“Capitol Punishment”: Dr. Simone Gold and the Shocking Film About January 6

By Neenah Payne Dr. Simone Gold is a board-certified emergency physician, Stanford University educated attorney, and a mom. Dr. Gold is a leading voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the fight against COVID-19 “health” policies and the disinformation propaganda of the corporate medical…

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Italian Court: Mobile Phone and Brain Tumor – Again, vs. U.S. Historical Denial

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As noted recently, international legal decisions in France (harm to cows), and Germany (property owners can be held liable for health damages) have been incrementally moving the needle further forward towards recognition that radio frequencies are a bio-active agent that…

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Common Chemical in Household Products Found in Sewage — May be Causing Rise in Antibiotic Resistance

By Chris Melore A common, bacteria-fighting ingredient in soaps, toothpastes, and cleaning products may be the reason for the recent increase in antibiotic-resistant germs. Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered that triclosan is the predominant antibiotic sitting in Canada’s sewage sludge. With so much…

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EMF/RF/5G Spotlight on the UK: By the Numbers Part 2 of 3

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Karen Churchill Part 1 highlights the historic UK Frome decision and other recent international developments challenging the telecommunications industry. Despite the fact that Public Health England deferred to irrelevant ICNIRP guidelines which only protect against thermal heating…

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