International Day of Peace Manipulated to Promote Vaccinations in Developing Countries
Each year on September 21, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Peace, dedicated to recognizing the efforts of those who have worked tirelessly to end conflict and to promote world peace. International Day of Peace is a day of ceasefire, both personal and political. [1]
Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? Something that we all should strive to achieve? However, it appears that International Day of Peace 2012 was not quite as idealistic as it should have been. In fact, last year the day was ambushed and used to promote and distribution of vaccines to children in developing countries.
What Peace Looked Like in 2012
Actor and award winner Jude Law, ambassador for Peace One Day explained in a video exactly how he and his team used last year’s International Day of Peace as an excuse to promote the vaccination of millions of children in Afghanistan.
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In an explicit video, Mr. Law tells of how he and his crew traveled to Afghanistan to see firsthand how Peace Day can work. He said:
As a result of peace day agreements in Afghanistan, millions of children were vaccinated and because of all the campaigning of ‘Peace One Day’ and many other organizations around the world it is estimated that 280 million people were aware of ‘Peace Day 2012’ and that 5.6 million people behaved more peacefully as a result. [2]
In other words, this group of individuals decided to use International Day of Peace, not to demonstrate how this day had made a difference to the millions of individuals who face conflict, pain and suffering in war-stricken Afghanistan, but instead as an opportunity to promote vaccination programs in developing countries.
I find this absolutely disgraceful.
On July 24th Voice of America gave a heartrending description of life in Afghanistan, and it is not pretty. Sharon Behn writes:
U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan spokeswoman Nilab Mobarez said the country is in desperate need of continued help.
She continued:
An Italian non-profit hospital fights to heal the war’s victims even as international aid starts to decline. Doctors were forced to amputate this toddler’s leg after a bullet shattered it beyond repair. Medical Coordinator Luca Radaelli, with the Italian non-profit Emergency Hospital, said the child was one of hundreds. [3]
This is what life is like on a daily basis for these people and yet on International Day of Peace 2012 the best that Peace One Day could offer these poor children, in the way of peace, love and harmony, was a vaccination.
Shame on them!
What The Peacemakers Have to Say
Shocked by this, I asked Dr. Rebecca Carley for her views on how International Day of Peace 2012 was used as an excuse to promote vaccination. She said:
This is yet another obvious example of the lengths the psychopaths who control the world will sink to in their efforts to increase the rate of inoculation with bioweapon vaccines.
Pull young people into a group (using celebrities as the hook) that purports to promote peace … but which actually has an agenda of VACCINATING CHILDREN (as revealed at 0:23 in the video with Jude Law, where he states that ‘as a result of peace day agreements in Afghanistan, MILLIONS of children were vaccinated.’
What does this have to do with bringing peace? Of course, the question they ask is, ‘Who will you make peace with?’ Apparently with the vaccinators who just killed or maimed your children with bioweapon vaccines …
Harsh words, but I have to agree with Dr. Carley’s sentiments. In my opinion, the behavior of Peace One Day was in exceptionally poor taste, and I am not alone in this view.
Mrs. Sallie O. Elkordy, an avid campaigner and advocate for peace, agreed. Watching the video, she stated that Peace One Day’s behavior “is an atrocity!”
In 2010, Mrs. Elkordy ran for governor of New York for the Peace Party and she currently advocates to BAN VACCINES 2013 because of their toxic ingredients, the diseases that result and the intent to cause those diseases. [4] She says that the United Nations vaccinated 1.6 million children for Peace One Day in 2011 and “millions” in 2012 and explains that this will happen again on 9/21/13 unless we scream, “STOP!”
She would like anyone who recognizes “the farce that is Peace One Day” to contact Peace One Day and send them this link about the 47,500 paralyzed children vaccinated in India with the live polio vaccine and the admission by Dr. Jonas Salk himself “that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961.” [5,6,7]
She said:
There are thousands of other informative links and websites that you can send as well since there is a preponderance of evidence against vaccines.
These are strong words spoken by both Mrs. Elkordy and Dr. Rebecca Carley. However, are these two professionals right to feel angry at Peace One Day’s shocking behavior? I looked around the Internet to see what the online sites and newspapers have been saying about vaccination over the last few days.
What The World Needs Now is Peace from Vaccine Adverse Reactions
On July 22, Firstpost India displayed the headline – “Did WHO Promote Vaccines in India That Led to the Deaths of Children?”
This hard-hitting article told the story of how a leading medical journal recently charged the WHO with the promotion of a discontinued vaccine in India, which ultimately led to the untimely deaths of many children. Firstpost India stated:
The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) has accused WHO of promoting pentavalent vaccines ‘by stating falsely that no adverse event following immunization (AEFI) has ever been reported with the vaccine.’ [8]
Firstpost continued:
The journal claims this is contrary to facts.
