Organic Whole Food Supplementation for Headaches and Migraines
By Dr. Scott Graves, Natural Blaze
Many people today are dangerously low in nutrients due to the toxins in our food, poor growing conditions and modern mass agricultural methods. This deficiency of nutrients can lead to experiencing migraines or tension headaches. White breads, rice, grains and other nutrient deficient foods have lead to many humans being very nutrient deficient. When the body is deficient it cannot provide what it needs in order to function properly. Think of a car getting very bad or low quality gasoline. Over time, the car will not run as efficiently and other systems of the car will become affected and will begin to break down. Our bodies function the same way. If the body is given poor foods, the results will be health problems. Even with those folks that do have healthier diet, whole food organic supplements are needed to supply all of the missing factors that one may not be getting so that the body can be healthy.
The company we use here in the clinic is Standard Process. They have been making organic whole food supplements for over 90 years. They continue to help my patients with all kinds of health problems. They literally have supplements to assist the body with any health condition, including migraines and tension headaches. Below I am going to mention some of the products that “in general” help with giving the body what it need to lessen or alleviate pain. However, if you want to know exactly what your body needs, the weakest part of your body, whether you have any heavy metal/chemical toxicity and what exactly will help you to heal the most, I would highly suggest doing Nutrition Response Testing.
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Nutrition Response Testing is a way to test the body for all of these things and to determine exactly how much of something you will need per day in order to start healing physically. Nutrition Response Testing can be done here at the clinic or non-locally over the phone through a distance session. Standard Process is only sold through licensed healthcare professionals, so please call for a consultation. Remember, these are suggestions to support the body, not to imply that these things are what heal/cure a headache. When the body has the right resources it can heal itself.
Tension Headaches – Antronex , Phosfood, Arginex, Parotid; if from Stress, add Drenamin
Menstrual Headaches – Ovex, add Chaste Tree to above
Menopausal headaches – Trace-Minerals-B12, add Wild Yam Complex
Low blood sugar headaches – Diaplex
Migraine headaches – Phosfood, Magnesium Lactate, Calcium Lactate
Sinus Headaches – Congaplex, Cataplex ACP, Antronex
Here are a couple of other tips related to physical issues and using whole food supplementation.
Back of the head headaches – could be caused by too heavy carbohydrate consumption and the body’s inability to break carbohydrates down. Parotid PMG is great for this and also digestive enzymes such as Multizyme, Lact-Enz, Zypan or Enzycore. Choline is also great for this. Drinking even 1 cup of coffee per day can deplete the body of choline. Soybean Lecithin is great for this.
Temple area or side of the head – This can be due to the body’s inability to break down fat causing gallbladder congestion. AF Betafood, Choline and Zypan are great for these types. Left side behind the left eye can be related to a Zinc deficiency (Zinc Liver Chelate). Right side behind the right eye can be related to an Iron deficiency (Ferrofood, with caution). Behind the right ear – potassium deficiency (organically bound minerals). Behind the left ear – sodium deficiency (celery and cucumber).
Aluminum is actually a big factor in many migraines and cluster headaches now. Chelation therapy may be needed to pull aluminum from the body. We have some great chelating agents we use in the clinic.
Many organic whole food supplementation options for migraines and tension headaches exist that are very helpful and provide the body with what it needs to heal. You don’t need to come to our clinic here in Orlando/Altamonte Springs/Winter Park in order to have access to these products. Please call 407-255-0314 and we can have a phone consultation in order to see what might work best for you.
Image: Natural Blaze
DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This is part 8 of a series on headaches and migraines – read more from Dr. Scott Graves
Previous parts:
- 10 Keys To Healing Tension Headaches And Migraines Naturally
- 8 Triggers To Migraine And Tension Headaches
- Juicing And Electrolytes For Headaches And Migraines
- Shield Yourself From EMF And Electromagnetic Pollution Headaches And Migraines
- The Emotions and Consciousness Behind Headaches and Migraines
- Chinese Medicine, Headaches And Migraines
- Chiropractic for Migraines and Headaches
Dr. Scott Graves ND, MA is a Florida-based Naturopath and Intuitive who specializes in Nutrition Response Testing, NAET, EFT, and Psychokinesiology. He offers free 15 minute phone consultations and is available for radio and TV interviews. Read his Blog here. Like him on Facebook.