Author: Michael

Illegal Spraying of Monsanto’s New Pesticide Has Damaged Crops in 10 States

By Christina Sarich An illegal pesticide prone to drift has contaminated Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soy and cotton farms across ten states. Pesticide drift from Dicamba has hurt many thousands of crops along America’s farm belt already. Larry Steckel, University of Tennessee weed specialist, says, What’s…

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Competition Bureau Response to Complaints of Pharmaceutical Anti-Competition Behavior: Tough Luck!

By Grace Joubarne and Christine Massey Stop Psychotherapy Takeover’s (SPT) most recent initiative in the fight to stop the elimination of some 10,000 holistic, traditional, energy and spiritual care practitioners in Ontario was a new Submission, roughly 700 pages, sent by courier to the Competition…

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New Study Reveals Medical Marijuana Saves over $165 Million in Annual Medicare Costs in United States

By Amando Flavio Marijuana is dramatically gaining acceptance among the American public. Recently, a new poll by Gallup revealed that the percentage of American adults who smoke marijuana has nearly doubled in three years. According to the Gallup poll published in August 2016, among the American…

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Italy Just Banned Monsanto’s Top-Selling Herbicide From All Public Places

By Christina Sarich Italy just put massive restrictions on the use of Monsanto’s probably carcinogenic herbicide, Roundup, just as studies suggesting it is more toxic than previously assumed come under public scrutiny. Italy’s Ministry of Health has banned the spraying of the main ingredient in…

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Another Vaccine “Bombshell” Glyphosate – Think Monsanto’s Roundup – Confirmed in Most Vaccines

By Catherine J. Frompovich Research scientist Anthony Samsel has confirmed that glyphosate, a key active chemical in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup®, has been found in most vaccines!  In this video, we hear Dr Samsel reciting his findings. [do_widget id=text-16] Additionally, Dr Samsel sent a letter…

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Cleaning up 2014 Nuclear Waste Disaster in United States may Cost more than $2 Billion

By Amando Flavio In February 2014, radioactive materials leaked from a damaged storage drum in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located in the state of New Mexico, United States. According to United States federal government officials, the WIPP is the world’s third deepest geological repository, licensed…

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8 Ways to Safely Take Charge of Your Health While Avoiding Toxic Vaccines

By Michelle Goldstein Our country is overwhelmed with chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, auto-immune disorders and diabetes. [1] Many of these illnesses can be prevented and treated with nutrition and reduction of toxins. [2-5] Nutrition and toxic overload are areas of health largely ignored by the…

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