Brain Food to Improve Cognition
You are what you eat and that’s especially true when it comes to your brain. To preserve cognitive thinking all the years of your life, you have to consume brain food.
Give it the right fuel and watch it go.
There are a lot of critical aspects to brain health into our oldest age. Getting the right amount of sleep, eating right, exercise, positive thinking, lowering physical and mental stress, and limiting your toxic load are all firmly under your control.
Garbage food, fake food, fast food doesn’t feed your body or your brain. In fact, research shows it steals the nutrients you have. It saps away your energy, your fuel, leaving you exhausted, mentally sluggish, and sometimes even sick.
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10 Brain Foods You Need in Your Life
1. Coconut oil. This healthy fat offers your brain an alternative fuel to glucose. In the case of neurodegenerative disease, your brain becomes insulin resistant and literally begins to starve from lack of energy source. Coconut oil in particular has shown incredible promise in slowing (and even reversing) some symptoms of dementia.
2. Eggs. The ultimate brain food (and a personal favorite) that’s also considered one of the most perfect proteins on earth. They have a little bit of everything your body needs and are particularly great for those days you need energy and a clear head.
3. Avocado. Another healthy fat that also helps improve blood flow. So delicious, so nutritious, and a great substitute product if you’re not a fan of mayonnaise.
4. Nuts and seeds. Packed with healthy fat, protein, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acid, nuts and seeds are a great snack that delivers all day long. They also offer roughage that moves things along in your gastrointestinal system. Several studies have shown that people who eat just one handful each day experience an improvement in cognition.
5. Fatty fish and sea vegetables. This is where you’ll find the best omega-3s. Many patients who test positive for various forms of dementia (and other diseases) are omega-3 deficient. In fact, 25% of your brain is made of a fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Your body cannot make it – you can only get it through your diet – and the older you get, the more you need.
6. Berries. Fresh or frozen, these little berries are good for your entire body. They’re a powerful antioxidant that mops up free radicals like a champion. The massive amount of research done on berries in incredible and scientists keep finding things they’re good for. Brain cognition, heart health, and boosting immunity are just a few.
7. Turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin. Spices are finally getting the recognition they deserve as powerful brain foods. Turmeric in particular has been at the forefront of health news over the last three years as scientists discovered it was a powerful fighter of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disease.
8. Leafy greens (kale, spinach, broccoli). They’re amazing. You know that already and so many people just won’t share the love with these brain boosters, immunity helpers, cancer fighters, and heart lovers. You need to find ways to incorporate these delicious (I realize that’s a matter of opinion) into your daily life. Even if you take the easy way out and blend them in a daily shake. You won’t regret how great they make you feel!
9. Green tea or coffee. Both of these have been scientifically proven to improve cognition over all the years of your life. They boost metabolism, improve memory, help you concentrate, aid in better blood flow, lower your risk of cancer, and so much more. They’re the two most popular beverages in the world so if you’re not drinking one or the other (or both), you absolutely should be!
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10. Dark chocolate. Yeah, chocolate. Every time I put this delicious helper on a list, I almost feel like I’m cheating. How can the one chocolate I love most be so good for me? (I don’t care. I really don’t. Gimme.) In all seriousness, it’s a natural stimulant that is perfect for a healthy heart, to improve mood (even lower risk of depression), maintain a healthy body weight, and boost your brain power. Go for the highest cacao possible (70% is my favorite) because it leaves less room for sugar. In moderation, of course.
You can’t neglect the other aspects of your life (or habits) but brain foods can give you what you need with very little effort. Right now, this minute, you can mix a smoothie that contains some or all of these ingredients. I’ve done it and it wasn’t bad.
Whatever you feed your brain, make sure you remember: garbage in…garbage out.
Whatever you feed your brain, make sure you remember: garbage in…garbage out.
This article appeared first at Daily Superfood Love and appears here with permission.
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Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.