Astonishing Results of Peach Extracts on Cancer Cells
Growing up we all heard the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Now it’s three peaches a day keeps cancer away.
The peach is known as “the fruit of calmness” in Hungary. In China, it is a symbol of good luck and longevity. This reputation may be more accurate than anyone previously realized.
In fact, peach compounds don’t just keep cancer away, they make the cancerous cells kill themselves, according to a new study.
Food science researcher at Washington State University, Giuliana Noratto, with a team at Texas A & M, found that polyphenol chemicals in peaches induce the human body to kill metastatic cancer cells. Actually, certain signals in these cells are activated to make the cells kill themselves. Her team found the polyphenols in peaches attack all cancer cells.
Noratto and her team found that the particular compounds that make cancer cells start destroying themselves (commonly referred to apoptosis) are not stable when heated. Ditch the can and stick with the fresh, juicy peach. During the study, an extract was used – so scour the grocery store aisles for peach extract containing chlorogenic and neochlorogenic compounds.
Unlike chemo, the compounds in peaches a cellularly-selective which means it would kill only the cancer cells and leaving your body undamaged. The researchers are positive the high-dose peach extract will offer a side effect free cancer treatment.
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Giuliana Noratto and her team were very surprised when they saw the cells dying off. The active compounds in the fruit lead the cancerous cells to send themselves signals “to commit suicide”. This slowed the growth of these cells (obviously) and the cancer’s spread.
After the initial research was conducted, the team found that peaches with the most red contain more cancer-fighting compounds. Crest Haven, Red Haven, Elberta, and Blushing Star are on the redder side and are a good place to start. Rich Lady was the type of peach used in the study.
Compounds in peaches prevent breast cancer without harming healthy cellular activity
Peaches, considered to belong to the “stone fruit” family because of their large stone-like seed, contain potent polyphenol activity known as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic compounds. While these compounds are present in other stone fruits, they are of particularly high concentration in peaches.
This is really good anticancer news for everyone.
Beyond breast cancer, researchers found in further animal studies that the polyphenols prevented other cancers from continuing to grow, making them a practical anti-cancer food therapy. Never underestimate the healing power of natural foods.
The best part about peaches? Doctors and oncologists don’t get kickbacks from peddling peaches.
Well ain’t that just peachy!
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