliably serve to exclude harmful radiation effects, prompting further research (22). This uncertainty can be attributed to limitations of epidemiological data unsuitable for assessing long-term effects and incomplete knowledge of the impact of physical radiation effects on the brain tissue (23⇓–25). Whereas the predominant scientific opinion sees the conversion of absorbed radiation into Joule heat as the dominant effect with possible biological consequences, accurate measurements of its dynamics and magnitude inside the living human body are lacking. Our method intends to fulfill this need by noninvasively and directly measuring the temporal and spatial thermal fields generated by absorbed cell phone radiation in brain tissue.
[CJF emphasis]
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 2008
Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes (Magda Havas)
This article presents a paradigm shift in the way we think about diabetes. In addition to Type 1 diabetics, who produce insufficient insulin, and Type 2 diabetics, who are unable to effectively use the insulin they produce, a third type of diabetes may be environmentally exacerbated or induced by exposure to electromagnetic frequencies.
Our increasing reliance on electronic devices and wireless technology is contributing to an unprecedented increase in our exposure to a broad range of electromagnetic frequencies, in urban and rural environments and in both developed and developing countries. This energy is generated within the home by computers, plasma televisions, energy efficient lighting and appliances, dimmer switches, cord-less phones, and wireless routers, and it can enter the home and work environment from nearby cell phone and broadcast antennas as well as through ground current.
In this article, changes in plasma glucose, in response to electromagnetic pollution, for numerous measurements on four subjects—two with Type 1 diabetes taking insulin and two non medicated with Type 2 diabetes—are described. They include men and women, ranging in age from 12–80, as well as individuals recently diagnosed and those living with the disease for decades.
International Journal of Oncology 2017
World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack (Review)
Lennart Hardell
In May 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated cancer risks from radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Human epidemiological studies gave evidence of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma. RF radiation was classified as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen. Further epidemiological, animal and mechanistic studies have strengthened the association. In spite of this, in most countries little or nothing has been done to reduce exposure and educate people on health hazards from RF radiation. On the contrary ambient levels have increased. In 2014 the WHO launched a draft of a Monograph on RF fields and health for public comments. It turned out that five of the six members of the Core Group in charge of the draft are affiliated with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an industry loyal NGO, and thus have a serious conflict of interest. Just as by ICNIRP, evaluation of non-thermal biological effects from RF radiation are dismissed as scientific evidence of adverse health effects in the Monograph. This has provoked many comments sent to the WHO. However, at a meeting on March 3, 2017 at the WHO Geneva office it was stated that the WHO has no intention to change the Core Group.
Concluding remarks
The meeting at WHO was an obvious disappointment. During the discussion the two WHO officials showed little interest to collaborate with the scientists convened at the meeting in spite of the scientific evidence on adverse health effects. Their in-house experts seem to be members of ICNIRP, although not exclusively. This may explain why only short-term thermal effects from RF radiation are accepted as proofs of harm, and why non-thermal biological effects are ignored.
Children and adolescents may be more sensitive to RF radiation than adults (2). Thus as an authoritative agency, WHO has an obligation to reference all the scientific research results and call the experts from all the related fields like engineering, health and medicine to engage in the re-evaluation of all health effects including non-thermal of RF radiation.
Of note, evidence has been published (52) which indicated that members of ICNIRP have written scientifically incorrect and misleading information. It is unknown if WHO has responded to this evidence of suggested scientific misconduct.
To evaluate cancer risks it is necessary to include scientists with competence in medicine, especially oncology. Furthermore, what are the personal advantages, at least in the short time, for those refusing to accept peer-reviewed scientific publications on adverse effects on health and environment from RF radiation? Ironically enough, whether knowingly or not, the WHO staff seems to protect themselves from high involuntary RF radiation levels at least in the measured areas within the Geneva building.
Elsevier June 27, 2016
Text Messaging with Smartphones Triggers a New Type of Brain Rhythm
People communicate increasingly via text messaging, though little is known on the neurological effects of smartphone use. To find out more about how our brains work during textual communication using smartphones, a team led by Mayo Clinic researcher William Tatum analyzed data from 129 patients. Their brain waves were monitored over a period of 16 months through electroencephalograms (EEGs) combined with video footage.
The researchers asked patients to perform activities such as message texting, finger tapping and audio cellular telephone use in addition to tests of attention and cognitive function. Only text messaging produced the newly observed brain rhythm, which was different than any previously described brain rhythm.
The blue boxes show the texting rhythm present in a 22-year old patient who is texting with her right hand. Source: Text Messaging with Smartphones Triggers a New Type of Brain Rhythm graphic
Next to smartphones, the texting rhythm was also found in iPad users. The researchers hypothesized that the presence of a different brain wave rhythm while using mobile, handheld devices might be caused by their smaller screens, which require more concentration.
*Epilepsy & Behavior 3-18-2016
Cortical processing during smartphone text messaging
Our results suggest that the TR [texting rhythm] on scalp EEG represents a novel technology-specific neurophysiological alteration of brain networks. We propose that cortical processing in the contemporary brain is uniquely activated by the use of PEDs. [Personal electronic devices?]
[CJF emphasis]
Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley® rats (Whole Body Exposure)
Draft 5-19-2016
The Wall Street Journal May 28, 2016
U.S. Cellphone Study Fans Cancer Worries
Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences May 2017
The ameliorative effect of gallic acid on pancreas lesions induced by 2.45 GHz electromagnetic radiation (Wi-Fi) in young rats
* Not included in Paul Harding’s PowerPoint documents.
I want to express my most sincere thanks to all the researchers for their work in defining the issues involving electromagnetic frequencies. It is neither my intent nor desire to infringe upon anyone’s copyright, as I believe I have used the U.S. Copyright’s Doctrine of Fair Use equitably and without incurring infringement or plagiarism. All sources are cited in detail and with proper attribution for educational purposes. Thank you to all whose works are cited.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)
