Medical Laboratories Are Reporting Findings For Gene Testing They Have Not Received Consent For

By Dave Mihalovic Genetic testing is now officially crossing into dangerous territory as patients are routinely denied informed consent for genes they have given no authorization to test for. This type of clinical testing has long required patient consent and patients have had a “right…

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Will You Be At The International March Against Monsanto?

By Heather Callaghan Nick Bernabe, Emilie Rensick, and Tami Monroe Canal’s organizational and social media directing gifts have been pivotal in garnering support for one of the largest worldwide peaceful protests to date. Initiative from hundreds of activist organizers online, activist media writers and tens of thousands…

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Marijuana is an Effective Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

By Jeffrey Green A study published earlier this month on the government’s website National Institutes of Health found that marijuana has “significant benefits” for treating Crohn’s Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). “A short course (8 week) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits…

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Was Angelina Jolie Mislead Into Getting A Double Mastectomy?

 By Sayer Ji The ‘prophylactic’ removal of women’s breasts due to BRCA1/BRCA2 status has become a disturbingly popular trend, and increasingly it is being celebrated in the mainstream media and medical establishments as a reasonable choice. But does the scientific evidence itself refute this approach? Angelina…

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