Dr. Paul Thomas: Why Another Great MD Lost His License
By Neenah Payne
Dr. Paul’s Fight For Medical Freedom explains that Dr. Paul Thomas (affectionately known as “Dr. Paul”) received his MD from Dartmouth Medical School and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego. He launched a landmark study comparing the health of vaccinated kids to that of unvaccinated kids. The study documents conclusively that unvaccinated kids are far healthier in every way as shown by the charts in the video below.
Dr. Paul Thomas on the suspension of his license 5 days after his “vaxxed vs. unvaxxed” study
Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted By Medical Board & Media After Landmark Vaccine Study – Interview
Recently a landmark study was conducted by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas. The study compared vaccinated children and unvaccinated children and was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on November 22, 2020 after being peer reviewed.
Vaccine Study Costs Doctor His License
Oregon Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, MD has come under fire by the Oregon Medical Board for providing informed consent to his patients. After publishing a study using the data from his more than 13,000 patients, the Oregon Medical, in an attempt to silence the highly-controversial study results, suspended his license.
Dr. Paul’s Data Proves Unvaxxed Kids Are MUCH Healthier
The visual impact of the cumulative office visit plots is striking; more so than other plots, the time element (day of life) provides an index by which to compare the accumulation of human pain and suffering from potential vaccine side effects (Figure 5). These results are worth studying closely and noticing the variation among the cumulative office visits per condition and the stark differences between the rates of billed office visits in the most and unvaccinated patients born into the practice.
Figure 5. Cumulative office visits in the vaccinated (orange) vs. unvaccinated (blue) patients born into the practice: the clarity of the age-specific differences in the health fates of individuals who are vaccinated (2763) compared to the 561 unvaccinated in patients born into the practice over ten years is most strikingly clear in this comparison of the cumulative numbers of diagnoses in the two patient groups. The number of office visits for the unvaccinated is adjusted by a sample size multiplier factor (4.9) to the expected value as if the number of unvaccinated in the study was the same as the number of vaccinated.
Dr. Paul’s Fight
You can donate at: https://www.givesendgo.com/drpaulsfight
Australian filmmaker Jonathan Otto sent the following email on December 12:
Now they’re going even further… Attacking doctors who dare to warn parents about the childhood vaccine schedule… Dr. Paul Thomas is the latest medical doctor to lose his license… When I interviewed him a few weeks ago, he told me that his license would be revoked on December 8th….
You may already be familiar with Dr. Thomas’ work as he’s been featured throughout this docuseries… And he’s a well-respected pediatric doctor who has been warning about the dangers of childhood vaxxes for MANY years…
He opened up about the moment that made him realize the serious effects that vaxxes were having on his pediatric patients…“… that day was, I’ll remember it till I die. I walk into a well 2-year-old well visit, and this little patient of mine, he’s just sitting there in a wheelchair, eyes sort of glazed over, shaking his head, staring into nowhere.
“I could not engage him at all, and I’ve always been able to engage kids and was like, “What the heck?” And I’m talking to the mom and she’s, “Oh, he’s just all boy. And yeah, he doesn’t talk much yet.
“But I just knew. It was like this was the shame on me. It took me four cases in four years to wake up to the fact that something was seriously wrong… there was no other explanation that all of a sudden we’re seeing all these kids regress into autism.”
He’s been dedicated to educating parents on the harmful effects of childhood vaxxes since, and here were the results… “And very slowly but very noticeably, my Well Waiting room became packed. I mean, standing room only. And the sick side virtually had no one. There was a transition in my practice of kids just getting healthier and healthier. Why?”
Knowing this already made Dr. Thomas extremely wary of the gene-altering shots from the get-go. And sure enough, they have proven to be extremely deadly. “… they’re injecting messenger RNA. This is a sequence of genetic code that gets inserted into your own cells, and your cells start making the spike protein. They start manufacturing the toxin that will kill you or could kill you.”
Dr. Thomas has also been advocating for highly effective and life-saving early C0V!D treatments.
And now his medical license has been taken away… He’s not the first nor the last. In my recent interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett, he revealed that his license had been nearly revoked FOUR times.
Additionally, The Defender recently reported that internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and leading C0V!D expert, Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed on RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast that the American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to remove his certifications.
For political reasons.
As I said… the censorship is endless. It makes no sense that politicians get to dictate how a doctor should treat their patients. That’s exactly what’s happening with this so-called “pandemic”. And if you’ve been following the latest information around this, you’ll know that The LA Times recently shared an article on California’s ‘C0V!D Misinformation’ Law. According to this article: “Assembly Bill 2098 by Assembly Member Evan Low (D-Campbell) would make it easier for the Medical Board of California to discipline doctors who promote COVID-19 misinformation by classifying it as unprofessional conduct.”
This tells us that they will stop at NOTHING to censor doctors who are opposing their population control agendas and the deadly consequences of their C0V!D bioweapons. As far as REAL evidence shows, it’s the C0V!D protocols being implemented by the medical establishment that are killing people… AND the deadly C0V!D jabs… NOT the safe, effective protocols that these highly-esteemed and heroic doctors are sharing.
Oregon anti-vax doctor files $35M defamation suit
Dr. Paul Thomas’ medical license was suspended by the Oregon Medical Board in 2020 for his “grossly negligent” failure to adequately vaccinate kids in his care.
Portland pediatrician files $35M defamation suit against state medical board members
Portland anti-vax pediatrician must surrender license and not reapply, medical board orders
Dr. Paul Thomas: “Against The Wind”
Dr. Paul’s show “Against The Wind” airs online every Wednesday at 1:30 PM ET.
Against The Wind With Dr. Paul Thomas
Science and medicine are at a crossroad and courageous health practitioners are standing up to ensure that humanity and integrity aren’t left behind in the name of “progress.” Dr. Paul Thomas is one of those leading the way and amplifying the voice of brave scientists and health care practitioners who are willing to put their careers on the line to make sure “health” and “care” are restored to healthcare.
Host of ‘Against the Wind,’ Paul Thomas, M.D. and this week’s guest, Ryan Cole, M.D. have a conversation about the impact of gene manipulation during virus mutation. Dr. Cole also explains immune system function and how it relates to COVID vaccination. Viewers, don’t miss this episode!
Dr. Peter McCullough Battling COVID Cabal
Dr. McCullough is probably the best and most famous cardiologist in the world. He has been exposing medical lies and replacing them with the truth, for nearly 3 years. He bares it all on this candid interview and explains why the “Covid Cabal” must take him down by de-licensing him so he can no longer practice medicine, and much more!
Sen. Ron Johnson Holds Hearing on COVID Shots
Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts LIVE COVID Forum December 7! shows that on December 7, Sen. Ron Johnson hosted a panel discussion with doctors, scientists, lawyers, and other experts about the problems with the COVID shots. Sen. Johnson had Dr. McCullough chair the meeting with him to show his support for him during this fight for his license. In closing the session, Dr. McCullough called for the immediate end of the COVID shots and the establishment of facilities across the country to help the vaccine injured.
Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze