Month: June 2017

Psychedelics and Plant Medicines Dispel the Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression

By Dylan Charles Depression is now the number one worldwide cause of disease and disability, according to the World Health Organization. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the psychiatric industry’s bible, defines depression as the near daily existence of at least 5…

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Data Indicates Cell Phones Expose Consumers To Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim, Says The French Government

By Catherine J. Frompovich The Environmental Health Trust published “Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: More Exposure Than Manufacturers Claim ‘PhoneGate’ In France, government data release reveals 9 out of 10 phones tested exceed regulatory limits” [1]. The French ANFR published online on June 1, 2017, a…

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Grateful Dead Saves Bees and Butterflies Through Jerry Garcia’s Memory

By Heather Callaghan, Editor Hearts broke everywhere when the bright light of Jerry Garcia was extinguished in 1995. Chances are, he’d love that his legacy is living on through the Grateful Dead‘s new efforts to recharge the declining bee and monarch populations by gifting Deadheads. Garcia’s bandmates Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, and…

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