Coronavirus Fears – Protect Yourself and Boost Immunity With These 10 Methods

By Dr. Scott Graves

You may have already heard the news about the coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China. It is reported that dozens of people have died from viral pneumonia and thousands more are infected. They even have quarantined cities totaling 50 million+ people.

Viral pneumonia can occur when an initial cold virus worsens and causes air sacs in your lungs to fill with fluids or pus, making it hard to breathe. Symptoms can include chest pain, cough with phlegm (yellow or green), fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and shortness of breath.

Here is what is important to know about this virus. First, let’s get some perspective. Remember the swine flu and Ebola viruses? Many people panicked and the mainstream media spread fear throughout the world. Fortunately, neither of these viruses amounted to anything at that time. Many people don’t know that on average 30,000 people die every year in the USA from complications to colds and flus leading to pneumonia. This is especially tragic with infants and the elderly (over age 65) being the most susceptible due to compromised or weakened immunity. Could the hype with this coronavirus be just that…hype? We don’t know yet, but I urge you not to buy into the fear peddled around by the mainstream media. Don’t give your inner power away to fear. Instead, be reassured that knowledge is power and there are many things you can do to be ready and to powerfully support your immune function.

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What that being said, it is very wise to be armed and ready during flu season. The worst months of flu season are January and February, historically. A coronavirus is part of a family of viruses that typically causes the common cold, but can be more severe at times. The virus is spread through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing and close contact. You also can be infected and not have any symptoms.

Here is my list of things to do to make sure that your immune system stays strong during this flu season.

1 – Wash your hands frequently but not obsessively (from fear). Please use organic soap. I suggest not using non-organic soaps and hand sanitizers due to them containing triclosan, parabens, synthetic fragrances, and alcohol, which are toxic and STRESS the immune system. My favorite organic hand soap is Dr. Bronners, which smells divine. Our obsession with germ-killing items has bred antibiotic-resistant bacteria around the world. We should not fear viruses and bacteria; instead, we should learn how to let go of our fears. Being in a state of fear severely weakens immune response.

2 – Many people don’t get a cold or the flu each year. Only 10% of the population gets sick with the flu every year. The flu is more severe than the common cold. An adult gets around 2 colds per year on average. What are the factors that separate people who get a cold or flu versus those who don’t? Rather than believing we “catch” a cold or flu, instead take the road of personal responsibility and realize that behaviors and habits we have (fear and stress) can lower our immunity for opportunistic pathogens to affect us. I personally am around many people who are sick every year in the clinic and I haven’t gotten a full-blown cold in 9 years.

3 – Immunity is compromised by eating foods that lower immunity, nutritional deficiencies and stress. Foods that lower immunity the most are refined sugar (even just a little), dairy products (yogurt, cow’s milk, cheese), GMO wheat, GMO corn, GMO soy, GMO canola (fried food), alcohol (even wine), pork and artificial sweeteners like Splenda. Sugar is perhaps the worst offender and can lower immune function by up to 33% for 24 hours.

4 – Make sure you are eating lots of nutrient-dense foods that support immunity including at least 3 servings (cups) of both vegetables and fruits per day and whole, unprocessed organic food. I recommend juicing vegetables with a juicer.

5 – Taking mega amounts (upwards of 30-60,000mgs per day or more) of vitamin C can often stop a cold or flu dead in its tracks. Start taking high amounts upon noticing first symptoms. This journal article outlines how to take the vitamin C. It is important to have vitamin C on hand AHEAD of time, before initial symptoms appear. The kind of vitamin C I recommend is found here. Otherwise, for an adult, it is safe to take 5,000mgs every day to prevent cold/flu and keep your immune system strong. The scientific studies they have done stating that taking vitamin C doesn’t help were done with less than 1,000mgs per day, which I can tell you will do almost nothing to cold or flu symptoms.

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6 – Taking mega amounts of zinc when you get first symptoms can also stop a cold/flu in its tracks. I suggest Good State Liquid Zinc Sulfate. Make sure you have this on hand AHEAD of time. Take 2 droppers full every four hours during the day. Repeat this for 3 days and go to one dropper full every day until symptoms disappear. You can also take a little zinc every day as a regular supplement.

7 – Taking mega amounts of vitamin D is also a powerful and inexpensive way to stop a cold/flu in its tracks. For example, one doctor reported giving his patients the vitamin D hammer who have influenza. This consists of a one-time 50,000IU dose daily or 10,000IU three times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results may be dramatic with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. I have seen powerful results from this in the clinic as well. Make sure you have this on hand AHEAD of time. Most people are very deficient in vitamin D and it is very safe to take in large amounts. I recommend NOW Vitamin D3 – 5000IU. You can also take vitamin D every day as a regular supplement.

8 – Regular consumption of warming herbs during the winter can be very helpful including cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, ginger, garlic, fennel seeds. In the clinic I also use Immuplex and Congaplex from Standard Process to boost immunity and provide support while one has cold or flu symptoms. They are very powerful tools as well. Chinese medicine also has many herbal formulas for boosting immune function.

9 – Many people don’t know that acupuncture is a powerful way to strengthen the immune system and powerfully deal with colds and the flu. Get acupuncture regularly, but especially get it when you get first symptoms (runny nose, sore or itchy throat, congestion, headache, body ache, etc).

10 – Stress is one of the main depressors of immune function, especially fear and anger. One of the best tools that can help you to deal powerfully with stress is either tapping or The Sedona Method. I highly recommend using either one. You can also meditate daily for incredible learned relaxation. I suggest listening to this guided meditation every day for the next 60 days. Meditation is life changing.

We don’t have to fear this coronavirus or cold and flu season. Eating good clean organic foods, avoiding immune lowering foods and having some vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D ready during the cold and flu season can do wonders for increasing your immune function. Also, by learning how to relax in our stressful world can do wonders for our immune system. With these tools you will be armed and ready for cold and flu season.

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