5 Reasons to Love White Mulberry
The benefits of white mulberry (Morus alba) have been well documented for (literally) several thousand years. Native to Asia, the white mulberry has been successfully introduced to countries all over the world.
It’s good for both humans and cattle with versatile uses. Since the entire plant (roots, bark, leaves, and fruit) is useful, no part needs to be wasted!
Calling it a “bush” is technically incorrect since white mulberry can reach 70 feet in height! It’s definitely a tree and with all that real estate, it’s a good thing. More mulberry compounds to utilize and enjoy!
Discussed at length in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in regards to blood health, white mulberry is just as effective as a holistic remedy in our modern world.
Lower in sugar than other berries, they’re not short on nutrition. Packed with fiber, protein, and antioxidants, the berries have a taste reminiscent of fresh figs (one of my favorite fruits), resemble blackberries in appearance, and have a texture similar to raisins.
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There are plenty of berries at your local market to choose from that are likely easier to find and perhaps cheaper to buy but the benefits of white mulberries have an edge over their competition.
White mulberries are an up-and-coming star on the superfood horizon! #SuperfoodCLICK TO TWEET
Why You Should Care about The Benefits of White Mulberries
1. Controls Blood Sugar: Several studies have focused on the anti-diabetic effects of white mulberries. They contain a compound identified as 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) that researchers believe shut down your body’s digestion of sugar. It doesn’t make it to your cells because it’s flushed like other “waste” products.
In fact, it’s so good that you need to inform your doctor if you plan on adding white mulberry benefits to your diet. It can drop your glucose levels too low to be safe if you’re already taking medication for the disease.
2. Provide Powerful Nutrition: One of the best aspects of white mulberry is the vegetarian protein content. Even the leaves are abundant in polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals that have strong antioxidant effects. The fruits are a good source of quercetin.
Having a strong focus on a nutritious diet is critical for every person at every
age. If you already have health risks associated with diabetes, heart disease, or cancer – it’s far more critical for you. Adding foods such as white mulberries is one of many ways to improve your eating plan and start feeling better from the inside out.
3. Fights Arterial Hardening: White mulberry seems to be effective at limiting the accumulation of arterial plaque that leads to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The plaque that builds up is typically caused by excess LDL “bad” cholesterol and once the process begins, it can escalate faster than you might imagine.
Healthy fats are important to your entire body. However, the typical Western Diet is filled with dangerously unhealthy fats that damage the heart, brain, liver, and metabolism. Experts agree that diet can impact as much as 80% of your health (good or bad). It is the single biggest change you can make to protect your organs and internal functions.
4. Lowers “Bad” Cholesterol Naturally: When we talk about cholesterol, it’s important to note that not all forms of this substance are equal. Having high levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is dangerous for your heart as are elevated triglycerides. White mulberry has proven effective in several studies in lowering bad cholesterol and triglyceride.
Anything that helps you lower these numbers naturally without prescription drugs (statins) is a win! There are currently debates raging about the numbers to strive for regarding cholesterol. Scientists and doctors now understand the importance of cholesterol for the health of your vital organs (especially your brain). The “right” cholesterol is key.
5. Raises “Good” Cholesterol Naturally: Just as you don’t want LDL readings that are too high, you don’t want high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels that are too low. In one study from India, white mulberry benefits affected these numbers significantly in the positive.
Choosing healthy fats such as fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines), coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, eggs, seeds, and nuts is one way to “feed” your organs what they need without overwhelming them with junk. These foods are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals your insides crave without the artery-clogging issues you get with processed and fast food.
Other conditions that may benefit from white mulberry compounds are inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, infections, constipation, intestinal parasites, and cancer. As new studies are conducted to determine the full scope of positive effects, you’ll likely see more about this ancient tree (or bush if you follow the nursery rhyme) in mainstream health news.
Consider adding the power of white mulberry to your daily diet in the form of tea or supplemental capsules (made from the leaves) or as preserves, syrup or juice (made from the fruit). Some farmers even add ground mulberry leaves to animal feed to prevent worms and other infections!
No matter how you eat or drink it, white mulberries are an up-and-coming star on the superfood horizon! Have you tried them? What did you think? Tell us in the comments below!
This article appeared first at Daily Superfood Love and appears here with permission.Â
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Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.