“Fantastic Fungi” Film Event Online March 26

By Neenah Payne

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. This is not a sponsored post and there are no commissions earned from the products mentioned. Books do contain links to our Amazon affiliate program.

The 2019 book Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, and Save the Planet is an Amazon Best Seller. The Fantastic Fungi film by mycologist Paul Stamets and filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg is in theaters now. The film won the 2019 Audience Award for Documentary Feature at the Maui Film Festival. See the trailer below and check the screenings calendar to buy tickets. Check below for online viewing and how to register for the international March 26 Fantastic Fungi Day Q&A.

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Register Now To See “Fantastic Fungi” Film Online on March 26!

The Fantastic Fungi site says “In response to the Coronavirus, we are making the film Fantastic Fungi available to rent or buy as a digital download”. You can pre-order now to rent or buy the film which will be available on March 26 at 12AM ET. If you rent the film, you will have 48 hours to watch it. Register now also to participate in the Q&A with Stamets and Schwartzberg and others on March 26 – Fantastic Fungi Day at times shown below! The site is offering a 35% discount on the book through March 26.

Fantastic Fungi is a vivid journey into the mysterious subterranean world of mycelium and its fruit— the mushroom. A story that begins 3.5 billion years ago, fungi makes the soil that supports life, connecting vast systems of roots from plants and trees all over the planet, like an underground Internet. Through the eyes of renowned mycologist Paul Stamets, professor of forest ecology Suzanne Simard, best-selling author Michael Pollan, food naturalist Eugenia Bone and others, we experience the power, beauty and complexity of the fungi kingdom. The film is a blueprint for what connects all humanity and the natural world. There is much to learn from the world of mycelium and Fantastic Fungi is an inspiring place to begin the process of bringing us together as interconnected creators of our world.

First Q&A: 1:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm London Time / 9:00 pm Paris Time on March 26

Second Q&A: 6:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm CST / 9:00 pm EST

Third Q&A: 9:00 pm PST / 10:00 pm MST

Turkey Tail Mushroom Helped Heal Stage 4 Breast Cancer!

In the video Paul Stamets | Mushroom Science NO Trace of Cancer, Stamets explains that in 2009 his 84-year-old mother Patty was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Her doctor said it was the second worst case she had seen in 20 years of practice — and gave her just three months to live! However, the doctor recommended Turkey Tail mushrooms.

So, Patty took the Turkey Tail mushroom supplement Stamets creates at his Fungi Perfecti firm along with the drugs Taxol and Herceptin. Stamets initially praised Taxol but later said that it’s a terrible drug. He explains in his fascinating presentation “Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine” that of the 50 people in a Herceptin drug study in which his mother participated, 48 died. Only his mother also took the Turkey Tail supplement! Patty was still cancer free as of 2018. Given that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women is expected to get cancer, even that is VERY big news. Although Stamets doesn’t say the Turkey Tail mushroom supplement cured his mother’s cancer – only that it helped – it looks like the drugs didn’t help. So, people can draw their own conclusions.

The 2016 CNN article The ‘forbidden fruit’ of medicinal mushrooms follows the story.  7 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer is by Ty Bollinger, host of The Truth About Cancer. It says  that Turkey Tail mushroom has anti-viral properties which offer a unique opportunity to target tumor viruses.

How Mushrooms Heal Us and The Planet

6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Paul Stamets shows that mushrooms are highly active against flu viruses. Mushroom Supplements Boost Your Immune System explains that just we each have a gut microbiome, the Earth has its own microbiome — the community of micro-organisms (including bacteria, fungi, and viruses) that live in a habitat. Top soil is a microbiome with bio-activated nutrients – minerals from rocks. Topsoil is composed of mineral particles, organic matter, water, and air. It is where Earth’s biological activity occurs.

The Earth’s topsoil is a mixture of the microbiome made of bacteria and the mycobiome made of fungi. The mycobiome is like a spider web intertwining the microbiome. The mycobiome acts as a detox mechanism in the microbiome. The microbiome is the top layer with the mycobiome beneath which acts as an information-relaying network throughout the microbiome of the planet. There may be a layer of the microbiome underneath the mycobiome as well.

The video “Paul Stamets – Mushroom Magic | Bioneers” shows how mushrooms can help heal the planet. It explains that Stamets has recently achieved remarkable results cleaning up dangerous toxins using “fungal bioremediation” and radically improving soil fertility with mushrooms. Stamets explains that the mushroom network beneath the ground all over the Earth is the original communication “network” which is replicated in the internet. His work has shown that mushrooms can turn waste dumps into gardens.

Stamets loves walking the old growth forests with his wife Dr. Carolyn Dusty Wu Yao who is a plant specialist (shown below). In his fascinating and informative presentation “Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine,” Stamets discusses a variety of mushrooms and their uses. He goes into greater depth about how Turkey Tail mushrooms helped his mother recover from cancer and its additional benefits. He also shows that mushrooms have proven to be more effective than drugs in treating flu viruses like H1N1. Stamets discusses new data supporting the role of fungi in biosecurity and the health of the bees that pollinate our planet.

Podcast: The Magic of Mushrooms!

In the Organixx podcast “Episode 47, The Magic of Mushrooms,” Jonathan Hunsaker, founder of Organixx, and TeriAnn Trevenen, CEO of Organixx, discuss many of the amazing facts about mushrooms.

This podcast is a follow-up of Episode 6 “Boosting Your Immune System Using Mushroom” in which Jonathan and TeriAnn interviewed Dr. Daniel Nuzum, former chief formulator of Organixx products, about how to use mushrooms. Mushroom Supplements Boost Your Immune System documents that podcast which is no longer online. It shows that mushrooms are not plants or animals – and are closely related to humans!

The article explains that the biggest mushroom in the world is armillaria ostoyae — or as it has been nicknamed the “Humongous Fungus”. Covering 2,385 acres of Malheur National Forest, Oregon, it is our largest organism. From the way the fungus has been growing, it may also be our oldest organism. Humongous is estimated to be 2,400-8,650 years old.

Organixx 7M+ Supplement

Jonathan and TeriAnn focus on the Organixx 7M+ supplement which was the first product Organixx launched in 2016 and is now their second-best seller after their Turmeric 3D. The Organixx 7M+ contains Chaga, Lentinan, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Shitake, Turkey Tail, and Reishi mushrooms. Using centuries-old knowledge with a unique formulation process, Organixx unleashed the power of these mushrooms in a way never done before. 7M+ does not contain yeast, soy protein, sodium, starch, artificial coloring, preservatives, or flavoring and is GMO-Free.

Mushrooms and Telomeres: Slowing Down Aging

TeriAnn referenced podcast “Episode 46 Telomeres and Slowing Down Aging.”

The Organixx article explains that mushrooms help lengthen telomeres and slow down aging because they boost micro-nutrients, reduce inflammation, and provide anti-oxidants.

The article explains that the unique, fermented 7M+ mushroom supplement supports:

  • Heart Patented fermented mushroom extracts help keep your heart healthy
  • LiverLive brown seaweed extracts help support healthy liver function
  • StomachLion’s Mane fermentation maintains healthy gut function
  • Immune SystemHelps maintain healthy immune function
  • ThyroidSupports natural energy and mood balance
  • AdrenalsHelps your body recover from long-term stress

For centuries, the Japanese have understood the unsurpassed benefits of certain mushrooms. The article points out:

In fact, the last 3 men to hold records for oldest on Earth were all Japanese… of the 100 oldest people living today nearly 30% are from Japan…one dietary factor stands out that is unique to the Japanese diet: for centuries, the Japanese have been consuming a variety of mushrooms.  Mushrooms like Chaga, Shiitake, Reishi, and more.

They’re known to be some of the most powerful natural elements on Earth, and they’ve been a big part of the local diet in Okinawa for centuries. The benefits of mushrooms are known far and wide. The Japanese and other Asian cultures have cooked, made tea and other powerful elixirs to combat everything from inflammation to a poorly functioning heart. As it turns out, their love for these powerful fungi has translated into longer lives filled with youthful enthusiasm, boundless energy, strong immune systems, and a higher quality of life.

  1. Chaga Mushrooms TeriAnn began the discussion with Chaga mushrooms which have been used for centuries primarily in the East. The Chaga mushroom is known for its immune support and the soothing properties. Many traditional healers use it as a soothing tea for a powerful and natural digestive support. It’s also shown the potential to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. Chaga also has very powerful antioxidant properties that make it a powerhouse on its own.Chaga typically grows on Birch trees. While most mushrooms have a spongy, rubbery texture, Chaga mushrooms are harder than the Birch trees! Chainsaws have to be used to cut the Chaga off the tree – and they are more difficult to cut than the tree!
  2. Cordyceps Mushrooms Jonathan explained that cordyceps mushrooms were once so highly valued that only the Emperor of China was allowed to eat them! He lived past age 100 and continued fathering children as a centenarian! 7 Powerful Health Benefits of Cordyceps Mushrooms explains that cordyceps increase your energy and decrease fatigue, can help you manage stress, support your immune system, may support healthy liver and kidneys, and may protect against cancer. Referred to as caterpillar fungus, cordyceps have been a part of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine for centuries. Cordyceps are a combination of a larva or caterpillar and a fungus and can be found at high altitudes in the Himalayas.
  3. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms TeriAnn pointed out that Lion’s Mane supports brain health, boosts cognitive function, and aids against age-related memory loss. It also helps maintain mental focus and function. Jonathan explained that Lion’s Man also aids digestive function through its powerful regulation of bacteria. That is super important for the health of the gut microbiome. TeriAnn emphasized that the gut is the center of our health because it regulates and controls so many aspects of our well-being. 9 Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms says Lion’s Mane may protect against dementia, reduce mild anxiety and depression and help repair nerve damage. It also has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting abilities. Lion’s Mane may lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, ulcers, and diabetes.
  4. Turkey Tail Mushrooms Jonathan explained that the Turkey Tail mushroom is one of the best-researched mushrooms. It contains powerful antioxidant nutrients and high levels of selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B3 which are crucial for boosting and maintaining immunity. He said that Organixx includes Turkey Tail in its Turmeric 3D as well as the 7M+ supplement.
  5. Shitake Mushrooms TeriAnn pointed out that Shitake mushrooms boost your immune system and have anti-aging properties. The Lentinan in Shitake mushrooms has cholesterol-lowering properties. Why Shitake Mushrooms Are Good For You says: Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular mushrooms worldwide. They are prized for their rich, savory taste and diverse health benefits. Compounds in shiitake may help fight cancer, boost immunity, and support heart health….Shiitake mushrooms are low in calories. They also offer many vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting compounds.”
  6. Reishi Mushrooms Jonathan said Reishi is called “the mushroom of immortality”. He explained that Organixx put all these mushrooms in a blend because they are all so powerful at supporting the immune system. In the podcast Episode 46 Telomeres and Slowing Down Aging, Jonathan and TeriAnn explained that your immune system can affect the length of your telomeres — and thus your rate of aging. A lot of mushrooms reduce inflammation which also affects the length of the telomeres. 6 Benefits of Reishi Mushroom points out that the reishi mushroom is particularly popular. It has a variety of potential health benefits, including boosting the immune system and fighting cancer. Reishi’s effects on the immune system are often most emphasized, but it has other potential advantages as well. These include reduced fatigue and depression, as well as improved quality of life.

7M+ and Turmeric 3D Saved My Knees!

Jonathan said that in addition to being swallowed as a capsule, 7M+ capsules can be poured into a smoothie or tea which may be helpful in giving them to kids. Teri Ann explained that the podcast is intended to inform people about the health benefits of mushrooms which can be included in the diet in a variety of ways. So, the podcast is not an infomercial for Organixx products. However, 7M+ combines six powerful mushrooms (plus Lentinan from Shitake mushrooms) in an easy-to-take formula.

I became a huge Organixx fan in August 2018. On August 1, I began eating two ounces of dark chocolate every day on the recommendation of an MD in a docuseries I watched in July. Although I had never had any problems with my knees, on August 15, I suddenly felt like I had no knees! I could barely walk!

Fortunately, I had recently learned about Organixx and had purchased 7M+ and Turmeric 3D with the intention of starting them in September for general health. I immediately started taking them and within 1-2 hours, my knees were back to normal. Two days later, I ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill at my gym and walked home (45 minutes) with no problem.

However, a couple of weeks later when I forgot to take the Turmeric 3D in the morning, I wasn’t sure I could get back home that afternoon because my knees began to disappear again! So, I took the Turmeric 3D every morning and the 7M+ every evening for months. Last summer, I was able to skip the supplements on week-ends.  From mid-November to the end of December, I didn’t take them at all. Now, I take them every day for three months and stop for one month – as recommended by Organixx.

I believe these two Organixx supplements saved me from being confined to a wheelchair!

Warning: DON’T EVER USE TURMERIC IF YOU’RE ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MEDICATIONS says not to use Turmeric if you are on blood thinners (including aspirin), antacids, or diabetes meds.

In February of last year, my dentist discovered a huge cavity that had not been there when I saw him six months earlier. When he asked what I had been doing differently, I realized that eating two ounces of chocolate every day had been too much sugar. I believe that the high sugar content in the chocolate may have also been responsible for the sudden collapse of my knees in just two weeks! Many people (including doctors) believe dark chocolate is a health food – and don’t realize that it has too much sugar.

In the video “Top 5 Collagen Destroying Foods | Worst Foods to Eat for Graceful Aging,” Dr. Josh Axe explains that sugar is the #1 culprit in destroying collagen. How Sugar Destroys Skin Collagen also shows the connection between sugar and the destruction of collagen. My theory is that the 1-2 ounces of dark chocolate I was eating daily destroyed the collagen in my knees and the Turmeric 3D and 7M+ restored the collagen. I also use the Organixx Collagen and the Organixx vanilla-flavored Bone Broth Protein.

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