What’s The Best Time To Eat An Apple?

best time to eat an apple to cleanse the colonBy Karen Foster

Apples are a widely consumed, rich source of phytochemicals, and epidemiological studies have linked the consumption of apples with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, asthma, and diabetes. In addition, apples cleanse the colon and aid in healthy digestion. However, its prowess and immunity increasing abilities is optimal at a specific time of the day.

Canadian scientists have found that the fruit is more effective than other “superfoods” including green tea and blueberries as a source of antioxidants and chemical compounds called flavonoids that combat potentially life-threatening conditions. Two apples a day have been found to be more effective at reducing heart disease than statin medications.

Previous research has found that ursolic acid from apple peels can help to fight growing waistlines by increasing calories burned. The natural substance found in apple peel can partially protect mice from obesity and some of its harmful effects.

Apples are rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is found in its peel. Since most people have digestive issues due to improper sleep or late eating habits, apples right in the morning, after waking up is optimal. Eating an apple in the morning can stimulate your bowel movement better than any other fruit.

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In fact, whether you eat an apple on an empty stomach or with a meal can alter the way your body digests it. For this reason it is suggested that fruit be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. When we eat apples on an empty stomach, the digestive system breaks down the sugars in the fruit quickly and allows us to get the full nutritional benefits.

Pectin can also help protect lactic acid and help the bacteria present in it grow better in the colon. This will further help in promoting a healthier digestive tract. Pectin in apples can help get rid of toxins and leads to the elimination of carcinogens, a substance responsible for producing disease.

If you eat apples at night or in the evening, this pro-digestive fruit can turn against you and load on your intestinal functions. This means apples at night may produce gas and make you severely uncomfortable during the wee hours. When apples are paired with other food types in a meal, the process is slowed down since the digestive enzymes have other work to do as well. This means the fruit ends up sitting in the body for longer than necessary and can actually start to ferment.

Also, the organic acid in apples can increase the stomach acid more than normal levels and can interfere with bowel movements.

So try an apple first thing in the morning, before your cup of coffee or as a snack in between meals to get its maximum benefits which include nutrients, weight loss, good skin, great digestion and a healthy body in the long run.

Also Read: How To Cleanse With Juicing and Juice Fasting

Karen Foster writes for Prevent Disease, where this article first appeared.

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