The Fickleness of Law, Especially USA Law

By Catherine J. Frompovich

What you will read probably will not sit well with you and many professions, especially the legal. The law has become a ‘bastardized’ and ‘owned’ commodity for those who either have legal friends, financial assets, or political clout, especially corporations who have taken over the legal system lock, stock and barrel via their extensive and intensive armies of lobbyists, I contend. That leaves no room for justice to take place, in my opinion.

I do not make those statements lightly, as I’m a certified paralegal, who in the 1980s was first in her class (Grade: A) and was awarded the “Scholarly Award” for excellence in Paralegal Studies. My intent in going to paralegal school was to acquire 18 or 21 credits toward law school. However, that all changed the evening in paralegal school sitting in a college classroom hearing the professor make some remarks about the law which prompted my uncontrollable outburst, “So that’s why Justice is blindfolded!” Needless to say, the entire class was stunned and everyone, including the professor, looked at me as if I had lost my marbles. But, I had not; I had gained what I would call the wisdom of the ages.

Consequently, I went home that night to tell my late husband I would not be going to law school. He was stunned and had to know why I had changed my determination about earning a JD degree. My answer is not what most people would want to hear, but I was being honest in how I felt and, in some ways, betrayed a bit by the law: “I did not want to become a legal whore.” Strong words—yes, but never more true than what’s happened to the law and legal profession in the USA, in particular, since the late 1980s when the New World Order crowd overtook the law, in my opinion, when our form of governance shifted into a Corporatocracy, rather than preserving the democratic Republic governed by founding documents and a Constitution.

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What I cannot understand is how the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court allowed that to happen or, did Congress and SCOTUS actually contribute to it?

Some historically-oriented individuals claim we actually lost our republic and its laws during and/or after the War Between the States, the Civil War. Not having been around then, I cannot comment on what’s been written about that aspect of law in the United States. What I know from experience is what I have lived through for close to 79 years; also having been a Political Science major and an activist most of my professional life dedicated to preserving holistic health principles and professions.

I can relate stories you wouldn’t believe of what I actually did and accomplished, but what’s the use. That’s in the past and the memories are lifetime for me. At one time I did make a difference!

But the problem is now and how the law is treating U.S. citizens and its total disregard for facts and valid science while using pseudoscience and “consensus science” as ‘legal expertise’. In the Corporatocracy we live in, corporations with vested interests, e.g., Big Pharma and chemical companies like Monsanto, etc., utilities and other financially lucrative entities have overtaken government agencies via revolving door policies that exist between U.S. federal and state agencies which create or rewrite laws to corporations’ and lobbyists’ specifications and vested interests, which should be illegal. That’s the number one law-breaker in USA law: Corporate supremacy at law, and in the courts!

Another bug-a-boo about U.S. law is that every state has its own legal ‘version’ of law, which complicates legalistic issues for the low-man on the totem pole. A case in point: AMI Smart Meter laws, which numerous states provide opt-outs or exemptions for those who either can’t tolerate the EMFs emitted by AMI SMs or don’t want those meters on their house, which are Americans’ free choice issues. No state entity or law should mandate a person become sick because of some utility company’s vested interest in obtaining federal funding that was pushed along by a state’s public utility commission.

The State of California experienced questionable legal shenanigans regarding that state’s public utility commissioner, as an example. See The San Diego Union-Tribune article “Criminal probe of utilities commission may get new life.”

Two months later, investigators convinced a judge they needed to search the Los Angeles area home of Michael Peevey, the longtime commission president who had decided in late 2014 not to seek reappointment as the state’s top utility regulator.

Source: above article

There undoubtedly have been many irregularities at law regarding the AMI SM laws, like what occurred in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I have a Pro Se case before the PA PUC’s Administrative Law Court, which refuses to accept thousands of scientific documentation about non-thermal radiation adverse health effects I tried presenting in court. Furthermore, I cited the PA PUC for its illegal role in writing AMI SM regulations based upon what it “BELiEVED” the PA state legislature passed (and I have proof in writing from the PA PUC’s Office of Communications), thereby negating an opt-IN bill the state legislature passed, and signed into law! See how the law is screwing citizens! Or, shall we call that a ‘fickleness of the law’? Furthermore, I’ve filed a formal complaint with the PA Attorney General’s Consumer Protection office, only to be disregarded! Where is the law? Who is the law protecting in Pennsylvania? Not citizens, in my opinion!

Another example of how the law does not work to protect the citizens of the USA is what the FDA does at numerous levels regarding food and drugs. The classic example is the mandated non-labeling of GMO ‘phoods’. Why is truth in advertising laws not being upheld? Good question? Or is it total disregard for advertising law to validate and substantiate Monsanto and other GMO producers?

GMO ‘phoods’ are not similar to natural foods—a scientific lie, if ever there was one—since natural foods do not contain GMO-engineered molecules or foreign DNA, and do not possess U.S. patents! Give me a break, U.S. law! See how lies can become laws?

Scientifically Proven Method to Reverse Diabetes (Ad)

Another classic example is the U.S. CDC/FDA breaking of the law in what I contend both agencies do to enforce mandatory vaccinations with neurotoxic ingredients for pregnant mothers, newborns, infants, toddlers, teens, adults and senior citizens. Shooting up children with toxic chemicals is nothing short of “chemical child abuse” about which no one in any of the three branches of government—or their laws—is doing anything to correct. Why?

Incidentally, we have the U.S. Congress to thank for that law (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34), which gave vaccine makers total product liability exemptions, and gave us two generations of vaccine-injured children, especially those on the Autism Spectrum.

Speaking of the law being enforced or misapplied, read how the U.S. Supreme Court only compounded the vaccine problem by not protecting vaccine-damaged children, only the vaccine industry, when SCOTUS rendered its unbelievable BRUESEWITZ v. WYETH LLC decision. However, two dissenting justices got it right. What happened to the other justices? Law is a matter of interpretation, and if one doesn’t have one’s head on correctly, innocent people are made to pay the price. Why was it rumored that Chief Justice Roberts divested his investment portfolio of pharmaceutical stocks before rendering his vote in the majority decision?

Citizens in foreign countries can sue vaccine makers; not in the USA!

Now here’s the legal rub about law, in my opinion.

Recently, the French court mandated results of cell phones EMFs produced as used by humans close to the body be published. See my article about that here. Why does the law in France say and oblige one thing, when U.S. law totally accepts the false and misleading statements of microwave industry professional associations, e.g., ICNIRP, that there are no such ‘things’ as non-thermal radiation adverse events, when 32 percent of microwave industry-funded studies found them! That’s legal proof they exist, yet the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and states’ public utilities commissions and their Administrative Law Courts rely on and accept LIES as facts at law! Is that really legal at law?

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels [1]. [CJF emphasis] Is that the principle by which U.S. law operates regarding “consensus science”?

Can you now understand why I say the things I do? The law seemingly speaks out of both sides of its gavel, especially when vested interests are at stake. In the case of microwave industries, it’s the 5G, Wi-Fi in the sky and Wi-Fi receivers on everyone’s front porch post being ‘protected’ in order to promote the surveillance society the USA has become, regrettably, due to the unfortunate passing of congressional laws somehow legally mandating a usurpation of the U.S. Constitution, or by authoritarian Presidential Executive Orders!

There are many such legalities and anomalies at law; almost too many once you start to study law. If you have a conscience, that bothers you, I say. If law is what it’s supposed to be, i.e., following Natural law and the rights humans are endowed with by Creator’s Natural law, then the ‘business of law’ sure is off the beam and needs to be rehabilitated, in my candid opinion.



Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Image Credit: Pixabay

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