The author from Firstpost India reported that the journal’s editorial was written by Jacob Puliyel, head of St. Stephen’s Hospital in Delhi, who had based his work on the detailed investigation of a number of child deaths reported across India.
The children that he had investigated had all died after receiving the pentavelent vaccination Quinvaxem, a vaccine to protect children against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and h influenza-b, also known as Hib.
According to Firstpost India, these deaths occurred in Bhutan, Sri Lanka, India and Vietnam and First Post India reported that the editorial stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had not licensed the Quinvaxem vaccine for use and that it had not been used in any other developed countries.
According to the report, 21 children had died after they were included in a limited experiment in India in 2011.
The Business Standard, also reporting on the story, used the headline WHO Accused of Promoting Deadly Vaccine. They wrote:
‘The common factor has been that the children had received the pentavalent vaccine and in most of them, this was followed by high fever, excessive crying and in some, there were convulsions before the child died,’ the editorial said.
The journal has also questioned the very rationale for introducing Hib vaccination in India, where the incidence of Hib disease is very low. The editorial estimates that vaccinating 25 million babies could at best save 350 children from Hib meningitis and Hib pneumonia but ’3,125 children will die from vaccine adverse effects.’ [9]
Another newspaper reporting on a separate case of babies dying after the Hepatitis B vaccination reported that on July 21, 2013, three babies had died in Vietnam after receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine.
The Sai Gon Giai Phong Daily, the English Edition, reported that that the three newborn babies had died after receiving the hepatitis B vaccination at the General Hospital in Huong Hoa District in the central province of Quang Tri on July 20.
They stated:
Soon after the babies were vaccinated, their condition deteriorated. [10]
In a separate report written on July 22, The Sai Gon Giai Phong Daily reported:
Health representatives on July 21 visited families of the dead babies and gave each VND8 million (US$ 377). Mothers of these babies will receive free care at the hospital in future.[11]
Finally, an article by Leslie C. Botha written on July 15, 2013, titled Concerns About HPV Vaccine Effectiveness and Efficiency Continue to Mount stated:
It is estimated that only 1 to 10% of the HPV vaccine-injured are reporting. So start adding zeros on to the reports of 140 deaths. And then ask yourself – are the HPV vaccines deadly? For 140 families they are. And that’s just what is being reported.
I have demonstrated three stories from around the world, reporting on children either dying or suffering from severe adverse reactions after they have received vaccinations included the vaccination schedule. Yet despite the many continuing stories such as these, governments from around the world, hand-in-hand with medical agencies, continue to line up small children to vaccinate them with dangerous, pre-licensed vaccines.
While they do this, they allow organizations like Peace One Day to use International Day of Peace as an excuse to promote these vaccinations, over world peace. In my opinion the exploitation of small children in developing countries to advertise vaccinations on International Day of Peace, was despicable and to use celebrities to promote these vaccines is even worse.
Surely, whatever your personal beliefs are regarding vaccinations, you would likely agree that world peace could have been depicted in a far more suitable way, than to film children lining up to receive vaccinations. After all, what do vaccinations have to do with peace? Absolutely nothing at all!
It appears that these days, any excuse is used to promote how wonderful vaccinations are; however, when children suffer severe adverse reactions, everyone runs a mile and leaves the vaccine-damaged children and their families to pick up the pieces. There are no actors or celebrities willing to speak up for these children, are there? These families are left to suffer in silence while the world carries on, hailing mass vaccination programs in developing countries a success.
I totally and honestly believe that Peace One Day’s behavior is beyond redemption.
This article first appeared at Vactruth.
Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children’s library, specializing in story telling and book buying. In 1978 Christina changed her career path to dedicate her time to caring for the elderly and was awarded the title of Care Giver of the Year for her work with the elderly in 1980. In1990 she adopted the first of two disabled boys, both with challenging behavior, complex disabilities and medical needs. In 1999 she was accused of Munchausen by Proxy after many failed attempts to get the boys’ complex needs met. Finally, she was cleared of all accusations after the independent psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown gave both boys the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD as part of what she described to be a complex tapestry of disorders. During the assessments Ms Blakemore-Brown discovered through the foster care diaries that the eldest boy had reacted adversely to the MMR vaccine. After taking an A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Disabilities Ms. England spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She went on to gain a Higher National Diploma in journalism and media and currently writes for the American Chronicle, the Weekly Blitz, VacTruth and Namaste Publishing UK on immunization safety and efficacy whilst continuing to study for a BA Honors degree in English Literature and Humanities. England’s main areas of expertise are researching false allegations of child abuse and adverse reactions to vaccines. Her work is read internationally and has been translated into many languages. Ms England has been a guest on many radio shows and has spoken at seminars worldwide. She is the co author to the book ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused?’ with Dr Harold Buttram.