Category: Homeopathic Remedies


Heal yourself naturally with holistic medicine and homeopathic remedies. Latest news and science for alternative treatments.

Cannabis Study Reveals How CBD Offsets Psychiatric Side-Effects of THC

Researchers at Western University have shown for the first time the molecular mechanisms at work that cause cannabidiol, or CBD, to block the psychiatric side-effects caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis. It has been previously shown that strains of cannabis with…

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Green Tea Could Hold Key to Reducing Antibiotic Resistance

Scientists at the University of Surrey have discovered that a natural antioxidant commonly found in green tea can help eliminate antibiotic resistant bacteria. The study, published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, found that [easyazon_link identifier=”B077L81Z17″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]epigallocatechin[/easyazon_link] (EGCG) can restore the activity of aztreonam,…

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